100字范文 > 延缓抗性 delaying resistance英语短句 例句大全

延缓抗性 delaying resistance英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-26 19:09:21


延缓抗性 delaying resistance英语短句 例句大全

延缓抗性,delaying resistance

1)delaying resistance延缓抗性

2)insecticide resistance management抗药性延缓途径

3)heparin retard延缓性抗凝血素

4)resistance to retardancy抗阻缓性

1.Study on reactive activity andresistance to retardancy of phosphate rock;磷矿反应活性和抗阻缓性研究

2.Study was conducted on the tailings from flotation of phosphate rocks in Wengfu Phosphate Mine,in respect of chemical and physical properties of reactivity-resistance to retardancy and acidolysis reaction process with its result showing that the primary mineralogical phase in the tailings was dolomite with the reactivity of 99.以贵州瓮福磷矿浮选后的尾矿资源为研究对象,研究了其反应活性、抗阻缓性及酸解反应工艺特性。

5)identity moratorium同一性延缓

1.A lot of students are inidentity moratorium status.大学生处于青年后期,正是自我同一性进一步完善的时期,而大学生自我同一性发展状况不容乐观,多数大学生处于同一性延缓状态。

6)oxida-tion resistance postpone senility抗氧化延缓衰老


1.Effect of the anti-aging of oxidation in mouse by the medicinal components of asparagus cochinchinensis root天冬块根药用成分对小鼠抗氧化延缓衰老的影响

2.The Anti-senile Effects of "The 1st Anti-senile Prescription";“抗衰老一号方”延缓衰老的实验研究

3.SENP3 Postpones Cellular Senescence of P53-mediated Pathway under Mild Oxidative Stress轻度氧化应激下SENP3延缓p53介导的细胞衰老

4.The Role of Nitric Oxide in Light-inhibited Senescence of Wheat Leaves一氧化氮在光延缓小麦叶片衰老中的作用

5.Research on Preventing Kidney Aging by PPAR γ Agonist;过氧化酶体增殖体受体激动剂延缓大鼠肾脏衰老的实验研究

6.Tranquilize mind, enhance the immunologic functions, resist fatigue, anoxia& radiation, promote growth development, improve intelligence, promote hemopoietic function, and postpone senility.镇静安神,增强免疫,抗疲劳、抗缺氧、辐射、生长,改善智利健康,促进造血功能,延缓衰老。

7.The Role of Mitochondria in Aging and Postponed Aging by Aerobic Exercise;线粒体在衰老及有氧运动延缓衰老中的作用机制研究

8.Experimental Study of the Anti-Free Radical and Anti-senile Effect of GLP;灵芝多糖抗自由基与延缓衰老的实验研究

9.A Comparative Study on Retarding Aging Effects of Qiang Li Anti-aging Liquid and a Modified Recipe of Qiang Li Anti-aging Liquid;强力抗老液与加味强力抗老液延缓衰老的对比研究

10.Mechanism of Anti-aging and Trends in Applications of Skin Anti-aging Pharmaceuticals皮肤抗衰老的机理与延缓皮肤衰老药物的应用前景

11.Senescent Changes of the Gonad Axises and Experimental Study on Anti-Aging Effect of TNY;性腺轴系的衰老变化及天年饮延缓衰老的实验研究

12.Study of hEGF in Cosmetics Whitening/Anti-aging Effects;hEGF在化妆品中美白/延缓衰老功效的探索

13.The Researches of Shenshuai Capsule Delaying Chronic Renal Failure and Relieving Interstitial Renal Fibrosis;肾衰胶囊延缓慢性肾衰竭进展及抗肾间质纤维化的研究

14.Determination of the Main Composition in the Herb of Magnolia Officinalis for Eliminating Oxygen Radicals and the Anti-aging Effect of Honokiol;厚朴中清除氧自由基主要成份的确定及和厚朴酚延缓衰老作用

15.Various numerous skin care products and cosmetics have emerged for delaying consenescence and skin ageing.为了延缓衰老,延缓皮肤的老化,各类护肤品和化妆品应运而生,数不胜数。

16.Discussion on influences of organism anti-oxidize ability in exercise;运动对衰老机体抗氧化能力影响综述

17.Biochemical Study on Effect of Aerobic Training of the Aging Brain有氧运动训练延缓小鼠大脑老化的生化研究

18.Experimental Study of Ginsenoside Rg1 and Rb1 Delaying Liver Senescence in Senescence-accelerated Mouse (SAMP8);人参皂苷Rb1/Rg1延缓快速老化小鼠P8(SAMP8)肝脏衰老的实验研究


insecticide resistance management抗药性延缓途径

3)heparin retard延缓性抗凝血素

4)resistance to retardancy抗阻缓性

1.Study on reactive activity andresistance to retardancy of phosphate rock;磷矿反应活性和抗阻缓性研究

2.Study was conducted on the tailings from flotation of phosphate rocks in Wengfu Phosphate Mine,in respect of chemical and physical properties of reactivity-resistance to retardancy and acidolysis reaction process with its result showing that the primary mineralogical phase in the tailings was dolomite with the reactivity of 99.以贵州瓮福磷矿浮选后的尾矿资源为研究对象,研究了其反应活性、抗阻缓性及酸解反应工艺特性。

5)identity moratorium同一性延缓

1.A lot of students are inidentity moratorium status.大学生处于青年后期,正是自我同一性进一步完善的时期,而大学生自我同一性发展状况不容乐观,多数大学生处于同一性延缓状态。

6)oxida-tion resistance postpone senility抗氧化延缓衰老


