100字范文 > 审判质效 the quality and efficiency of trials英语短句 例句大全

审判质效 the quality and efficiency of trials英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-21 15:57:45


审判质效 the quality and efficiency of trials英语短句 例句大全

审判质效,the quality and efficiency of trials

1)the quality and efficiency of trials审判质效


1.On the Application of New Management Notions to Trial Performance Evaluation in Courts法院审判质效评查工作引入管理理念之思考

2.and it can improve the efficiency of the trial and the quality of the decision.还能够改善审判的效率以及裁决的质量。

3.Under the Individual Field of Vision Judge Trials Quality Efficiency Surveillance System;法官个体视野下的审判质量效率监督体系

4.Research into Establishment & Application of the Assessment System of the Efficiency in the Quality of Trial审判质量效率评估体系的构建与应用问题研究

5.A trial that becomes invalid because of basic prejudicial error in procedure.无效审判由于审判过程中根本性的偏见性错误而变得无效的审判

6.the defense called for a mistrial.被告方要求无效审判。

7.18. Effect of Court Proceedings18.审判程序的效力

8.The Affect and Influence of Four Aspects about the Judge of the Aesthetical in the Critique of Judgment;《判断力批判》中四个审美契机的效果和影响

9.exclaimed Jerry, recalling the Trial at which he had assisted.杰瑞回忆起一场他曾效过点力的审判。

10.a trial that is invalid or inconclusive.无效的或非决定性的审判。

11.An Analysis of the Legislation and Judicial Trials concerning Invalid Contracts;无效合同制度的立法与司法审判探析

12.Judgement of Wisdom: It is no longer possible for the mana energize effect to trigger off of reapplication of the Judgement of Wisdom.智慧审判:不再会在重复使用智慧审判的时候激活法力活跃效果。

13.Establishing the Legitimate Procedure Consciousness and Enhancing the Quality of the Judges;树立正当程序意识 提高审判人员素质

14.Iudicium legitima et Iudicia quae imperio continentur(o imperium continentia)法定审判和依权审判

15.Any speed enhancing effect( other than a mount) fails when the target is judged with justice.关于公正审判:任何加速效果(然不算坐骑)被审判了正义了之后都会失效。

16.A Critical Analysis on Bad Effect of "Media Judgment";“媒体审判”负面效应批判——兼论构建传媒与司法间的和谐关系

17.Balance between the Conviction Effect and Retrying System of Civil Judgment;论我国民事裁判的既判效力与再审制度的协调与平衡

18.Judgement of Righteousness: Now consumes a charge of the Zandalarian Hero Charm.正义审判:将消耗赞达拉英雄护符的一次效果。


effects of the trail审判效果

3)trial efficiency审判效率

4)trial quality审判质量


6)audit judgment quality审计判断质量

1.This study verifies theaudit judgment quality of auditors from the two different kinds of CPA firms.近年来,审计质量问题引起了社会的广泛关注,作为影响审计质量主要因素之一的审计判断质量愈来愈受到会计职业界的重视。


