100字范文 > 产权 Property right英语短句 例句大全

产权 Property right英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-12 06:54:25


产权 Property right英语短句 例句大全

产权,Property right

1)Property right产权

1.Legal meaning of scientific definition of mineral product property right;论科学界定矿产产权的法治价值

2.On the legal reformation of hospital property right in China;医院产权改革法律问题探析

3.Practice and study on the reform of property right system in medical institutions;医疗机构产权制度改革实践及探索


1.real and personal property rights;不动产权和私人产权;

2.The transfer of and changes in property rights of enterprises产权划转和产权变动

3.property relations; property order产权制度、产权关系

4.Claim Settlement Commission产权要求委员会(产权会)

5.The Changes between Equity,Decision Right and the System of Farmland Property;产权、决策权与农地产权制度的变革

6.WIPO Copyright Treaty知识产权组织版权条约

7.equity method of accounting产权会计法、权益公计法

8.change of title产权变更,所有权变更

9.Recognizing that intellectual property rights are private rights;承认知识产权为私权;

10.vest sb with authority, rights in an estate, etc授予某人权力、产权等

11.intangible property rights such as patents, industrial designs, trademarks, copyrights, and literary property;无形资产权,诸如专利权、企业策划权、商标权、版权及知识产权等;

12.Property Ownership and Related Property Rights财产所有权和与财产所有权有关的财产权

13.A New Visual Angle of Study on Property Rights of an Enterprise--Direct and Indirect Property Rights企业产权研究的新视角——直接产权与间接产权

14.1.Definition of "intellectual property"1."知识产权"定义。

15.2.Types of intellectual property2.知识产权类型。

16.his property rights pertaining to copyright and patent rights;and公民的著作权、专利权中的财产权利;

17.(6) his property rights pertaining to copyright and patent rights; and(六)公民的著作权、专利权中的财产权利;

18.The term "copyright" shall include the following personal rights and property rights:著作权包括下列人身权和财产权:


property rights产权

1.Present value method in the use ofproperty rights pricing;谈收益现值法在产权定价中的运用

2.Fromproperty rights prospective to analysis the stocksystem reform of the natural monopoly industry——take the railway industry for example;从产权角度浅析自然垄断性行业的股份制改革——以铁路运输业为例

3.A Probe into the definition and relationship ofproperty rights of China s ocean resources assets;关于我国海洋资源资产产权界定问题的探讨


1.Property, Information and the Tragedy of Anticommons;产权、信息与反公共地悲剧

2.Discussions on the Innovation of Financial Management Based onProperty of Human Capital;基于人力资本产权化的财务管理创新初探

3.Study on property right of agricultural financial investment——taking agricultural area of science and technology for example;农业财政投入的产权问题研究——以农业科技园区为例


1.An Applied Analysis of Natural Conservation and Resident Welfare based on Ownership Theory:A Case Study in Natural Reserve of Crested Ibis in Shaanxi;自然保护中的产权变动与当地居民福利补偿——基于产权理论的应用分析及实证检验

petition, Ownership, Corporate Governance: Their Importance and Interactions;竞争、产权、公司治理三大理论的相对重要性及交互关系

3.On the socialization of public higher education institutions and the multification and scatterlization ofownership;公立高校民营化与产权多元化、分散化


1.Eco-property-rights Accounting:A Theoretical Framework;生态产权会计:一个理论分析框架


1.Research on the legal problems of waterpowertitle;水能资源产权法律问题研究

2.Analysis ontitle and financial risk of the state-owned commercial bank;国有商业银行产权与金融风险浅析


