100字范文 > 抑尘技术 Dust removing technique英语短句 例句大全

抑尘技术 Dust removing technique英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-02 14:59:12


抑尘技术 Dust removing technique英语短句 例句大全

抑尘技术,Dust removing technique

1)Dust removing technique抑尘技术

2)dust removal technology除尘技术

1.Application of Korea"sdust removal technology in ESP modification project;韩国除尘技术在改造项目中的应用

2.At the same time,newdust removal technology such as ultrasonic dust removal will be used in ind.简述了常见除尘器的分类、工作原理及各自的特点,介绍了除尘技术在实际生产中的应用情况。


1.Application Research on Baggy Excision Lampblack Skill in Flast Furnace Gas;袋式除尘技术在高炉煤气除尘中的应用研究

2.Study on Coal Dust Catching Technology and Mechanism Using Ultrasonic Atomization in Drilling;钻孔粉尘超声雾化除尘技术及机理研究

3.New progress of bag pulse dedusting technology for BF gas高炉煤气脉冲布袋除尘技术的新进展

4.Application of Fully Dry Cloth-bag Dust Removing Technology on a Blast Furnace of AnSteel全干法除尘技术在鞍钢高炉上的应用

5.Technical Transformation of the Electric Dust Removal System at the Head of the Sinter Machine in Iron Making Plant of BX Steel本钢炼铁厂烧结机头电除尘技术改造


7.Technology of Dry Cloth-bag Dusting for 1800m~3 Blast Furnace at TISCO太钢1800m~3高炉干法除尘技术

8.Research Progress in Dust Removal Technology for High Temperature Exhaust Gas高温工业废气过滤除尘技术研究进展

9.Application of Long Bag Low Pressure Pulse Jet Bag Filter Technology in Sinter Machine Discharge End Dedusting长袋低压脉冲袋式除尘技术在烧结机尾除尘中的应用

10.Ceramic Filter possesses itself of a great potentiality in development.陶瓷过滤器是最具发展潜力的除尘技术之一。

11.Advanced filter elements are key components in hot gas filtration technology.高温气体除尘技术的核心是高性能过滤材料。

12.The State encourages enterprises to adopt advanced technology for desulphurization and dust removal.国家鼓励企业采用先进的脱硫、除尘技术。

13.Technology of Desulfurization, Denitrogenation and Dust Removal by Pulse Corona Plasma脉冲电晕等离子体脱硫脱氮与除尘技术

14.Study on the Technical Assessment System for Electrostatic Precipitator of Coal-fired Plant;燃煤电厂电除尘技术评估系统的研究与应用

15.Analysis on Application Technology of Boiler Bag-hose Precipitation & Electric Bag Precipitation in Coal-fired Power Plants燃煤电厂锅炉袋除尘与电袋除尘应用技术探析

16.The Study of Impactive Adhesion Technology to Concentrate the Fly Ash Escaped from Electrostatic Precipitator;电除尘器逃逸粉尘冲击粘附再捕集技术研究

17.Application of Bag Dedusting Deal with Flue Gases in Mechanized Shaft Kiln袋式除尘新技术在机立窑烟尘治理中的应用

18.Experimental Study on Arc Board Guiding Gas Direction of Cyclonic Precipitator旋风除尘器弧形导向板技术实验研究


dust removal technology除尘技术

1.Application of Korea"sdust removal technology in ESP modification project;韩国除尘技术在改造项目中的应用

2.At the same time,newdust removal technology such as ultrasonic dust removal will be used in ind.简述了常见除尘器的分类、工作原理及各自的特点,介绍了除尘技术在实际生产中的应用情况。

3)dedusting technology除尘技术

1.Applicability analysis ofdedusting technology in haft kiln production line;立窑水泥生产线除尘技术适用性分析

4)Absorbing dust technology收尘技术

5)Dust Technology除尘技术

1.On the basis of expounding the present condition of vertical cemnent kiln work,the several new types dust technology and equipment are analysed,at last the advanced electric dust technology and development trend are introduced.在论述水泥企业立窑除尘工作现状的基础上 ,分析了几种新型除尘技术和设备 ,最后介绍了先进的电除尘技术和发展趋势。

6)dust dispersion technique扬尘技术

1.A newdust dispersion technique has been developed fornewly built horizontal dust detonation tube with inside diameter158mm and total length 23m.为新建成的内径158mm、长23m水平粉尘爆轰管发展了一种新的扬尘技术,并在此爆轰管上进行了弱点火条件下微细铝粉——空气混合物的爆轰波实验研究。

2.A newdust dispersion technique has been developed for newly—builthorizontal dust detonation tube with inside diameter 158 mm and total length 23m.为新建成的内径158mm、长23m水平粉尘爆轰管开发了一种新的扬尘技术,并进行了弱点火条件下微细铝粉——空气混合物爆轰波的一系列实验研究。


