100字范文 > 遥感 remote sensing英语短句 例句大全

遥感 remote sensing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-13 08:13:27


遥感 remote sensing英语短句 例句大全

遥感,remote sensing

1)remote sensing遥感

1.Advances inremote sensing of harmful algal blooms;海洋赤潮水色遥感技术研究进展

2.Application ofremote sensing technique to the surveying of Xiaofeng-Sanmenwan active faults:Based on Hangzhou Area.;遥感技术在孝丰-三门湾活动断裂调查中的应用——以杭州地区为例

3.Several key problems of lake water qualityremote sensing;湖泊水质遥感的几个关键问题


1.Changsha Branch National Remote Sensing Center.湖南省遥感中心(国家遥感中心长沙遥感部)

2.Canadian Remote Sensing Training Institute加拿大遥感训练研究所(遥感训练所)

3.emote sensing imagery classcification is critical to remote sensing realm.遥感图像分类是遥感的基础理论技术。

4.Alteration Remote Sensing Anomaly Extraction Based on Aster Remote Sensing DataASTER遥感数据蚀变遥感异常提取研究

5.Point the set-top box remote directly at the remote sensor将机顶盒遥控器直接指向遥感器

6.spaceborne remote sensing从航天器进行的遥感

7.machine processing of remotely sensed data遥感数据的计算机处理

8.multiseasons multispectral remote sensing多季节 多谱段遥感

9.Centro de Levantamientos Integrades de Recursos遥感勘测自然资源中心

10.Regional Centre for Remote Sensing at Ouagadougou瓦加杜古区域遥感中心

11.remote electronic rainfall recorder遥感电子雨量记录器

12.advanced microwave moisture sensor高级微波水汽遥感器

13.remote sensing technique for mineral resources prospecting矿产资源勘探遥感技术

14.STAG (Simultaneous Telemetry Acquisition and Graphics)同时遥感捕获和图解法

15.Introduction to Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation遥感概论与像片判读

16.of or pertaining to telemetry.属于或关于遥感勘测。

17.Electromagnetic Theory In Microwave Remote Sensing ?微波遥感电磁场基础

18.Aerospace Remote Sensing Development Group宇空遥感技术发展组



1.Risk assessment of aeolian sand disaster in cities in sandy area of northern China based onRS,GIS and models;中国北方沙区城市风沙灾害危险度评价——基于遥感、地理信息系统和模型的研究

2.Monitoring of Land Desertification in Tibet Based onRS;西藏土地荒漠化遥感监测

3.Study on the Distributed Snowmelt Runoff Process Based onRS and GIS;遥感和GIS支持下的分布式融雪径流过程模拟研究

3)remote sense遥感

1.Research on SVM and its application ofremote sense image classification for regions of interest感兴趣区域遥感图像分类与支持向量机应用研究

2.Some mapping methods, such as directive extraction ofremote sense information with enhanced treatment, landscape interpretation using automatic supervision classification and eye determination, directive and indirective extraction of information, combination of remote and non-remote sense information, were described.分析了遥感信息直接提取的增强处理方法,自动监督分类与目视判读相结合的景观解译方法,间接提取与直接提取配合的分区信息提取方法,遥感与非遥感信息的迭加复合方法。

3.Remote sense is the best way of keeping monitoring ecosystem.遥感能够为生态监测和管理提供有用的技术手段,能够实现生态的持续、快速、动态监测。

4)Remote Sensing(RS)遥感

1.On the basis of the 1∶250,000 scale ETM+ image of Amdo sheet in Tibet,by means of geometric calibration and mosaic process,bands 7,4 and 3 were chosen to achieve false color composition and panchromatic band fusion,aiming at establishing the remote sensing(RS)ETM+ images at a 1∶250,000 scale in the study area.对西藏安多县1∶25万图幅的ETM+图像进行几何精校正和镶嵌后,选取ETM+7、ETM+4、ETM+3波段进行假彩色合成并与全色波段融合,获得研究区1∶25万ETM+影像图;根据不同地质体的影像特征并结合野外踏勘,建立了遥感解译标志;对沉积物、地貌、水系及新构造等进行了初步目视解译,编制了1∶25万第四纪遥感解译图;结合野外地质调查,对研究区的第四纪沉积物的成因类型和分布范围、地貌特征及分区、新构造运动等方面进行了研究。

2.Supported by remote sensing(RS) and geographical information system(GIS),this paper adopted multi-source spatial information to construct the digital environment model for areas made of grid data.采用多源空间信息,在地理信息系统和遥感技术的支持下,构造以栅格数据为主的数字环境。

3.Taking Guangxi State-run Yachang Forest Farm as an example,application technology route and technology crux for remote sensing(RS),geological information system(GIS) and global positioning system(GPS) in forest resources planning and design inventory are introduced.以广西国有雅长林场为例,介绍遥感、地理信息系统、全球定位系统在森林资源规划设计调查应用的技术线路和技术关键。

5)remote sensing (RS)遥感

1.This paper demonstrates the integration of the field-experiment and the technology of remote sensing (RS) to analyze the environmental influence in watershed scale to RBs in Guangting reservoir.选取官厅水库库滨带为研究区域,应用SPOT5遥感数据对其结构进行了解析,建立了高分辨率的QuickBird遥感数据与SPOT数据的尺度转化关系,对SPOT信息提取结果进行了校核,以提高SPOT卫星对库滨带结构的解译精度;最后结合点上的实验结果对流域尺度上的库滨带的环境效益进行了分析。

2.With the techniques of remote sensing (RS) applied in the observation of the water pollution from the surface of the earth to space,the research method of normal water quality has got a new point of view beyond routinization,and it indicates that the modern technique should have the importance of the precision improved and enhanced while the process is outspreading.地面水体污染监测技术向空间遥感监测方向的拓展 ,在常规的监测技术基础上增添了新的观察角度 ,同时也反映出在应用现代遥感新技术的过程中 ,面临着需要不断加强改进和提高遥感监测精确度的处理方法。

3.Based on field surveys and using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Remote Sensing (RS), we studied the distribution, quality, spatial pattern, and conservation status of giant panda habitat in the Daxiangling Moun-tains, Sichuan.本研究通过野外调查,在地理信息系统(GIS)和遥感(RS)技术支持下,利用大熊猫生境结构理论模型,选取海拔、坡度、植被类型、竹子分布、道路和居民点的分布等评价因子,系统地研究了大相岭山系大熊猫生境的分布、生境质量与空间格局,以及生境保护现状,在此基础上提出了该山系生境保护与自然保护区建设的对策。

6)Remote sensing and control遥感遥控


