100字范文 > 间接矩阵变换器 Indirect Matrix Converter英语短句 例句大全

间接矩阵变换器 Indirect Matrix Converter英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-14 12:30:41


间接矩阵变换器 Indirect Matrix Converter英语短句 例句大全

间接矩阵变换器,Indirect Matrix Converter

1)Indirect Matrix Converter间接矩阵变换器

1.Indirect Matrix Converter Based Investigations of Field-Oriented Control for Induction Motor;基于间接矩阵变换器的感应电机矢量控制的研究

2.In view of indirect matrix converter control requirements,an indirect matrix converter device based on FPGA(field programmable gate array) is developed.针对间接矩阵变换器的控制要求,提出了一种基于FPGA(现场可编程门阵列)的间接矩阵变换器的实现方法,开发了一套间接矩阵变换器装置,并以实验数据证明了该装置的有效性。


1.Design and Realization of Indirect Matrix Converter Based on FPGA基于FPGA的间接矩阵变换器的设计与实现

2.Research of Indirect Matrix Converter Based on DTC基于间接矩阵变换器的异步电动机直接转矩控制

3.Indirect Matrix Converter Based Investigations of Field-Oriented Control for Induction Motor;基于间接矩阵变换器的感应电机矢量控制的研究

4.Research on Indirect Matrix Converter with Simple Commutation;简化换流的间接式矩阵变换器的研究

5.Implementation of indirect SVPWM for the matrix converter based on DSP and CPLD基于DSP与CPLD的矩阵变换器间接SVPWM控制

6.Asynchronous Electromotor Direct-torque Control based on Matrix Converters矩阵变换器的异步电机直接转矩控制

7.Direct Torque Control of Induction Motor Fed by Matrix Converter;基于矩阵变换器的异步电机直接转矩控制

8.AC-DC-AC Matrix Converter and Direct Torque Control;交—直—交型矩阵变换器及其直接转矩控制

9.Study of Direct Torque Control of Matrix Converter with Multiple Voltage Vectors多电压矢量矩阵变换器的直接转矩控制研究

10.Study of Contactless Electrical Power Transfer System based on Single-phase Matrix Converter基于单相矩阵变换器的非接触供电系统研究

11.Research on Matrix Converter Based on Direct Transfer Function Control基于直接传递函数调制的矩阵变换器研究

12.Study of Speed Sensorless Direct Torque Control System of Matrix Converter;矩阵变换器的无速度传感器直接转矩控制系统的研究

13.Research on AC/DC Converter Based on Matrix Converter;基于矩阵变换器的AC/DC变换器的研究

14.AC/DC Converter Based on Matrix Converter基于矩阵变换器的AC/DC变换器

15.Space Vector Modulation and Application Study on a Matrix Converter;矩阵式变换器的空间矢量调制及其应用研究

16.The Research of Multilevel Matrix Converter Based on Space Vector Modulation;基于空间矢量调制的多电平矩阵变换器研究

17.Research on Matrix Converter Based on Double Space Vector Modulation;基于双空间矢量调制的矩阵变换器的研究

18.The Research on Matrix Converter with Space Vector Modulation;基于空间矢量调制的矩阵式变换器的研制


matrix converter矩阵变换器

1.The Study and Implement of Matrix Converter Based on TMS320F2808;基于TMS320F2808的矩阵变换器的研究与实现

2.Direct torque control system for induction machine fed by space vector modulatedmatrix converter;空间矢量调制矩阵变换器驱动的异步电机直接转矩控制系统(英文)

3.SPWM control based on compensation function formatrix converter;基于补偿函数的SPWM矩阵变换器控制策略

3)matrix converters矩阵变换器

1.The basic principle and space vector modulation strategy of AC-ACmatrix converters are described briefly.简述了交-交矩阵变换器的基本原理和空间矢量调制策略,详细分析了空间矢量调制算法的实现过程,分别应用MATLAB语言和SIMULINK工具建立了矩阵变换器的两种仿真模型。

2.Simulates the fourstep commutation formatrix converters by means of SIMULINK It verifies the correctness of fourstep commutation theor利用 SIMUL INK对矩阵变换器的四步换流进行了仿真 ,验证了理论的正确

4)commutation/matrix converter换流/矩阵变换器

5)direct matrix transform直接矩阵变换

6)matrix converter矩阵式变换器

1.Double line-to-line voltage control strategy and simulation formatrix converters;矩阵式变换器的双电压控制策略及其仿真

2.Passivity control for current-loop ofmatrix converter;矩阵式变换器电流环无源性控制

3.A double line-to-line voltage control strategy formatrix converters under unbalanced input;非平衡输入状态下矩阵式变换器的双电压控制策略与仿真


变换器式功率因数表(见变换器式电表)变换器式功率因数表(见变换器式电表)transducer type power factor meterb lanhuonq一sh一gongl口y一nshub(ao变换器式功率因数表(transdueer type powerfaetor meter)见变换器式电表。
