100字范文 > 二元经济结构 dual economic structure英语短句 例句大全

二元经济结构 dual economic structure英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-28 15:52:53


二元经济结构 dual economic structure英语短句 例句大全

二元经济结构,dual economic structure

1)dual economic structure二元经济结构

1.The discussion of life and welfare disparity in town and countryside underdual economic structure in Guizhou;贵州城乡二元经济结构下的生活福利差异分析

2.Characteristic of Chinese Dual Economic Structure and Small Cities and Towns Construction;我国二元经济结构特点与农村小城镇建设

3.The characters and the way for eliminatingdual economic structure in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area;三峡库区二元经济结构特征及其消除途径


1.How should developing countries change the backward economic situation in rural area caused by the dualistic structure in urban and rural areas?城乡二元结构包括城乡二元经济结构和城乡二元社会结构。

2.Dual economic structure, radiation theory and construction of new socialist countryside二元经济结构、经济辐射与新农村建设

3.The Unified Evolution Study of the Dual Economy Structure in China;中国二元经济结构的一元化演变研究

4.Dualistic Economic Structure Theory and Dualistic Economic Reform in China;二元经济结构理论与我国城乡二元经济结构改造

5.With the development of economy, dual economic structure will transform to modern economic structure.随着经济发展,二元经济结构会向现代经济结构转换。

6.Study on the Status and Development of Dual Economic Structure in China;中国二元经济结构的现状与发展研究

7.Research into CGE Model and China s dual economic structure transformation;CGE模型与中国二元经济结构转化研究


9.Manpower Capital,Reproduction Rate and the Transformation of the Dual Economic Structure;人力资本、生育率与二元经济结构转化

10.Solidification and Transformation of Chinese Dual Economy;试析我国二元经济结构的固化与转化

11.Development of Urban and Rural Areas as a Whole in a System of Double Dual Economic Structure;双重二元经济结构下的城乡统筹发展

12.To the Facilitate Transformation of the Dual Economy Structure By Balancing the Development of City and Countryside;统筹城乡发展 促进二元经济结构转换

13.Demographic Dividend under the Dual Structure of Economy in China;二元经济结构下的人口红利及其实现

14.The Theoretical Analysis of Urban-rural Dualistic Economic Structure and its Solutions;城乡二元经济结构的理论探析与破解

15.Integration of town and country development and transformation of binary economic structure;统筹城乡发展 促进二元经济结构转变

16.Planning the Development of Both City and Rural Area as a Whole,Improve the Transformation of the Dualistic Economic Structures;统筹城乡发展加快二元经济结构转变

17.Dual economy is a basic characteristic of Chinese economy.二元经济是中国经济结构的基本特征。

18.Dualistic Structure and Dual Nature of the Responsibility System of Economic Law;经济法责任体系的二元结构及二重性


dualistic economic structure二元经济结构

1.The effect ofdualistic economic structure of Shaanxi and undergraduate′s occupation choice;陕西二元经济结构对普通高校毕业生的就业选择影响

2.The analysis from the angle of economics about the sequence of narrowingdualistic economic structure to our country s eastern and western regional difference;缩小二元经济结构对我国东西部区域差距影响的经济学分析

3.Butdualistic economic structure between the city and countryside of Chongqing is very outstanding,which badly impact process of constructing well-off society.重庆直辖以来经济快速发展,但城乡二元经济结构也非常突出,严重影响全民小康建设进程和经济持续健康发展。

3)Dual Economy Structure二元经济结构

1.The chief task of developing countries in industrialized stage is to transform the dual economy structure into the modern economy structure.发展中国家工业化阶段的主要任务是实现二元经济结构向现代化的一元经济结构转换。

2.In analysis of China s urban and rural dual economy structure transition, institutional factor is an important variable to be taken into consideration.在对我国城乡二元经济结构转型的分析中,制度因素是一个必须考虑在内的重要变量。

3.The dual economy structure is the typical feature of the Chinese system of national economy, and is the major obstacle of Chinese economic growth.二元经济结构是我国国民经济体系的典型特征,是制约其经济发展主要障碍。

4)The Dual Economic Structure二元经济结构

1.The development and reasonable supervision of China"s private lending in the dual economic structure二元经济结构下我国民间借贷的发展及其合理监管

2.Under the dual economic structure,the serious information asymmetry makes local medium and small enterprises and peasants financing much hard.二元经济结构下,信息不对称程度的严重使得地方中小企业、农民等中小资金需求者向金融机构融资困难;与大型金融机构相比,地方中小金融机构从理论和现实两方面,都具有弱化这种信息不对称的内在比较优势;大力发展地方中小金融机构,利用和发挥好其信息优势是解决当前地方中小企业和农民融资难,并促进二元经济结构转换的现实路径。

3.China has a typical dual economic structure, and is now undergoing the conversion of the dual economic structure.二元经济结构及其转换问题是当代发展经济学的核心内容之一,一直以来为国内外学者所关注。

5)dual economy二元经济结构

1.However, owing to historical reasons, the long - term economic lagging couldn t be change entirely, so itsdual economy still existed.但由于历史的原因,该区域长期滞后的经济发展不可能在短时期内得到根本性改观,故其二元经济结构仍然存在。

6)Economy Dualistic Structure经济"二元结构"


