100字范文 > 古典理论 classical theory英语短句 例句大全

古典理论 classical theory英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-26 01:52:20


古典理论 classical theory英语短句 例句大全

古典理论,classical theory

1)classical theory古典理论

1.Based on previous literature, this paper puts the theories into four major categories:classical theory, market structure theory, innovation theory and core capability theory.根据前人的相关研究成果,可将它们分别归类于以下4种主要理论类别:古典理论、市场结构理论、创新理论和核心能力理论。


1.New Classical Theory, X-Efficiency Theory and Enterprise Efficiency;新古典理论、X效率理论与企业效率

2.On Keynes Cricicism and Inheritance of Neoclassic Theory;论凯恩斯对新古典理论的批判与继承

3.Classical theories(in macroeconomics)(宏观经济学中的)古典理论

4.neoclassical growth theory新古典学派增长理论

5.History of Chinese Classical Dramatic Theory中国古典戏曲理论史

6.A Discussion on the Aesthetic Theories of Oriental & Occidental Classical Literatures试论东、西方古典文论中的美学理论

7.Buddhist Conception of the Theory Influence to Classical Poetry Theory;佛教理论对古典诗歌意境理论的影响

8.On Eastern Aesthetic Characteristic of Korean Notes on Classical Poetry Theory论朝鲜古典诗话理论的东方美学特征

9.On the Systemic Study of the Rhythm Theory about Chinese Ancient Novels;论中国古典小说节奏理论的体系构建

10.On the Classical Narrative Theory in Aristotle s Poetics;论亚里士多德《诗学》中的古典叙事理论

11.The "originally simplicity approach"in theories about Chinese classical opera;中国古典戏曲理论中的“当行本色”论

12.“Mononoaware” in Classical Literary Theory of Japan;日本古典文艺理论中的“物之哀”浅论

13.The Search for Objectivity: Classical Ethical Theories追求客观性:古典伦理理论

14.On the Gain omd Loss of Manageing Public and Cultural Events in Classical Athens论古典时期雅典管理公共文化活动的得与失

15.The classic law-of-nature is an essentially revolutionary doctrine.古典自然法基本上是一种革命的理论。

16.The Logic of Macroeconomic Theories: Keynes and Neoclassical Synthesis总量理论的逻辑:凯恩斯与新古典综合

17.Discussion and Construct Space Theory on Classical Landscape Painting;古典山水画空间理论研究述评及建构

18.Aesthetics Translation Theories in the Ancient Chinese Poetry Translation;中国古典诗歌翻译中的美学翻译理论


neoclassic theory新古典理论

1.Although Keynes criticized theneoclassic theory assumption,he obtained a different conclusion.虽然凯恩斯批判了新古典理论的前提假设 ,得出了与之不同的结论 ,但是也继承和发展了新古典理论的某些观点。

3)modern management thought古典管理理论

1.By analyzing the practical cases according to the inquisitional data, the author researches the reasons of the problems and suggests the viewpoint of applying the classic management theory andmodern management thought to the management of small and medium-sized private enterprises in Zhejiang Province.本文以调查资料为依据 ,通过对实例的剖析 ,论述了产生管理问题的原因 ,提出将“古典管理理论”及近代管理思想运用于当代民营企业管理实践的观点和具有针对性的实施对策。

4)Neo-classic demand theory新古典需求理论

5)neo-classical location theory新古典区位理论

1.This paper summarizes the five stages of the development process of 20 century location theory:neo-classical location theory; behavioral l.文章将20世纪区位理论的发展历程总结为五个发展阶段:以新古典区位理论为主的阶段;以行为经济学为主的发展阶段;以结构主义为主的发展阶段;以生产方式为主的发展阶段;以非完全竞争市场结构为主发展阶段。

6)neo-classical theory paradigm新古典理论框架


