100字范文 > 批评艺术 criticism art英语短句 例句大全

批评艺术 criticism art英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-01 02:15:52


批评艺术 criticism art英语短句 例句大全

批评艺术,criticism art

1)criticism art批评艺术

1.The first part of the article, on the basis of the concept ofcriticism art, points out the aesthetic of performance form incriticism art, comprehensive nature of constituent elements, flexibilit of actual operation, rational say of in the using process , complex char本文共分五个部分,第一部分对批评艺术概念作出明确的界定,指出了批评艺术的表现形式上的审美性和思想性的辨证统一;构成因素上的综合性和运行机制灵活统一;实际操作中的灵活性和原则性的统一;运用过程中的说理性与艺术性的巧妙统一;效果表现上的复杂性和差异性的科学统一等特点,归纳和概括了批评艺术的特点。

2)art criticism艺术批评

1.The view that John Ruskin ″turned fromart criticism to social criticism″ is too reductive and tends to prevent us from approaching his views on culture from a holistic perspective.认为罗斯金"从艺术批评转向社会批评"的说法失之于简单化,不利于从整体上把握他的文化观。

2.Music appreciation education for top class children in a kindergarten needsart criticism,which can improve the present situation of music appreciation education.艺术批评是对艺术作品或艺术现象的感知体验与解释评价。

3.Art criticism is taking art works and art activities as starting point, analyzing and judging through its feasible experience of art works and art activities, commentators both take rational thinking as the dominant factor and pay attention to the formation of conclusion.从精神的自由性与独立性而言 ,艺术批评与艺术创作是相一致的 ,但其思维方式与实践形式则又是有差异的。


1.an art critic, historian, lover, etc艺术批评家、 艺术史家、 艺术爱好者.

2.Criticism was Revealing--Research on Benjamin s Artistic Criticism Thought;批评即展现——本雅明艺术批评思想研究

3.The Contemporary Art Criticism: Value and Guide of Criticism;当代艺术批评:存在价值和批评指向

4.Basic Formation on Art Criticism and Contemporary Transform of Criticism Mode;艺术批评的基本形态及批评模式的当代转化

5.It also applies to commentary and, for instance, arts criticism.但同时也适用于评论、例如艺术批评。

6.The Rise of Art Exhibitions and Modern Criticism in France:1850-1863;法国艺术展览与现代艺术批评的兴起[1850-1863]

7.an art critic who constantly carped;总喜欢吹毛求疵的艺术批评家;

8.On Criticism of Realistic Art in the Post-Modern Context后现代语境下现实主义艺术批评研究

9.Modern Chinese Artistic Criticism--Comparison between Chinese Impressionist Criticism and West One in 1930s;现代中国式的唯艺术批评——三十年代印象主义文学批评中西比较论

10.On the Independence Building of the Artistic Criticism in Artistic Activities;论艺术批评学在当代艺术活动语境中的独立性建构

11.Criticism, Crisis and the Problem of Light Criticism;南京艺术学院学报谈批评和危机及轻批评问题

12.From Abstract Art to Concrete Criticism -- Reflections on Criticizing Contemporary Art Changing its Direction;从抽象艺术到具象批评——对当代艺术转向批评的思考

13.Criticism has nothing to do with the artist.批评对于艺术家起不到任何作用。

14.Close shot The critic exclaims to the artist.(近景)批评家指着艺术家大吼。

15.Close shot A critic is calling on a artist.(近景)一位批评家给一艺术家打电话。

16.Origin Theory of Chinese Ancient Literature and Art Criticism by Diet;中国古代文学艺术饮食化批评渊源论

17.Discussing the Artistic Configuration of the Edition of The Story in West Room Criticized by JinShengtan;论金圣叹批评本《西厢记》的艺术体制

18.Critical Values "for the Sake of Art" and "for the Sake of Society"“艺术化”与“社会化”的批评价值观辨析


art criticism艺术批评

1.The view that John Ruskin ″turned fromart criticism to social criticism″ is too reductive and tends to prevent us from approaching his views on culture from a holistic perspective.认为罗斯金"从艺术批评转向社会批评"的说法失之于简单化,不利于从整体上把握他的文化观。

2.Music appreciation education for top class children in a kindergarten needsart criticism,which can improve the present situation of music appreciation education.艺术批评是对艺术作品或艺术现象的感知体验与解释评价。

3.Art criticism is taking art works and art activities as starting point, analyzing and judging through its feasible experience of art works and art activities, commentators both take rational thinking as the dominant factor and pay attention to the formation of conclusion.从精神的自由性与独立性而言 ,艺术批评与艺术创作是相一致的 ,但其思维方式与实践形式则又是有差异的。

3)artistic criticism艺术批评

1.This paper pointed out some problems,such as the lack of dialogue,artistic criticism and academic construction,through differentiating and reviewing different viewpoints about recent twenty years’ studies of the end of art.通过评析总结二十年来国内艺术终结研究的状况认为:我国的艺术终结研究存在缺乏对话争辩、缺少艺术批评、缺失理论建构等问题,可从方法性、历史性、当代性等方面进一步拓宽思路、深化研究。

2.The theory of Arts is consisted of artistic theory, artistic history andartistic criticism theory.艺术学由艺术理论、艺术史和艺术批评学构成。

3.Therefore,it is necessary to apply the method ofartistic criticism properly to teaching.在理解美术课堂教学中,重实践,轻理论的现象主普遍存在,因而,在教学中恰当地运用艺术批评手段就显得十分必要,这要通过以下几方面来具体实现:1。

4)art criticism history艺术批评史

5)artistic criticism theory艺术批评学

1.The theory of Arts is consisted of artistic theory, artistic history andartistic criticism theory.艺术学由艺术理论、艺术史和艺术批评学构成。

6)the art of criticism批评的艺术

ment on the Art of Criticism in the Field of Ideological and Political Education;论思想政治教育中批评的艺术


