100字范文 > 组培苗生长 plantlet growth英语短句 例句大全

组培苗生长 plantlet growth英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-05 05:12:05


组培苗生长 plantlet growth英语短句 例句大全

组培苗生长,plantlet growth

1)plantlet growth组培苗生长


1.Research on the Cerium Nitrate on the Pumpkin Plantlet Growth硝酸铈对南瓜组培苗生长影响的研究

2.Effects of Exogenous Hormones on tissue culture seedling of Saposhnikovia divaricata外源激素对生药防风组培苗生长发育的影响

3.Effect of Different Site Types on Growth and Development of Siraitia Grosvenorii Tissue Cultured Seedlings;不同立地类型对罗汉果组培苗生长发育的影响

4.Study on the Effect of Ultrasonic Treatment on the Growth of Cultured Stachys Sieboldii Seedlings;超声处理对地灵组培苗生长影响的研究

5.Research on Tissue Culture Seedling Growth Monitoring Based on Computer Vision;基于计算机视觉的组培苗生长监测的研究

6.Effect of Auxion and Dynamic Measurement of Growth Orychophragmus Violaceus Plantlet in Vitro;诸葛菜组培苗生长的动态监测及激素的影响

7.Modeling of the Plant Tissue Culture Seedling Based on Multisensor Information Fusion基于多传感器信息融合的组培苗生长建模

8.Modeling of the plant tissue culture seedling based on multivariate statistical information fusion基于多元统计信息融合的植物组培苗生长建模

9.Effects of Plant Growth Regulators on Growth and Endogenous Hormones of In Vitro Plantlets of Manchurian Ash植物生长调节剂对水曲柳组培苗生长及内源激素的影响

10.Studies of Illuminace on Growth Characteristics of Sugar-free Micropropagation with Liquid Culture in Open-space of Chrysanthemum Plantlets光照强度对大空间液体培养无糖菊花组培苗生长特性的影响

11.Studies of CO_2 Concenration on Growth Characteristics of Sugar-free Micropropagation with Liquid Culture in Open-space of Chrysanthemum Plantlets不同CO_2浓度对大空间液体培养无糖菊花组培苗生长特性的研究

12.Influences of AM Fungi on Growth and Water Ecophysiology of Grouped Shatian Pomelo During Cultivating and Training PeriodsAM真菌对沙田柚组培苗炼苗期水分生理及生长效应的研究

13.Effect of Growth Regulator and Fertilizer on Tissue Culture Seedling Desk Chrysanthemum;生长调节剂和肥料对组培苗案头菊的影响

14.Effects of Medium Composition on the Growth of Dendrobium loddigesii Rolfe Tube-seedlings培养基组成对环草石斛试管苗生长的影响

15.Effects of potassium application on growth of bulbs derived form plantlet of Oriental Lily施钾对东方百合组培苗鳞茎生长的影响

16.Elementary Study on Tissue Culture of Louisiana iris and Its Growth Law in Seedling Period路易斯安娜鸢尾组培和苗期生长规律初步研究

17.Effects of Auxin Analogs on Phytoplasma in Infected Sour Jujube Shoots Grown in vitro生长素类物质对植原体感染酸枣组培苗的影响

18.Studies on Growth Characteristics and Rhythm Regulation of Apple Plantlets Repeatedly Subcultured in Vitro;苹果组培苗多代保存过程中生长特性及生长节奏调控技术研究


wild and cultured plants野生苗与组培苗

3)tissue culture seedling组培苗

1.Silviculture results oftissue culture seedlings and cutting seedlings of Eucalyptus grandis×E.urophylla clones;巨尾桉优良无性系组培苗与扦插苗的造林效果

2.Minipreparation of genomic DNA fromtissue culture seedling of Carica papaya L.番木瓜组培苗叶片基因组DNA的微量提取

3.In order to avoid vitreous shoot phenomenon of Carnation and reduce the cost oftissue culture seedlings discussion is made according to raw materials sources, culturing method, conditions and other aspects.为克服香石竹的玻璃苗现象以及降低组培苗生产成本 ,提高生根率 ,从材料来源、培养方法及培养条件等方面作了介绍 ,并通过试验研究与分析 ,提出了具体的组培技术措

4)tissue culture组培苗

1.This paper discusses the factors that can affect survival ratio of glabrous mountain ashtissue culture seeding through the aspects of culture quality,transplantation groundmass,effective leaves,humidity and temperature.该研究从无毛花楸组培育质量、移栽基质、有效叶片数、湿度、温度等方面试验,讨论了影响组培苗移栽成活率因素。

2.A set of orthogonal experiment was carried on blueberry in order to search the infulence of basic medium,IBA,NAA,sucrose and carbon on root induction oftissue culture.利用正交试验设计研究了不同基本培养基、不同浓度的吲哚丁酸、萘乙酸、蔗糖以及活性炭等因子对越橘组培苗生根的影响。

5)Tissue culture seedlings组培苗

1.Study on isolation,identification and control of microbe from thecontaminated tissue culture seedlings of Anthurium andreanum;红掌组培苗污染微生物的分离鉴定和防治

2.Effects of different auxins and matrices on cutting propagation of young branches derived from tissue culture seedlings and cutting seedlings of Lonicera confusa DC.不同生长素和基质对华南忍冬组培苗和扦插苗幼嫩枝条扦插的影响(英文)

3.The study selected the tissue culture seedlings of Philodendron selloumc.针对水培花卉组培苗存在的固定难、根系易收缩、植株易失水等问题,在水培羽裂绿蔓绿绒、绿巨人、蝴蝶兰中进行水草、农用岩棉、花泥、海棉等4种不同基质固定栽培试验。

6)Tissue culture plantlet组培苗

1.Sugar-free culture system of tissue culture plantlet for large space based on environmental control基于环境控制的组培苗无糖培养系统

2.Techniques of forcing culture of tissue culture plantlet in Hydrangea Macrophylla Ser.研究应用多效唑调控八仙花2年生组培苗的生长发育,以及利用兰州地区的自然环境条件,在户外自然低温条件下打破花芽休眠,以期将八仙花的花期提前到春节前后。

3.In the process of tissue culture plantlet production, the plantlet bottle with small entrance is used for reducing bacteria pollution.在工厂化组培苗生产过程中,为减少病菌污染,生产上多采用细口培养瓶育苗。


苗秀(1920~1980)新加坡作家。原名卢绍权。曾用笔名文之流、军茄、夏盈等。生于新加坡一华侨商人家庭,曾任银行职员、《星洲日报》翻译、《晨星》文艺副刊主编、中学英文教师和南洋大学中文系副教授,以及新加坡(英文)作家协会副主席和新加坡(华文)写作人协会顾问。1970年参加编辑《新马华文文学大系》。他擅长描写社会下层人物,其代表作是中篇小说《新加坡屋顶下》(1952), 后陆续发表长篇小说《火浪》(1960)、《残夜行》(1976,曾获新加坡1978年度书籍奖)、《蛹》(1979)和《初熟》(1979),中篇小说《年代和青春》(1952)、《小城忧悒》(1962),短篇小说集《旅愁》(1953)、《第十六个》(1955)、《边鼓》(1958)、《红雾》(1963)和《人畜之间》(1960),散文集《文学与生活》(1967)和《马华文学史话》(1968)等。1971年获新加坡共和国总统公共服务勋章。
