100字范文 > 车站通过能力 station carrying capacity英语短句 例句大全

车站通过能力 station carrying capacity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-12 08:11:39


车站通过能力 station carrying capacity英语短句 例句大全

车站通过能力,station carrying capacity

1)station carrying capacity车站通过能力


1.The Calculation Method Research of Railway Station"s Carrying Capacity and System Development铁路车站通过能力计算方法研究与系统开发

2.Effect of Train Stops on the Hourly Carrying Capacity of Intercity Railway城际铁路列车停站对小时通过能力的影响

3.The train flew past the station.火车飞快地通过车站。

4.By opening the present station both to the rails and to the sky, light and space penetrates into it.通过开口将车站既与铁轨又与天空相连,光与空间能够透射到车站。

5.Emergency Evacuation Capacity of Pedestrian in Urban Rail Transit Station;城市轨道交通车站乘客紧急疏散能力研究

6.On-line bus stop capacity based on flow characters基于车流特性的路内公交站点通行能力

7.The Effects of Bus Stops on Capacity of Neighboring Lanes公交停靠站对相邻车道通行能力的影响

8.Improving the National Standard Methodfor Calculating the Carrying Capacityof Destination Yard in a Marshaling Yard;国标编组站到达场通过能力计算方法的改进

9.All other traffic is allowed to pass the census point without being halted.让其余车辆均通过统计站而不必停车。

10.However, due to the length of passenger-platforms and the capacity of the MCS, the amount of the units in a single train is not unlimited.不过,限于车站站台的长度和车组互控系统的能力,单元不能无限增加。

11.He could get off at the station, of course, but he might jump off either just before or just after.当然他不能到车站下车,只能在进站前或过站后跳车。

12.Numeric Simulation on Passing Gauge and Dynamic Performance of Heavy Duty Freight Car;长大货车通过限界及动力学性能的数值仿真

13.Analysis on the Dynamics Performance of the Freight Car Negotiating the Small Radius Curve at Low Speed货车低速通过小半径曲线动力学性能试验分析

14.He went through the ticket barrier and found the station buffet.他急忙通过检票口,找到车站餐厅。

15.The children liked to watch the fast trains whizzing through the station on their way to Beijing.孩子们喜欢看着快车飞速通过车站,驶向北京。

16.From the train station, you can view model trains as they wind through the Great Lakes area.从火车站的边上,当模型火车像风一样通过大湖区域时,你就能看它们。

17.Calculated methods of carrying capacity for receiving and dispatching tracks at railway marshalling station(3-stage/3-yard)GB/T13231-1991铁路编组站到发线通过能力计算方法(三级三场)

18.Research and Development of Computational System for Throat Traffic Capacity of Railway Station;铁路站场咽喉区通过能力计算系统的研究与开发


dynamic station capacity车站动态通过能力

3)the carrying capacity and sorting capacity at station车站通过能力和改编能力

4)stop capacity车站通行能力

1.Based on the successful experiences home and abroad,and by using micro-simulation method,the effects of several operation patterns onstop capacity were analyzed.文中在吸收国内外成功经验的背景下,利用微观仿真手段,结合车站设计的相关内容,研究和分析几种运营组织模式对车站通行能力的影响和效果,提出若干线路运营组织方面的优化建议。

5)station capacity车站能力

1.The current railwaystation capacity calculationreflects only the situation when all work of the station iscarried out evenly in 24 hours.现行铁路车站能力计算反映的是车站一昼夜内各项作业均衡进行时的能力情况,为适应铁路运输全面走向市场的要求,综合车站能力查定的行业规范、传统经验、理论成果等,研究开发了集计算、优化与信息管理于一体的车站能力综合集成系统,使车站能力计算查定趋于简单实用。

6)shaft station passing ability井底车场通过能力

1.Easy accounting method ofshaft station passing ability;井底车场通过能力的简单核算法


泊位通过能力泊位通过能力泊位通过能力在单位时间内(年、月)一个泊位所能装卸船舶运载货物的最大数量。它是确定港口通过能力的基础,也是安排港口生产任务的主要技术依据。一般以吨为计量单位。泊位是供船舶停靠和作业的位置,分为码头泊位、浮筒泊位和锚地泊位,而常指码头泊位通过能力。其通过能力大小主要取决于它所能停靠的船舶吨位等级、船型和作业条件,装卸货物的类别,码头机械设备数量、技术性能及其对货物的适应程度,以及生产作业组织水平、船舶到港的均衡状况和实际可作业的时间等多种因素。泊位年、月通过能力的测算公式为:泊位年通过能力(吨)泊位月通过能力X12装卸工作月不平衡系数泊位月通过能力(吨)3。·〔2二-每昼夜泊位非生产作业时间(小时)船舶一次装.一,‘:*L。,十训J丫卜业目丁!司船舶一次作业的辅助及技术作业时间(小时)(小时)或泊位月泊位装卸通过能船舶效率力(吨)(船时量)又抨旦夜伸悴x 装训J件山二目丁J旬(小时)泊位月实际装卸天数
