100字范文 > 水泥与减水剂相容性 compatibility of cement with superplasticizer英语短句 例句大全

水泥与减水剂相容性 compatibility of cement with superplasticizer英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-14 16:40:24


水泥与减水剂相容性 compatibility of cement with superplasticizer英语短句 例句大全

水泥与减水剂相容性,compatibility of cement with superplasticizer

1)compatibility of cement with superplasticizer水泥与减水剂相容性


1.Influence of Particle Size Distribution of Cement on Compatibility of Cement and Superplasticizer颗粒分布对水泥与减水剂相容性的影响

2.Influence of Firing Atmosphere of Clinker on Compatibility of Cement with Superplasticizer熟料煅烧气氛对水泥与减水剂相容性的影响

3.Effect of the mineral admixture on the compatibi lity of the cement and the superplasticizer at low water binder ratio低水胶比下矿物掺合料对水泥与减水剂相容性的影响

4.The Study on Compatibility of QinLing Cement with Super Plasticizer;秦岭水泥与高效减水剂相容性的研究

5.Influence of sulfate on the compatibility of cement and naphthalene superplasticizer硫酸盐对萘系减水剂与水泥相容性的影响

6.Study on compatibility of cement and mineral admixtures and superplasticizer水泥和矿物掺合料与减水剂相容性问题的研究

7.Effect of gypsum on compatibility between cement and sulphonated naphthalene based superplasticizers石膏对硅酸盐水泥与萘系减水剂相容性的影响

8.Study on the Compatibility between Lignified Poly-aliphatic Superplasticizer and Cement木聚脂肪族高效减水剂与水泥相容性研究

9.Influence of Ground Limestone on the Compatibility of Cement and Superplasticizer石灰石粉对水泥与高效减水剂相容性的影响

10.Influencing Factors on the Compatibility between Portland Cement and Superplasticizer;硅酸盐水泥与高效减水剂相容性的影响因素研究

11.The study on the adaptibility between aliphatic superplasticizer and cement脂肪族高效减水剂与水泥适应性研究

12.The Research on the Compatibility between PNS and Cement;一种萘系减水剂与水泥适应性的研究

13.Effect of fineness of grinding on compatibility of cement and additive粉磨细度对水泥与外加剂相容性的影响

14.The Effect Research of Mineral Mixture to the Compatibility of Cement and Admixture;矿物掺合料对水泥与外加剂相容性的影响研究

parative Test on Compatibility of Three Series of Polycarboxylate Admixtures with Cement三种聚羧酸系外加剂与水泥的相容性对比试验

16.Study on Effect of the Main Cement Characteristic to Compatibility of Water-reducing Admixture with Cement;水泥主要特性对水泥与减水剂适应性影响的研究

17.Synthesis and performance of polycarboxylate based superplasticizer for cement聚羧酸高效水泥减水剂的合成及性能

18.The Interface Chemistry Phenomena and Rheological Properties of "Cement-Water-Superplasticizer" System;“水泥—水—高效减水剂”系统的界面化学现象与流变性能


cement-admixture compatibility减水剂-水泥相容性

3)compatibility between cement and admixtures水泥与外加剂的相容性

4)Water reducer compatibility减水剂相容性


1.Start with the extract of petronaphthalene derivate,methylnaphthalene and naphthalene from ethylene-tar,and in view of their specialities from coal tar extracts and the original technique for Disperser MF and Cement-disperser.基于石油甲基萘和石油萘来源的特殊性,在吸收煤焦油甲基萘和萘制备分散剂MF和 水泥减水剂原有工艺的基础上,将乙烯焦油进行提炼得到石油萘的下游产品──甲基萘与萘 ,来制备分散剂MF和水泥减水剂。

6)Interaction of cement and plasticizer减水剂与水泥的作用


