100字范文 > 法律制度 legal system英语短句 例句大全

法律制度 legal system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-10 11:28:10


法律制度 legal system英语短句 例句大全

法律制度,legal system

1)legal system法律制度

1.Foreign soil pollution controllegal system for China"s Inspiration;国外土壤污染防治法律制度对我国的启示

2.Improvement oflegal system for water environmental protection of Suzhou river network;苏州河网水环境保护法律制度的完善

3.Research on Legal Systems of Wetland Damage Compensation;湿地损害赔偿法律制度体系构建研究


1.Legal Institutions,Extra-Legal Institutions and Financial Governance Efficiency法律制度、法律外制度与财务治理效率

2.The Contemporary Economic Law System of Foreign Countries当代外国经济法律制度

3.Law Systems of Contemporary Western Economy当代西方经济法律制度

4.Legal System of Security of Maritime Claim海事请求保全法律制度

5.Legal institutions and legal thought survive political systems.法律制度和法律思想幸免于政治体系。

6.Thoughts on Creation of Legal Systems and Renew of Legal Concepts;法律制度创新与法律观念更新的思考

7.The probe into the law system of factoring and perfection of relevant law system;我国保理法律制度探究与相关法律制度的完善

8.The Study and Revelation of the Foreign Investment Law in the Philippines;菲律宾外国投资法律制度研究及启示

9.Influence of Daming Law on Legal System of Korean Empire《大明律》对朝鲜王朝法律制度的影响

10.Institutional Economics Analysis on the Legal System of Government Procurement and the Perfection;政府采购法律制度的制度经济学分析

11.A Comparison between the Contract Risk System and the Relevant Legal System;合同风险制度与相关法律制度的比较

12.The System of Intellectual Property:The Law System of the Knowledge-based Economy;知识产权制度:知识经济的法律制度

13.Perfecting Sci-tech Legal System through Doing Well Sci-tech Legal Construction;搞好科技法制建设 完善科技法律制度

14.The Legal Principle and Legal System Concept of "Biological Invasion Prevention Act"《生物入侵防治法》的法律原则法律制度构想

15.The Affectionate Legal System and the Legal Systematization of Emotional Attachment-On "Emotional Attachment", "Legal Principles" and the "Pendulum Mode"法律制度的亲情化与亲情的法律制度化——“亲情”、“法理”及“钟摆模式”

16.On the Reform of Islamic Law System in Indonesia;印度尼西亚伊斯兰法律制度改革试析

17.the interrelated laws offer the law guarantee for MBS;配套法律制度为实施MBS提供了法律保障;

18.Legal Purposes and Effects in View of Civil Legal Systems;从部分民事法律制度看法律的目的与效果


Law System法律制度

1.The Conception of Establishing theLaw System of Financial Shift Payment in China;关于建立我国财政转移支付法律制度的构想

2.On China present commercial bank risk management law system s shortage and Perfection;论我国现行商业银行风险管理法律制度的不足及完善

3.A Research onLaw System of International Non-Proliferation Nuclear Weapon;国际不扩散核武器法律制度研究

3)legal institution法律制度

1.On Legal Institution Arrangement for Promoting Development in Eco-Technology;论促进生态技术发展的法律制度安排

2.Studies on the Legal Institutions of Promoting Middle and Small-Scale Enterprises Development in China;促进我国中小企业发展的法律制度研究

3.Research on the Incentives of the Insurance Intermediaries Principal-Agent Legal Institution;保险中介委托-代理法律制度的激励性研究

4)legal systems法律制度

1.According tolegal systems, this article probes into and research the original technological innovation,the further technological innovation, the sales technological innovation and strategic technological innovation ofenterprises individually, this article considers that enterprises should connect specificlegal systems to promote and to guarantee it contiunue technological innovation.结合、运用法律制度,对企业技术创新运行过程中的原创性技术创新、二次技术创新、营销性技术创新和战略性技术创新分别进行了探讨和研究,认为企业应当结合和运用具体的法律制度,依法促进和保障其不断进行技术创新。

2.Thelegal systems founded on the basis of traditional economy have obviously lagged behind by the practice of venture investment.风险投资是促进高科技发展的有效机制 ,但风险投资在我国的发展存在许多法律障碍 ,建立在传统经济基础之上的法律制度已经明显滞后于风险投资的实践。

3.Energy is an important issue that concerns the economic safety and social development of a nation, so it demands speciallegal systems; in terms of energy safety of a nation, thelegal systems of energy reserve appear particularly important, and they can regulate national behaviors about energy reserve in the tier of systems.对于一国的能源安全来讲,能源储备法律制度显得尤为重要,它可以从制度的层面规范国家的能源储备行为。


1.Classical Economics on Theory of Property Rights and Law;古典经济学对产权理论和法律制度的研究

2.This paper, with reference to the international legislation experience and trend of environment and combining them with the practice in China, researches the countermeasures of accelerating environmentlaw innovation and perfecting environment legislation.借鉴和把握国际环境立法的经验和趋势 ,结合中国的客观实际 ,探索加快我国环境保护法律制度创新和进一步完善环境立法的对

3.By comparisons of 48 countries(regions),we find that there is great difference between commonlaw and civillaw countries in the statement for balance of payments.作者认为法律制度由于影响到国际间资本流动,从而它是造成国际收支失衡的原因之一。

6)the legal system法律制度

1.By evaluating its existing legal system and constraints of its development , this paper tries to give some suggestions on how to improvethe legal system of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.着重从法学的角度对上海合作组织现有的法律框架进行分析和评价,阐明制约上海合作组织发展的法律制度因素,并提出相应的法律制度的完善建议。

2.Part Two: Outline ofthe legal system of rural social security in china.笔者认为,困扰“三农”问题的关键症结在于缺乏较为完善的农村社会保障法律制度。

3.How to completely reverse the disadvantageous condition of the extensive low efficiency use of the urban land,realizes the urban land resource to transform from the extensive management to the intensive management,the fundamental way out is through the construction ofthe legal system to overcome the existing system deficiencies.如何彻底扭转城市土地粗放低效利用的不利状况,实现城市土地资源由粗放经营向集约经营转变,根本出路在于通过法律制度的构建来克服现有制度的缺陷。


