100字范文 > 遥感影像 remote sensing image英语短句 例句大全

遥感影像 remote sensing image英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-31 22:10:04


遥感影像 remote sensing image英语短句 例句大全

遥感影像,remote sensing image

1)remote sensing image遥感影像

1.New discovery in study ofremote sensing image characteristics at sandstone-type uranium deposits in China and its important significance;中国砂岩型铀矿区遥感影像特征研究的新发现及其重要意义

2.Study on multi-step classification ofremote sensing image based on LBV transformation;基于LBV变换的遥感影像多步骤分类法研究

3.Web-based releasing and implementation ofremote sensing image data of Xiaogan city;孝感市遥感影像数据的Web发布与实现


1.The Study on Pixel-Level Data Fusion for Remote Sensing Images of Medium and High Resolution;像素级中高分辨率遥感影像融合研究

2.Unmixing of Remote Sensing Images Based on Support Vector Machines and Pairwise Coupling基于SVM和PWC的遥感影像混合像元分解

3.Theoretical Framework of Optical Remotely Sensed Image Fusion光学遥感影像像素级融合的理论框架

4.Specification for making photoplan of remote sensingGB15968-1995遥感影像平面图制作规范

5.A New RS Image Fusion Method Based on Feature一种基于特征的遥感影像融合新方法

6.The Mapping Accuracy of Satellite Imagery Block Adjustment卫星遥感影像的区域网平差成图精度

7.Integrative Analysis and Evaluation of the Interpretation Features in Remote Sensing Image;遥感影像解译特征的综合分析与评价

8.Research on Remote Sensing Image Correction Model in Region of Lack Control Points;稀少控制点下遥感影像纠正模型研究

9.Remote Sensing Image Texture Feature Extraction and Quantitative Analysis;遥感影像纹理特征提取及其定量分析

10.Studying the Martial Object Detection for High-resolution Remote Sensing Images;高分辩率遥感影像军用目标检测研究

11.Study of Remote Sensing Image Database Based on Oracle GeoRaster;基于ORACLE GeoRaster的遥感影像库技术研究

12.Research on the Line-Based Registration of Multi-Source Remote Sensing Imagery;基于线特征的多源遥感影像配准研究

parison and Analysis on Remote Sensing Data Fusion Methods;遥感影像数据融合方法的比较和分析

14.Application of Decision Tree Technology for Image Classification Using Remote Sensing Data;基于决策树技术的遥感影像分类研究

15.The Establish of Remote Sensing Image Database Base on Oracle;基于Oracle的遥感影像数据库的建立

16.Research on Back-propagation Neural Network-based Remote Sensing Image Classification;基于BP神经网络的遥感影像分类研究

17.The Research on Remote Sensing Image Compression Based on JPEG2000;基于JPEG2000的遥感影像压缩研究

18.Segmentation Algorithm for Road in High Resolution Remote Sensing Images;高分辨率遥感影像道路分割算法研究


remote sensing images遥感影像

1.Dynamic monitoring of land use space-time changes based onremote sensing images comprehension model——taking Longkou city for example;基于遥感影像理解模型的土地利用时空变化监测——以龙口市为例

2.The methods of ATM location selection based on GIS andremote sensing images;基于GIS与遥感影像的银行ATM机网点选址方法研究

3.Improvement of the OPTA algorithm and its application inremote sensing images thinning;改进的OPTA算法在遥感影像细化中的应用

3)remote sensing imagery遥感影像

1.Updating method and accuracy analysis of topographic maps for mining district based onremote sensing imagery;基于遥感影像的矿区地形图更新方法与精度分析

2.An effective approach to remove cloud-fog cover and enhanceremote sensing imagery;一种除去遥感影像薄云雾的方法

3.Dynamic assessment of typhoon disaster condition based on multi-sourcesremote sensing imagery:research progress;基于多源遥感影像的台风灾情动态评估——研究进展

4)RS image遥感影像

1.Design and realization of multiscaleRS image database management;多尺度遥感影像数据库管理的设计与实现

2.RS image based city earthquake disaster simulation;基于遥感影像的城市震害模拟

3.Research on matching of boundary cloud inRS image;遥感影像中边界云的匹配研究

5)remote sensing遥感影像

1.Spatial variation in land use/cover change and choice of spatial resolution forremote sensing——a case study in Beijing;土地利用/覆盖变化空间变异特征与遥感影像空间分辨率的选取——以北京地区为例

2.As a part of rapid development in technology,remote sensing has become an important tool to acquire the information of the land use/cover.以专家知识和经验为基础,综合影像光谱信息和其他辅助信息进行分类的基于知识的遥感影像解译方法,是提高遥感影像分类精度,实现自动解译的有效途径之一。

3.In this paper,the Changhua-Putuo fault zone was interpreted and recognized completely with the technologies of structural analysis based onremote sensing.遥感影像从宏观上反映活动断裂的影像全貌,还能动态地研究活动断裂的发生、发展及时空演化规律。

6)remote sensing image database遥感影像库

1.This paper mainly performs research on the image registration technique based on getting template image fromremote sensing image database.在目标变化检测和识别过程中,影像的高精度配准是极为重要的环节,它直接决定了变化检测和识别的成败,然而配准过程中参考影像的获取和配准控制点的提取一直是工程实践中的难点;以遥感影像库为配准参考影像,提取配准控制点,对系统内部处理的遥感影像进行精确配准,很好地解决了不同分辨率参考影像的获取和有效控制点的提取,并使待配准影像和影像库数据获得一致的地理坐标系统,能取得较好的效果。

2.However,traditionalremote sensing image database system can not satisfy the requirement in huge data management and fast browse of it.传统的遥感影像库系统在海量数据组织和数据快速检索上已经不能很好满足用户的需求。


微波影像微波影像是遥感影像之一,是指侧视成像雷达获得的影像,它不同于早期以雷达为中心,沿方位向扫描获得的极坐标表达的雷达影像。微波影像具有成像速度快,覆盖区域面积大,地面目标清晰可辨的特点,特别是微波雷达可采用或组合使用多种工作频率、多种极化和多角度方式获取地球表面信息,在许多领域的应用潜力很大。微波影像具有以下特点:(1)侧视雷达采用非中心投影方式(斜距型)成像,它与摄像机中心投影方式完全不同。(2)比例尺在在横向上产生畸变。在雷达波束照射区内,地面各点对应的入射角不等,距离雷达航迹越远,入射角越大,使得影像比例尺产生畸变,其规律是距离雷达航迹愈远比例尺愈小。(3)地形起伏移位在地学研究领域,经常采用ka 及x波段成像雷达进行资源与环境调查。雷达影像可应用于以下领域:海洋环境调查、地质制图和非金属矿产资源调查、洪水动态检测与评估、地貌研究与和地图测绘等。进行雷达影像解译,需要具备微波遥感的基础理论知识,掌握各种目标地物的微波特性和微波与目标地物相互作用规律,同时也需要掌握微波影像的判读方法和技术。
