100字范文 > 胎兔 Fetal rabbit英语短句 例句大全

胎兔 Fetal rabbit英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-18 05:51:00


胎兔 Fetal rabbit英语短句 例句大全

胎兔,Fetal rabbit

1)Fetal rabbit胎兔

1.Expression of Kv1.5 Gene in Smooth Muscle Cells of Ductus Arteriosus in Fetal Rabbit胎兔动脉导管平滑肌细胞氧敏感性钾通道mRNA的表达

2.It was suggested that fetal rabbit bone marro.为了证实体外培养的胎兔骨髓基质细胞可以修复骨缺损 ,将培养的基质细胞吸附于明胶海绵 ,植入兔骨缺损处 ,1、 2、 4、 6、 8周作 99m Tc- MDP骨显像、X片、组织切片观察骨痂生长情况。


1.Establishment of a Disease Model about Intrahepatic Cholestasis in Pregnant Rabbits and the Study on Alteration of Cardiac Function in Rabbit Foetus;兔妊娠肝内胆汁淤积症模型的建立及其胎兔心脏功能变化的研究

2.The Morphological Observation and Stereological Analysis of the Effects of Hyperbaric Oxygen on the Retina of Foetus and Newborn Rabbits;高压氧对胎兔和新生兔视网膜影响的形态学与体视学分析

3.Role of nerve fiber on scarless wound healing in fetal rabbit skin神经纤维在胎兔皮肤无瘢痕愈合中的变化

4.Cloning and Screening of Scarless Healing Related Genes in Fetal Rabbit Skin;胎兔皮肤无瘢痕愈合相关基因的克隆及筛选

5.Promotion of Proliferation of Schwann Cells of Fetus Rabbit by Nerve Growth Factor;神经生长因子(NGF)对胎兔雪旺细胞培养的影响

6.Cardiac myocyte damage in fetus of rabbits with intrahepatic cholestasis pregnant妊娠肝内胆汁淤积症胎兔心肌细胞损伤的研究

7.The Experimental Study of Planting Fetus Rabbit Schwann Cells into the Extracted Acellular Nerve Graft of Homogeneity in Repairing of Rabbit Sciatic Nerve Defect;种植胎兔雪旺细胞同种异体神经复合体修复兔坐骨神经缺损的实验研究

8.Preliminary Screening and Analysis of Proteins Associated with Scarless Healing of Fetal Rabbit Skin;胎兔皮肤无瘢痕愈合相关蛋白的初步筛选与分析

9.Effects of Peripheral Nerve and Neuropeptide on Scarless Wound Healing in Fetal Rabbit Skin;周围神经和神经肽SP/CGRP在胎兔皮肤无瘢痕愈合中的作用

10.Effect of Ooplasmic Transfer on Early Embryonic Development of Rabbit;卵胞质移植对兔早期胚胎发育的影响

11.Sex Determination of Rabbit Early Embryos by PCR;兔早期胚胎PCR性别鉴定体系的建立

12.Correlation Analysis between Body Weight and Fecundity at Different Parturition Times of Rex獭兔体重与不同胎次繁殖力相关分析

13.Studies on Superovulation and Embryo Transfer of Wan Strain Coarse Wool Rabbit皖系粗毛兔超数排卵及胚胎移植的研究

14.Optimization of Three-dimensional Rabbit Uterine Culture System in Vitro and Embryo Implantation;兔三维子宫培养系统的优化及胚胎植入的研究

15.Production of Transgenic Rabbit Embryo by Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection;单精子注射法生产转基因家兔胚胎的研究

16.Application of Rabbit Embryos Cryopreservation by Vitrification;玻璃化冷冻方法在兔胚胎冷冻保存中的应用

17.Optimization and Establishment of an in Vitro Culture System for Rabbit Embryonic Stem Cell;兔类胚胎干细胞体外培养体系的优化与建立

18.Cloning of Stage-specific Gene Fragments in Rabbit Embryos兔胚胎时期特异性基因相关新片段的克隆


rabbit embryo兔胚胎

1.The study onrabbit embryo by nuclear transplantation;家兔胚胎细胞核移植的研究

2.Splenectomized mice were injected fresh or frozen-thawed 2-cell or 8-16-cellrabbit embryo- cultured medium.试验说明兔胚胎释放血小板激活因子,并引起去脾小鼠血小板的聚集。

3)Blastocyst ICM of rabbit兔胚胎ICM

4)rabbit NT embryo兔克隆胚胎

5)Uterus placenta fetal of rabbits子宫胎盘兔崽

6)Embryonic nerve胎兔周围神经


