100字范文 > 智能制造 intelligent manufacturing英语短句 例句大全

智能制造 intelligent manufacturing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-11 23:19:11


智能制造 intelligent manufacturing英语短句 例句大全

智能制造,intelligent manufacturing

1)intelligent manufacturing智能制造

1.The model ofintelligent manufacturing system based on network;基于网络的智能制造系统控制机制

2.According to the technology features of laser surface engineering and the market demands of advanced manufacturing,this paper summarized the development of laser surface engineering in the nano-surface engineering,refabricating,complex treatment,intelligent manufacturing and flexible manufacturing,etc.从激光表面改性的技术特点及先进制造业的发展需求出发,论述了激光表面改性在纳米表面工程、绿色再制造、复合表面工程、智能制造及柔性加工等领域的发展趋势。

3.A king ofintelligent manufacturing method was applied to the process of minitype titanium alloy impeller.通过研究小型钛合金整体叶轮的制造过程,探索了利用现有的软硬件资源,充分发挥人的经验与创造性加工难加工零件的智能制造方法。


1.Researches on Agent-Based Intelligent Manufacturing Execution System;基于多Agent的智能制造执行系统研究

2.Research on Intelligent Manufacture Model System Multiple Agent Based;基于多Agent智能制造模型系统的研究

3.Intelligent Manufacturing Research Based on Multi-Agent基于Multi-Agent的智能制造模式研究

4.Basic Technical Research on Micromanipulation /Microassembly System for Intelligent Manufacturing智能制造中的微操作/微装配系统基础技术研究

5.Multi-agent Based Agile Intelligent Manufacturing Execution System;基于多Agent的敏捷化智能制造执行系统研究

6.Research and Implementation of Gas Manufacturing Intelligent Control System;煤气制造智能控制系统的研究与实现

7.Research on Intelligent Monitor and Control Technology for Networked Manufactured;面向网络化制造的智能监控技术研究

8.Study on the Intellectualized Manufacturing Enterprises Based on the Knowledge Management;基于知识管理的智能化制造企业研究

9.Application of Intelligent Control Based on PLC in Boring Machine Transformation基于PLC智能控制在镗床改造中的应用

10.An Intellectualized ASP Platform for Networked Manufacturing用于网络化制造的智能化ASP平台

11.A business intelligence model based on OLAM for manufacturing enterprise基于OLAM的制造业商务智能模型

12.In the context of the Web, AI means making intelligent machines从网络的意义上说,人工智能意味着制造智能机器。

13.Research on the Techniques of Intelligent Diagnosis & Condition Prediction for Manufacturing Equipment;制造设备智能诊断与状态预测技术的研究

14.Research on Technologies and System of Intelligent Inspection and Monitoring in Manufacturing Process;制造过程智能化检测监控技术与系统研究

15.Research on Application of Distribution and Intelligence in Manufacturing System;分布化与智能技术在制造系统中的应用研究

16.Study on Textile Process Planning System Using Artificial Intelligence in Agile Manufacturing;敏捷制造环境下纺织工艺智能设计系统的研究

17.Research on the Network Manufacturing Resources Oriented Multilevel Intelligent Retrieval System;网络制造资源多层次智能检索模型的研究

18.Research on the Method of Intelligent Evaluation and Decision-making on Green Process;绿色制造工艺智能评价和决策方法的研究


intelligent manufacture智能制造

1.The developing trends of manufacturing informatization technology were elucidated, and it is shown clearly that several kinds of advanced manufacturing technologies will bring about great influences on manufacture of the early 21st century, such as integrated manufacture, green manufacture,intelligent manufacture, networked manufacturing,mass custiomization etc.讨论了制造业信息化技术的发展趋势 ,指出集成制造技术、绿色制造技术、智能制造技术、网络化制造技术和大批量定制造技术等将对 2 1世纪初期的制造业产生重大的影响 ,介绍了集成制造技术、绿色制造技术、智能造制技术、网络化制造技术和大批量定制技术的主要内容。

3)manufacturing intelligence制造智能

4)intelligent manufacturing智能化制造

1.The article summarizes the generation and development of worldintelligent manufacturing(technology) as well as the content,development and prospect of intelligent production technology in petrochemical industry.综述了世界智能化制造技术的产生与发展,以及石油化工工业智能化生产技术的内容、发展和展望。

2.This paper generalizes the produceand development ofintelligent manufacturingtechnology in world scope, and the applicationof petrochemical production.概述了世界智能化制造技术的产生与发展,以及石油化工工业智能化生产技术的内容、发展和展望。

5)intelligent manufacturing technology智能制造技术

6)intelligent manufacturing system智能制造系统

1.Present Situation and Prospect of Intelligent Manufacturing System;智能制造系统的现状与展望

2.Analysis and wheting are impoltant work that must be done prior to the development of anintelligent manufacturing system(IMS).针对用Agent表示智能制造系统中能完成一定任务的智能子系统,立足于制造行业,提出了一种易于操作的Agent的体系结构,用面向Agent的方法对智能制造系统进行了分析与建模,并讨论了这一方法的特点。

3.In order to carry out the intelligence researches on the existing machining center, this paper mainly discusses about the fundamental concept of intelligent machine and the software and hardware structures ofintelligent manufacturing system.为了开展现有加工中心的智能化研究,主要对智能机器的基本概念与智能制造系统的软、硬件结构设计进行了理论探讨。


