100字范文 > 货运安全 freight traffic safety英语短句 例句大全

货运安全 freight traffic safety英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-05 22:37:33


货运安全 freight traffic safety英语短句 例句大全

货运安全,freight traffic safety

1)freight traffic safety货运安全

1.After entering into the year of , freight departments across the entire railway sector have firmly carried out the overall deployment of the sixth round speed-up campaign and achieved remarkable progress infreight traffic safety.以来,全路货运系统认真贯彻铁道部党组关于第六次大面积提速调图安全的总体部署,货运安全工作取得显著成绩。

2.The paper states the status quo and key existing problems in foundation construction forfreight traffic safety and proposes concrete methods on such areas as consolidating the leadership in foundation construction and the management offreight traffic safety, strengthening the construction of freight traffic equipment, staff ranks and cultural civilization.阐述了全路货运安全基础工作的现状与存在的主要问题;从切实加强货运安全基础建设工作的领导、强化货运安全管理、加强货运设备建设、加强货运职工队伍建设、加强精神文明建设等5个方面,阐述了推进货运安全基础建设的具体做法。


1.Innovate Ideas and Deepen Management to Ensure Constant and Stable Safety Situation of Speed-up Freight Transport;创新思路 深化管理 确保提速货运安全持续稳定

2.Analysis of Railway Freight Transport Safety Level Based on Fuzzy Cluster Method基于模糊聚类方法的铁路货运安全水平分析

3.Central Container Handling Safety Committee中央货箱搬运安全委员会

4.Research on Safety Evaluation of the Transportation Enterprise of Dangerous Goods on Road;道路危险货物运输企业安全评价研究

5.The Monitor Research of Running Safely about Cargo Loading and Unloading Main System of VLCC;VLCC货油装卸主系统安全运行监控研究

6.Study on the Risk Assessment of Liquefied Cargos of LPG Carrier;液化气船液货储运安全风险评估研究

7.The Influence of Ballast Water on Bulk Carriers Safety Operations;压载水对固体散货船安全营运的影响

8.Safety evaluation on road freight enterprises of Zhejiang province based on improved AHP method改进AHP法的浙江省货运企业安全评价

9.Safe transport of radioactive material leakage testing on packagesGB/T17230-1998放射性物质安全运输货包的泄漏检验

10.I"ll do that. I"ve got to state the consignment"s safely packed, haven"t I?我会的。我还要说明,托运货物包装安全,对吧?

11.Violations of the Administration of Safety Supervision of the Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Sea违反海上危险货物载运安全监督管理秩序

12.Studies on Assessment and Management of Railway Station Freight Operation Safety;铁路车站货运作业安全评价及管理的相关研究

13.Logistics Information and Network Safety Research on Railway Freight Station;铁路货运站物流信息化及其安全性研究

14.Research on Safety Evaluation Indicators of Road Transport of Dangerous Goods;道路危险货物运输安全评价指标体系研究

15.How to Enhance the Fire Protection for Railway Freight of Dangerous Goods;加强铁路危险货物运输消防安全工作的思路

16.Research on the Technology of Safety Comprehensive Analysis on Railway Transportation of Dangerous Goods铁路危险货物运输安全综合分析技术研究

prehensive Assessment on Transportation Safety of Railway Station Specialized for Dangerous Goods铁路危险货物办理站运输安全综合评价研究

18.Study of Railway Dangerous Freight Safety Transport Based on Risk Analysis基于风险分析的铁路危险货物安全运输研究


Freight Transportation Safety货运安全

1.Strengthen the Establishment of Safety Guarantee System to Improve the Management Level ofFreight Transportation Safety under New Situation;强化安全保障体系建设 提升新形势下货运安全管理水平

3)TC-SCAN ferried cargo safety inspection system滚装船货运安全检查站

1.The design of vehicle information system inTC-SCAN ferried cargo safety inspection system;TC-SCAN滚装船货运安全检查站车辆检测信息系统的设计

4)safe transport of dangerous goods危险货物的安全运输

5)currency security货币安全

1.The paper analyzes the main links involvingcurrency security of issuing storehouse and the modern logistics technology used in each link,summarizes the roles of modern logistics technologies incurrency security of issuing storehouse.分析了涉及银行发行库货币安全的主要环节及各环节中适宜采用的现代物流技术,总结了现代物流技术对发行库货币安全的几点主要作用。

6)safe running安全运行

1.Influence of organic pollutants in water onsafe running of boiler;水中有机污染物对锅炉安全运行的影响

2.The installation of fine dust on-line monitoring equipment in the BF gas dust-removing system and the entrance pipes of TRT unit can efficiently control the efficacy of dust bags and realize the on-line detecting of gas dust content in TRT unit entrance pipes,thus ensuring the running conditions of TRT unit and its long-term, high-efficient andsafe running.确认TRT机组的运行条件和运行状况,确保TRT机组长期高效安全运行。

3.The scientific administration of Novell teaching network is probed into in this essay from three aspects:the regular Novell administration,the establishment of the non-disk work station with multiple disposition andsafe running measure本文从 NOVEL L网常规管理、建立多重配置的无盘工作站、网络的安全运行措施三个方面探讨 NOVEL L教学网络的科学管理。


《乏燃料管理安全和放射性废物管理安全联合公约》《乏燃料管理安全和放射性废物管理安全联合公约》Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioac-tion Waste Management代卜Oronl一00 GuonJ一Anquon he Fongshex一ng Fe一wLJ GLJanllAnquon Llonhe Gongyue《乏燃料管理安全和放射性废物管理安全联合公约》(了访”tC加祖ventlon胡th£SafetyojSPent Fuel Mana岁ment and on th‘Safet少of尺。己~t姗WasteManageme力t)加强乏嫩料和放封性度物管理安全方面的一项鼓励性国际公约。1997年9月5日通过,1997年9月29日开放供签署。截至1999年3月10日,已有39个国家签署,6个国家交存了批准书。但按该公约规定,需得到25个国家批准,而且其中要包括15个拥有运行的核电厂的国家才能生效,因而目前尚未生效。《公约》的目的是,通过加强缔约国的管理和国际合作,包括适当时与安全有关的技术合作,以在世界范围内实现和保持高安全水平的乏嫩料和放射性废物管理;确保在乏嫩料和放射性废物管理的一切阶段都有预防潜在危害的有效措施,保护个人、社会和环境免受电离辐射的有害影响;防止有辐射后果的事故发生,一旦发生尽可能地减轻其后果。《公约》适用于民用核反应堆运行产生的乏燃料的管理安全以及民事应用产生的放射性废物的管理安全,但为后处理而在其设施中保存的乏燃料除外。对于军用或国防计划所产生的乏燃料和放射性废物,则仅当其被永久转为民用计划时才适用。《公约》强调,确保乏嫩料和放射性废物管理安全的最终责任在于对应这些材料拥有管辖权的国家身上。缔约国的主要义务为:应在其国家法律框架内通过立法、管理和行政的措施以及其他必要的步骤,确保在乏嫌料和放射性废物管理的所有阶段都能充分保护个人、社会和环境不受到辐射的伤害.就履约所采取的措施向缔约方审评会议提交报告。《公约》还对这类物质的踌越国界运翰做了规定。中国派代表参加了《公约》的制订和审议工作,由于对其中关于放射性废物跨境运输的条款有保留,故未签署本公约。
