100字范文 > 百村调查 100 villages investigate英语短句 例句大全

百村调查 100 villages investigate英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-30 22:25:34


百村调查 100 villages investigate英语短句 例句大全

百村调查,100 villages investigate

1)100 villages investigate百村调查

1.Building new countryside should handle some relations——Based on the "100 villages investigate" in Guangdong;建设新农村应处理好几个关系——基于广东“百村调查”的思考


1.Building new countryside should handle some relations--Based on the "100 villages investigate" in Guangdong;建设新农村应处理好几个关系——基于广东“百村调查”的思考

2.According to the survey of Changsha County, the poor peasants comprise 70 per cent, the middle peasants 20 per cent, and the landlords and the rich peasants 10 per cent of the population in the rural areas.据长沙的调查:乡村人口中,贫农占百分之七十,中农占百分之二十,地主和富农占百分之十。

3.The argument about technique plan of rural investigation of cadastre;农村地籍调查技术方案探讨——以北京市百善镇试点为例

4.An Analysis on the Pulling Power to the Rural Labor Mobility on the Village Level--Based on a Large-scale Rural Survey Conducted in Liaoning Province;农村劳动力流动的村级层面拉力分析——基于辽宁省百村千户的实证调查

5.Analysis of Current Situation and Thought of Problems on the New Rural Cooperative Medical Care System--Based on the" Survey of the Living Conditions of the Rural Old Women in the 100 Villages of Jilin Province "农村新型合作医疗制度的现状分析与思考——基于“吉林省百村老年妇女生存状况调查”


7.The Survey of Ding County:The landmark of social surveys of rural China;定县调查:中国农村社会调查的里程碑

8.Investigation on Women Staying at Home in Rural Areas--An Investigation from Chongqing Municipality;农村留守妇女调查——来自重庆市的调查

9.Building of a New Countryside: A Survey of 13 Pilot Villages at Provincial Level in Guizhou;贵州13个省级新农村建设试点村调查

10.Analysis of Village Financial Problems -An Case Study on Village Li;村级财务问题分析——李村个案调查

11.Rural Relation in Condition of Institutionalized;单位化背景下的乡村关系——杨村调查

12.The New Rural Development Research in Yanbian Region延边地区“村”级新农村建设调查研究

13.Investigation on the Situation and Issues of "Clean and Tidy Village" in the Rural Areas of Different Region of China;新农村建设中的区域农村村容现状与问题调查

14.Survey on Feasibility of Building Basketball Court of Every Village in Hunan Province;湖南省农村“村村建篮球场”的可行性调查研究

15.You know those rating systems are flawed.你知道,那种收视率调查体系漏洞百出

16.Life History Survey on Horned Lark (Eremophila Alpestris) in Gannan Plateau;甘南高原角百灵(Eremophila alpestris)生活史调查

17.A survey of the mental health status of Baise middle school students;百色市1799名中学生心理健康状况调查

18.A report on a questionnaire of ethic attitudes performed over 100 educational bureau directors;百名教育局长德育观念调查分析报告


rural survey农村调查

1.The reasons of making such a misdoing firstly is that therural survey in 1961 is just to solve problems in practical work instead of correcting the leading "left thoughts " ; and secondly that 1961\"s survey didn\"t go deep into the public.1961年,毛泽东深入农村调查,通过压缩社队规模,停办食堂、取消分配供给与工资制;改变基本核算单位等办法,有成效地解决了人民公社内部队与队之间的平均主义问题。

3)power consumption investigation in rural area农村用电调查

4)rural environmental investigation农村环境调查

5)rural economic investigation农村经济调查

6)methods of investigation in rural area农村调查研究法


百花村漳州素有“花果之乡”的美称,这是一年四季花香不断,更有远近闻名的“百花村”。百花村距市区五公里,在龙海市九湖乡。据传明朝永乐年间,宋代理学家朱熹的后裔因避祸来到这里,种花渡日。以后,世代相传,种花卖花。1954年该村建起花圃苗场,发展花卉苗木。1963年,已故朱德委员长来到该村视察,称这儿是“百花村”,后来陆定一又题额“百花村”。这里花圃面积七公顷,花卉品种近千类,花、树、盆景等多达80多万株,产品畅销国内10多个省市及港澳 地区。另外,百花村还建有“亭院花圃”,院内院外,处处争妍斗艳,无论什么时候,百花村都给您春的感受。全村八百多户农民,种花为业已有五百多年的历史。栽培的花卉有兰花、茶花、梅花、菊花、海棠等一千多个品种;此外还有用黄杨木、榆树、榕树制作的盆景。在百花村附近的凤凰山上,可以看到万亩连片的荔枝果园,山上山下,荔枝成林,郁郁葱葱,每逢七、八月间收获季节,一串串鲜红的荔枝点缀其间,红绿相映,呈现出一派美丽的果园风光。
