100字范文 > 涉外犯罪 foreign related crime英语短句 例句大全

涉外犯罪 foreign related crime英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-15 21:26:23


涉外犯罪 foreign related crime英语短句 例句大全

涉外犯罪,foreign related crime

1)foreign related crime涉外犯罪

1.Although international crime,foreign related crime and transnational crime have indelibly historical relations in the origins,they have not identical or embracing relationships for contents at all,but an interlock or independent relationship.国际犯罪与涉外犯罪、跨国犯罪之间虽然在起源上具有不可磨灭的历史渊源,但它们在内容上并不具有同一或者包容关系,而是一种即相互交叉又彼此保持一定独立性的关系。


1.Analysis on Relationship between International Crime and Foreign Related Crime and between International Crime and Transnational Crime;国际犯罪与涉外犯罪、跨国犯罪关系辨析——以基础概念解析为进路

2.A Brief Discussion on the Basic Principles of Cracking down on Crimes Concerning Chinese Workers Abroad;试论打击我国涉外劳务犯罪基本原则

3.Legal Problems in the Extradition of Chinese Criminals;我国引渡外逃罪犯所涉法律问题分析

4.On the characteristics and prevention of financial crime concerning foreign affairs;论我国涉外金融犯罪的特点及防控对策

5.Characteristics of foreign-related economic crime in Liaoning Province and the prevention and control measures;辽宁省涉外经济犯罪的特点及防控对策

6.He be arrest on suspicion of be an accessory to the crime .他因涉嫌同谋犯罪被捕。

7.He is wanted for robbery and firearms offences.他因涉嫌抢劫和涉枪犯罪而遭通缉。

8.Research on Conflict of Criminal Jurisdiction on Foreign-related Corrupt Crime:Take China as the Angle of View涉外腐败犯罪刑事管辖权冲突问题研究——以中国为视角的思考

9.Features and Prison Transform Countermeasures of Criminals Involved in Gang,Drugs and Firearms;涉黑涉毒涉枪罪犯的特征及监管改造对策

10.Countermeasures towards Prevention and Reduction of Underworld and Evil Crime;预防和减少甘肃省涉黑涉恶犯罪的对策研究

11.notice of particulars of alleged fixed penalty traffic offence涉嫌犯定额罚款交通罪行的通知书

12.of or relating to or involved in criminology.属于、关于或涉及犯罪学的。

13.To carry on illegal business activities that involve crimes.诈骗进行涉及犯罪的非法商业行动

14.Corrupt practices and organized crime that involve organized labor.涉及工会的腐败行为和团伙犯罪。

15.Measures to Trace the Source of Tax Cases浅谈拓宽涉税犯罪案源渠道的措施

16.The men were pulled in on suspicion of having committed a burglary.这些人因涉嫌犯有夜盗罪而被拘留。

17.The Front Involves the Present Cond(?)tion of the Network Crime and Probes to Against the Counterplan First St(?)p Study;当前涉网犯罪的现状及侦防对策初探

18.Relevant questions concerning the crimes related to explosion in present countryside;对当前农村涉爆犯罪有关问题的思考


foreign-related corrupt crime涉外腐败犯罪

1.But each country has formed many principles of criminal jurisdiction in long judicial practice,and will raise conflict of jurisdiction when applying toforeign-related corrupt crime.而各国在长期的司法实践中所形成的诸多刑事管辖原则,在适用于涉外腐败犯罪时又必然会引起管辖冲突。

3)Drug criminal涉毒罪犯

4)network crime涉网犯罪

1.Study on the Status and Countermeasures of Network Crime;涉网犯罪的现状与对策思考

2.But,we also should wide awake a ground of seeing,the Internet is on brings people the“a blade sword”,in the evangel at the same time,network crime too quietly but to.本文初步地分析了涉网犯罪的动向,特点以及初探了侦防对策。

5)crime related to exploding涉爆犯罪

6)gangland-related crime涉黑犯罪

1.Thegangland-related crime is a new organized crime,which forms and evolutes with the development and change of the economy in our country.涉黑犯罪是随着我国经济形式的发展和社会生活的变化而逐渐形成、演变的新型犯罪组织。


涉外犯罪涉外犯罪涉外犯罪是指发生在本国领域内的犯罪,其构成要件的全部或者部分要素涉及外国因素,需要加以刑罚的处罚的,本国刑事司法机关对其拥有完全管辖权的刑事犯罪。涉外犯罪的原则:(一)主权原则主权原则即追究外国人犯罪适用中国法律的原则,是涉外诉讼程序的首要原则。(二)信守国际条约原则即公安司法机关处理涉外案件时,在适用我国诉讼法的同时,还须兼顾我国缔结或参加的国际条约,根据条约的规定履行相应的义务。(三)诉讼权利同等原则诉讼权利同等原则,指外国人在我国参与诉讼,依法享有与我国公民同等的诉讼权利,承担同等的诉讼义务。涉外案件主要包括以下几类: (1)在中华人民共和国领域内,外国人犯罪的或者我国公民侵犯外国人合法权利的案件; (2)在中华人民共和国领域外,外国人对中华人民共和国国家和公民犯罪和中国公民犯罪的案件; (3)中华人民共和国在所承担国际条约义务范围内行使管辖权的案件。
