100字范文 > 教育世俗化 secularization of education英语短句 例句大全

教育世俗化 secularization of education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-08 10:18:32


教育世俗化 secularization of education英语短句 例句大全

教育世俗化,secularization of education

1)secularization of education教育世俗化


1.On the Influence of the Reformation on the Secularization of the Western European Education in the Early Modern Times;浅析宗教改革对西欧近代教育世俗化的影响

2.secular education, art, music世俗教育、 艺术、 音乐

3.Religionization of Secular Conceptions and Secularization of Religious World世俗思想的宗教化和宗教世界的世俗化

4.Secularization and Modernization of Religious Education──A Case Study of the Chung Chi College of the Chinese University of Hong Kong宗教教育的世俗化与现代化──香港中文大学崇基学院个案研究

5.secular education世俗教育(与宗教教育相对而言);普通教育

6.Secularization of Chinese Buddhism and "Mundane Buddhism";略论中国佛教的世俗化与“人间佛教”

7.Religion Secularization under the Circumstances of Modernization论现代化条件下的宗教世俗化问题

8.The most successful carvings in Dazu are recognizably human and less preoccupied with the concept of divinity.宗教之"世俗化"、"生活化"为其特色。

9.Studies on the Transformation of Indian Law Secularization;法律的宗教化与法律的世俗化—印度法律的世俗化变革研究

10.How to Go beyond the Classical Secularization Theory? On three postsecularization approaches in the sociology of religion;如何超越经典世俗化理论?——评宗教社会学的三种后世俗化论述

11.The Religion Secularization Theory of Marx and Engels--An Estimation of Berger s Desecularization Theory;马克思、恩格斯的宗教世俗化理论——兼评伯格的“非世俗化”理论

12.Sanctified secularity and secularized sacredness--comments on historical background of John Calvin"s religious reformation神圣化的世俗 世俗化的神圣——兼评加尔文宗教改革的历史背景

13.Secularization of Buddhism in the Shanshan Kingdom Reflected in Kharosthi Documents;从佉卢文文书看鄯善国佛教的世俗化

14.Taoist Secularity in Early Qing Dynasty Reflected in 《Dream of Red Mansion》;《红楼梦》所反映的清初道教的世俗化

15.The Secular Characteristics and the EthicalFunction of the Religious Activities in the Shang Dynasty;商代宗教的世俗化特征及其礼治作用

16.A Study on the Relation between Religion and School Education in the Secular Age世俗时代的宗教与学校教育关系问题研究

17.Secular Music To Be Taoism世俗音乐的道教化——关于全真道经韵音乐与世俗音乐关系的探讨

18.Baathist secularism promoted such modernising trends as inter-faith marriage and scientific education.复兴党的世俗性也推动了伊拉克朝现代化方向发展,比如跨宗教通婚和科学教育。


social conventional education世俗教育

1.The requirement for Eastern Christian culture to be introduced to Russiansocial conventional education has aroused extensive social argument,and caused further thought aboutsocial conventional education and religious education.近年来,关于东正教文化进入俄罗斯世俗教育的要求引发了俄罗斯社会的争论,进而引起了人们对世俗教育与宗教教育的思考。

3)religion secularization宗教世俗化

1.On the Significance of Zen Buddhism"s Objection to Religion Secularization in the Intellectual History of China遗世独立 以智启信——论中国禅宗反对宗教世俗化的思想史意义

2.Thereligion secularization theory of Marx and Engels is the most thorough theory ofreligion secularization.马克思的宗教世俗化理论是最彻底的宗教世俗化理论,它用当今世界本身的世俗化来说明宗教的世俗化,认为现代社会科学技术的发展使传统宗教教义的可信性丧失;现代社会功能—结构的巨大变迁使宗教边缘化;商品货币关系的发展使"天国需要"变成了"尘世需要",对宗教的信仰发展为"对实践理性的信仰",商品货币拜物教成为人们"日常生活中的宗教";现代社会人的"角色专门化"和需要的多样化,使宗教信仰成为私人的事情。

4)Protestantism secularization新教世俗化

5)secularization of religion宗教世俗化

1.In the progression of modernization,Xinjiang should gradually accomplish thesecularization of religion in the course of developing educational undertaking and thus promote the economical and social development of Xinjiang ceaselessly.在现代化进程中,新疆应在发展教育过程中逐步实现宗教世俗化,从而推动新疆经济社会的不断发展。

6)secularized religion in America美国宗教世俗化


公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)axiomatical methodgongllbuafangfa公理化方法化和形式化。(axiomatieal method)见公理
