100字范文 > 人权保障机能 function of safeguarding human right英语短句 例句大全

人权保障机能 function of safeguarding human right英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-30 13:04:49


人权保障机能 function of safeguarding human right英语短句 例句大全

人权保障机能,function of safeguarding human right

1)function of safeguarding human right人权保障机能

1.Onfunction of safeguarding human right in China’s criminal law;论我国刑法的人权保障机能


1.Dialectical Ponder on Safeguard Function and Protection Function of Human Rights in Criminal Law;刑法的人权保障机能与人权保护机能辨思

2.On the Compensation to Criminal Victim--from the View of Protection Function of Human Rights in Criminal Law;论刑事被害人补偿——以刑法人权保障机能为视角

3.The Relationship between Function of Protecting Human Rights and Principle of Conviction by Lawin Chinese Criminal Law;我国刑法罪刑法定原则与人权保障机能的关系

4.Research on the Constitution s Safeguard System of Human Rights -- Analysis of "Safeguard Clause to Human Rights;宪法的人权保障机制研究——“人权保障条款”的解读

5."Human Rights" Cannot Be Merely "Write Into Coustitution";“人权”不能仅仅是“入宪”——“黑砖窑”事件对宪法基本人权保障机制的启示

6.Systematic Discrimination and the Function of Equal Rights Protection Institutions;制度性歧视与平等权利保障机构的功能——以农民权利保障为视角

7.The Responsibility of the National Human Rights Protectionand the Setting-up of National Human Rights Organization;国家的人权保障责任与国家人权机构的建立

8.Research on the Right Safeguarding for the Victim Performed by the Procuratorate;检察机关对刑事被害人权利保障研究

9.Establishment and Perfection of Guarantee System of Rights for Criminal Witness;刑事证人权利保障机制的建立与完善

10.The Human Rights Guarantee Mechanism in the Process of Public Security Law Enforcement;我国公安执法进程中人权保障的机制

11.Principle of Legally Prescribed Punishment for Specified Crime and the Perfection of Safeguard Mechanism of Rights;罪刑法定原则与人权保障机制的完善

12.IX. Guarantee of Human Rights for the Disabled九、残疾人的人权保障

13.Discussion on the Human Rights Protection in Duty Crime Investigation;论检察机关职务犯罪侦查中的人权保障

14.A Study of Executive Stock Option Incentive and Its Mechanism of Assurance;经理人股票期权激励及其保障机制研究

15.On the Right to Education of the Children of Flowing Labor and Its Guarantee Mechanism;流动人口子女受教育权及其保障机制研究

16.Conflict Solution Mechanism of Crime Control and Human Rights Protection;试论犯罪控制与人权保障的冲突解决机制

17.The Property Rights of Human Capital in Higher Education Institutions:Ownership,Trade and the Guarantee Mechanism;高校人力资本产权:归属、交易及其保障机制

18.Improving the Guarantee System of Criminal Appraisers;论刑事鉴定人诉讼权利保障机制的完善


function of safeguarding human rights人权保障功能

3)system of protecting human rights人权保障机制

4)the protection of human rights人权保障

1.The Right of Environment and the Constitution -The Constitution implication of the right of environment fromthe protection of human rights viewpoint;环境权与宪法——从人权保障的观点谈环境权的宪法意涵

2.Onthe protection of human rights in the public security administrative punishment application;公安行政处罚适用中的人权保障问题

3.Thinking of these questions on the background ofthe protection of human rights having been stated in the constitution,we should further the transform of our national le.超期羁押28年的谢洪武案件是我国人权法制实践中一个悲剧性的典型案例,暴露出我国人权保障机制的一系列突出问题,主要是法律理念严重滞后、有关法律制度不健全、价值取向发生偏差;在人权入宪的背景下透视我国人权法制发展问题,应以尊重和保障人权为立足点推进法制转型,特别是推动法律观念革新和人权法制创新,这是实现依法治国方略、建设和谐社会的必由之路。

5)human rights protection人权保障

1.On the compulsory defense system from the perspective ofhuman rights protection;人权保障视野下强制辩护制度探讨

2.Investigative Power under the Scope of Human Rights Protection;论人权保障视角下的侦查权

3.Though with the deepening of the idea ofhuman rights protection,the situation ofhuman rights protection of the suspects is recognized by more people,the public power of punishing crimes always pushes the public security organs to ignore the protection.随着人权保障理念的深化,犯罪嫌疑人作为侦查对抗中的弱势群体,其人权保障问题得到了广泛的关注,但惩罚犯罪的公权要求常常使侦查人员在对犯罪嫌疑人权利保障这一环节陷于两难的境地。

6)guarantee of human rights人权保障

1.Considering the relationship between the supervision of public opinions and theguarantee of human rights, the supervision of public opinions is both the main content of theguarantee of human rights and the approach to human rights guarantee.就人权保障与舆论监督的关系而言 ,舆论监督既是人权的基本内容 ,又是人权获得保障的方式。

2.At present,guarantee of human rights and construction of the rule of law are the indications for the improvement of political civilization,and it is also the crucial to build up the harmonious society.在当代,人权保障和法治建设已经成为人类政治文明进步的标志,同时这也是构建和谐社会的关键。


