100字范文 > 情绪法则 emotional rules英语短句 例句大全

情绪法则 emotional rules英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-22 14:32:36


情绪法则 emotional rules英语短句 例句大全

情绪法则,emotional rules

1)emotional rules情绪法则

1.In nature, teachers\" emotional labor means teachers have to manage their emotional activities in accordance with the professional norms of teaching and theemotional rules.究其实质,情绪劳动是教师在其专业规范和情绪法则的限制下必须从事的一类情绪管理工作。

2)emotional therapeutics情绪疗法

1.Along with going deep gradually into the research of children s emotional mechanism,the relation between emotion and children s behavior problem is also approved,which provided the basis for theemotional therapeutics of children s behavior problem.主要的情绪疗法有:情绪宣泄,积极联想,自我暗示、角色扮演和投射绘画等。


1.rational-emotive therapy理性情绪疗法(心理学)

2.Rational emotive group therapy applied to sense of inferiority among university students理智——情绪疗法集体治疗大学生自卑感

3.Emotional Therapeutics:New Rectifying Approach for Children s Behavior Problem;情绪疗法:矫正儿童行为问题的新视角

4.A Consultation Case through Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy to Treat Anxiety Neurosis一例合理情绪疗法治疗焦虑症的案例报告

5.The Application of Rational Emotion Treatment in College Students Psychiatric Consultation;合理情绪疗法在大学生心理咨询中的应用

6.Case Study-Application of ABC Theory to Correcting Undergraduates" Cognitive Divagation合理情绪疗法纠正大学生认知偏差的个案研究

7.Rational-EmotiveTherapy: An Effective Methodof Handling College Students Psychological Problems;理性情绪疗法是解决大学生心理困扰的有效方法

8.The Application of Rational-emotive Therapy (RET) in Maintenance Hemodialysis;理性情绪疗法在维持性血液透析患者中的应用研究

9.A Comparison of Rational Emotive Therapy for Enhancing Self-concept in Depressive Patients;合理情绪疗法对提高患者自我概念的随机对照研究

10.Research on Female Wrestlers′ Psychological Stress and Its Control by Using the RET;应用合理情绪疗法对普通高校健美操运动员赛前焦虑调控的研究

11.How to Use"the Therapy of Rational Emotion" to Cultivate the Freshmen s Ability to Fight against the Setbacks;“合理情绪疗法”在大一学生抗挫折能力培养中的运用

12.The effect of rational-emotive therapy on job burnout of nurses合理情绪疗法培训在防治护士职业倦怠中的应用

13.Application of Rational-emotive Behavior Therapy in the Regulation of the Athlete s Emotion;合理情绪行为疗法在运动员情绪调节中的运用

14.Rational - emotive behavior therapy and itsapplication in soldiers emotional adjust ment;合理情绪行为疗法在士兵情绪疏导中的应用

15.The Theoretical Analysis of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy and the Research That the University Student;理性情绪行为疗法理论分析及其对大学生抑郁情绪调控的研究

16.I am often asked about the role of emotion in cognitive therapy.我经常被问及关于认知疗法中情绪的角色。

17.Investigation of Senior High School Students Positive Emotions and Study on Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Intervention;高中生积极情绪调查及认知-行为疗法干预研究

18.Exploring the Effect of Music Therapy on Alleviating the Anxiety Level of the Pregnant;音乐疗法对缓解保胎孕妇焦虑情绪的效果研究


emotional therapeutics情绪疗法

1.Along with going deep gradually into the research of children s emotional mechanism,the relation between emotion and children s behavior problem is also approved,which provided the basis for theemotional therapeutics of children s behavior problem.主要的情绪疗法有:情绪宣泄,积极联想,自我暗示、角色扮演和投射绘画等。

3)cathartic method of emotion情绪宣泄法

4)emotional display rules情绪表达规则

1.Children semotional display rules(EDRs) is the result of the socialization and development of emotion.情绪表达规则是儿童情绪社会化的结果,用以指导特定社会情境下表现社会期望情绪的一套规则,包括最大化规则、最小化规则、面具规则和替代规则四种类型。

2.To investigate their understanding ofemotional display rules and use of emotion expression strategies, 90 primary school students in an ordinary primary school were studied through structure interviews.从一所普通小学一三五年级学生中选取90名被试,结构访谈法考察儿童对情绪表达规则的理解与表达策略的使用。

3.The development of cognitive abilities ofemotional display rules (EDRs), which has an important significance in children’s emotional healthy development, is an important developmental task of children’s socialization.情绪表达规则认知能力的发展是儿童社会化过程中一项重要的发展任务,对儿童情绪健康发展具有重要的意义。

5)Emotional Display Rules情绪表现规则

1.A Study on Children sEmotional Display Rules under the Different International Stress Situations;不同人际压力情境下儿童情绪表现规则的研究

6)rational-emotive therapy理性情绪疗法

1.Objective To observe the effect ofrational-emotive therapy(RET)on rehabilitation of patients with depression after stroke.目的观察理性情绪疗法对脑卒中后抑郁康复治疗的影响。


