100字范文 > 南海一号 The South China Sea NO.I英语短句 例句大全

南海一号 The South China Sea NO.I英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-02 15:13:15


南海一号 The South China Sea NO.I英语短句 例句大全

南海一号,The South China Sea NO.I

1)The South China Sea NO.I南海一号

1.A Study of Cultural Tourism Development of Maritime Silk Road——A Case Study of "The South China Sea NO.I"海上丝绸之路文化旅游发展研究——以“南海一号”古商船为例


1.Underwater positioning and posture monitoring in salvaging Nanhai No.1“南海一号”打捞过程中的水下定位和姿态监测

2.A Study of Cultural Tourism Development of Maritime Silk Road--A Case Study of "The South China Sea NO.I"海上丝绸之路文化旅游发展研究——以“南海一号”古商船为例

3.Response of "Nan Yan 1" Aloe Vera to Seawater;“南盐一号”库拉索芦荟对海水胁迫的响应

4.Kowloon South No. 2 Salt Water Pumping Station九龙南二号海水抽水站

5.I"m working at Nanyuan Hotel at 178 Huaihai Road.我在淮海路178号南园宾馆工作。

6.Chop Yat [old marine survey vessel]集一号〔旧海上监察船〕

7.Scope of Accepting Cases in Administrative Proceedings;论行政诉讼的受案范围——从海南凯立诉中国证监会一案中39号文的争议说起

8.an island off the coast of southeast东南沿海的一个岛屿

9.Yeah. I have been there once,是呀。我去过海南岛一次,

10.Since be archaize caique, "Nanhai god date " little of course not sail.既然是仿古帆船,“南海神号”当然少不了风帆。

11.Visual Representation Study for the Public Symbol System in SHANGHAI RAILWAY STA(S.);上海南站公共符号系统的视觉表征研究

12.Wreck Archaeology of "South China Sea I" And The Conservation Of The Underwater Cultural Heritage;“南海Ⅰ号”沉船考古与水下文化遗产保护

13.Architectural Design of East Nanjing Road Station of Shanghai Rail Transit Line 10上海轨道交通10号线南京东路站建筑设计实践

14.Establishment of the Trehalose Signaling Mutant Screening System in Arabidopsis拟南芥海藻糖信号途径突变体筛选体系的建立

15.Design of the Integral Floating Plan and Salvage Technology for the Nanhai I Ancient Wreck“南海Ⅰ号”整体起浮方案的设计与施工工艺

parison Trial of Sugarcane Cultivar ROC 22 Introduced to Hainan新台糖22号甘蔗新品种在海南的引种与推广

17.Nanhai Nanzhuang Ech Co., Ltd.南海市南庄一川卫浴有限公司

18.A falcon(Falco biarmicus)of Africa, the Mediterranean, and southern Asia.南非隼一种隼(地中海隼),产于非洲、地中海和南亚


South China Sea I南海Ⅰ号

1.Wreck Archaeology of "South China Sea I" And The Conservation Of The Underwater Cultural Heritage;“南海Ⅰ号”沉船考古与水下文化遗产保护

3)Nanmi NO.1南蜜一号

1.Performance of early maturity peach "Nanmi NO.1" and its cultivation techniques in Guangxi;“南蜜一号”早熟桃在广西种植表现及栽培技术

4)Nichinan 1日南一号

1.Nichinan 1 were determined at different periods and their relationship was analyzed.以日南一号温州蜜柑为试材,对不同时期、不同黄化程度叶片反射光谱及叶绿素含量进行研究,结果表明,日南一号叶片反射光谱在350~1750 nm范围内,出现了5次反射峰,其中可见光区域552 nm和近红外长波1680nm波段处各出现了1次较弱的反射峰,在近红外短波段范围出现了3次强反射峰。

5)Nanmu 1南牧一号

1.The suitable planting distribution for the hybrid Napiergrass "Nanmu 1"in Nanping city was concluded by using GIS technology.根据南平市10县(市、区)及周边地市(三明、宁德)8县市1961-2000年近40a 气象资料和-田间试验结果,确定≥ 12℃活动积温为气候区划指标,利用 GIS 技术得到南平市南牧一号杂交象草的适宜种植区域。

6)Chenghai I artificial island埕海一号


