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标本兼治 looking into both its roots cause and symptoms英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-16 11:58:20


标本兼治 looking into both its roots cause and symptoms英语短句 例句大全

标本兼治,looking into both its roots cause and symptoms

1)looking into both its roots cause and symptoms标本兼治

1.Philosophic consideration about the treatment of corruption bylooking into both its roots cause and symptoms;关于反腐败标本兼治的哲学思考


1.We should seek both temporary and permanent solutions to the problems, with emphasis on permanent solutions.要标本兼治,重在治本。

2.Seek Both temporary and permanent solutions标本兼治,重在治本

3.Seeking both temporary and permanent solutions while focusing on the permanent solution.标本兼治,重在治本。

4.How can the problem be solved both for the time being and for ever?如何才能做到标本兼治。

5.Market: Market order will be rectified and both temporary and permanent solutions will be sought, with focus on the latter.市场:整顿秩序,标本兼治,重在治本

6.To prevent and check corruption we must adopt the policy of "treating both principal and secondary aspects of corruption comprehensively".预防和治理腐败要“标本兼治 ,综合治理”。

7.The newest stomachic most effectively relieves the primary and secondary symptoms at the same time.最新胃药,标本兼治,效果奇佳。

8.fifth, rectifying and regulating market economic order by treating both root causes and symptoms;五、标本兼治,整顿和规范市场经济秩序;

9.The Clinical Effect Observation on Treating Apolexy with the Yinyangqixue and Biaoben Acupunctural Method;阴阳气血配穴标本兼治法治疗中风的临床观察

10.We must adhere to the principle of addressing both symptoms and root causes of corruption and taking comprehensive measures to rectify both while devoting greater efforts gradually to tackling the latter.坚持标本兼治、综合治理的方针,逐步加大治本的力度。

11.We will address both symptoms and root causes to thoroughly improve market order.坚持标本兼治,深入整顿和规范市场秩序。

12.Remarks on Quality Education;一场需要标本兼治的改革——素质教育之我见

13.Clinical Study on Gastric Dysplasia with Xu-Shi Correlation Syndrome by Concurrent Treatment of Biao-Ben胃粘膜异型增生虚实标本兼治的临床研究

14.On the Social Structural Causes of Trafficking Women--On Tackling both the Symptoms with Failure of legal Control;拐卖妇女的社会结构性原因分析——兼论法律控制失败下的标本兼治

15.Analysis on the Social Structural Causes of the Women Abduction--Also Discuss the Cure on Both the Symptoms and Nature Without the Control of Law;妇女拐卖的社会结构性原因分析——兼论法律控制失效下的标本兼治

16.In the effort to rectify and regulate the order of the market economy, the government will try to seek both temporary and permanent solutions, with focus on the latter.朱镕基强调,大力整顿和规范市场经济秩序,要标本兼治,重在治本。

17.Career Layout and Innovation of Adaptive Education--On Goal - Setting Mode of AdaptiveEducation with Cause & Symptom Solution;生涯规划与适应教育创新——论标本兼治的目标确立适应教育模式

18.Education is foundation, law guarantee and supervision the key factor.实行标本兼治,教育是基础,法律是保证,监督是关键。


seek both temporary solution and permanent cure权本兼治

3)relieing both primary and secondary symptoms标本兼顾

4)not only alleviate the symptoms, but effect a permanent cure as well治本治标

5)Appropriate measures治标治本

6)alleviation and treating primary cause治标和治本


