100字范文 > 一年生禾本科牧草 annual grasses英语短句 例句大全

一年生禾本科牧草 annual grasses英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-17 03:20:10


一年生禾本科牧草 annual grasses英语短句 例句大全

一年生禾本科牧草,annual grasses

1)annual grasses一年生禾本科牧草

1.The Effect of perennial andannual grasses mixture in plateau area高原地区多年生与一年生禾本科牧草混播效果


1.The Effect of perennial and annual grasses mixture in plateau area高原地区多年生与一年生禾本科牧草混播效果

2.a genus of tufted perennial grasses of the family Gramineae.禾本科一个多年丛生禾草属。

3.Annual broadleaf and grass weeds are major problems.主要杂草是一年生阔叶杂草和禾本科杂草。

4.The annual ryegrass is one of Gramineae forages with high production and rich nutrition.一年生黑麦草是一种高产、质的禾本科牧草,适应性广,很多国家都已经大面积栽培推广。

5.Germination Characteristics of Four Perennial Grasses(Poaceae) Seeds in Responses to Sodium Carbonate Stress4种多年生禾本科牧草种子萌发对Na_2CO_3胁迫的响应

6.Studies on Drought Resistance Physiological Adaptability of 4 Rhizomatous Grasses;4种根茎型禾本科牧草抗旱生理适应性的研究

7.Physiology Response of 12 Grasses to Low Temperature Stress12个禾本科牧草对低温胁迫的生理响应

8.tufted or perennial or annual grasses having runners: finger grass; windmill grass.一个禾本科植物属,有蔓,丛生或多年生或一年生;指状禾草;蔓延阿利昂花。

9.The Study of Gramineae Forage Germplasm Resources in Inner Mongolia;内蒙古禾本科(Gramineae)牧草种质资源的研究

10.The Morphological and Physiological Responses of Leguminous and Gramineous Forage to Cobalt Level of Soil;豆科与禾本科牧草对土壤钴水平的形态与生理响应

11."Rice: Edible starchy cereal grain and the annual grass (Oryza sativa, family Poaceae, or Gramineae) that produces it."水稻(栽培稻): 禾本科一年生禾草类植物和其生出的可食用、淀粉质的谷物。

12." Rice: Edible starchy cereal grain and the annual grass (Oryza sativa, family Poaceae, or Gramineae) that produces it."水稻(栽培稻):禾本科一年生禾草类植物和其生出的可食用、淀粉质的谷物。

13.Efficient Test of Weed Control of 108g/L Haloxyfop-p-methyl EC in a Peanut Field高效氟吡甲禾灵108g/L乳油防除花生田1年生禾本科杂草药效试验

14.The Making of the Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria Bio-fertilizer and Effects on Highland Barly;禾本科牧草根际促生菌肥(PGPR菌肥)研制及其促生效应研究

15.Effect of Harvest and Clipping Intensities on Physio-ecology and Nutrient Composition of Two Gramineous Grazing收获期和刈割强度对两种禾本科牧草生理生态及营养价值的影响

16.a genus of grasses of the family Gramineae grown in America and Asia.长于美洲和亚洲禾本科的一个禾草属。

17.Coupling Effects of Water and Fertilizer on Seed Yield and the Yield Performance of 6 Grasses Species;水肥耦合对6种禾本科牧草种子产量和生产性能的效应

18.Screening Efficient Associative Nitrogen-fixing Bacteria on Three Gramineous Forages and Developing Microbe Inoculant;三种禾本科牧草高效联合固氮菌的筛选和微生物接种剂的研制


perennial grass多年生禾本科牧草

1.Effects ofperennial grass on soil physical properties;种植多年生禾本科牧草对土壤物理性状的影响

3)wild forage grass野生禾本科牧草

1.By using the way of grey correlation degree,the nutritive value of 27wild forage grasses in early jointingstage was appraised comprehensively.运用灰色关联度分析法对贵州27种野生禾本科牧草在拔节初期的营养成份含量进行了综合评价。

4)annual gramineous weeds一年生禾本科杂草

5)Gramineous herbage禾本科牧草

1.Wild gramineous herbage resource and its evaluation in east of Hexi corridor;河西走廊东部野生禾本科牧草资源及其评价

6)Gramineous forage禾本科牧草

1.The making of PGPR bacterial fertilizer and its effect on the height of three gramineous forage crops in seedling stage in alpine region;PGPR菌肥制作及其对高寒牧区3种禾本科牧草苗期株高的影响

2.Cultural Condition, Colonizing Dynamics and 16SrDNA Sequence Analysis of PGPR Strains Isolated from Gramineous Forage;禾本科牧草根际促生菌适宜培养条件和定殖动态研究及其16SrDNA序列分析


一年生1.指在当年内完成全部生活周期的植物,如大豆﹑花生﹑水稻等皆是。 2.指一年级学生。
