100字范文 > 心理训练与调整 psychological training and adjustment英语短句 例句大全

心理训练与调整 psychological training and adjustment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-05 13:16:48


心理训练与调整 psychological training and adjustment英语短句 例句大全

心理训练与调整,psychological training and adjustment

1)psychological training and adjustment心理训练与调整

2)regulation and training调整与训练

3)psychology education and drills心理教育与训练

4)xinli yu yundong xunliɑn心理与运动训练


1.Effect of Psychological Training and Exercise on Interpersonal Sensitivity of College Students;大学生人际关系敏感的心理与运动训练干预

2.Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology运动与训练心理学杂志

3.The Psychological Barrier and Training of Athletes in Competition;竞赛中运动员的心理障碍与心理训练

4.Sprinter s Pre-Game Mental Barriers and Psychological Training;短跑运动员赛前心理障碍与心理训练

5.Athlete′s Psychological Barrier in Competition and Psychological Training;运动员竞赛中的心理障碍与心理训练

6.Train and Regulation on Mentality of "Training Type" Athlete对竞技“训练型”运动员的心理训练与调控

7.On Athletes′ Psychological Disturbance and Psychological Training in Sports Competition;运动竞赛中运动员的心理障碍与心理训练

8.Athlete s Psychological Obstacles in Sports Competition and Psychological Training;体育竞赛中运动员的心理障碍与训练

9.The Present Table-tennis Competition Rules and Athletes Psychological Training;现行乒乓球赛制与运动员的心理训练

10.The Analysis and Research in Psychological Training for Long-jump Players Prior to Competition;跳远运动员赛前心理训练分析与研究

11.On Athlete s Psychological Obstacle and Training in Sports Contest;体育竞赛中运动员心理障碍与心理训练研究

12.Sportsmen s Psychological Barriers and Training in the Track and Field Matches;田径竞赛中运动员的心理障碍与心理训练

13.On the Psychological Training and Psychological Control of Ice Hockey Players关于冰球运动员的心理训练与心理调控的探讨

14.Study of Traditional Sports Training Cycle Theory and Modern Sports Training Cycle Theory运动训练周期理论与现代运动训练理论及实践

15.Sports PsgchoLogical Training by Chinese Shooting Coaches;中国射击教练员实施的运动心理训练

16.The Research on the Training Method of Athletic Mentality for Middle School Athletes;中学生运动员运动心理训练方法探究

17.Discussion on Mental Feature and Mental Training of Archery Athletes;射箭运动员心理特征和心理训练探讨

18.Research on Present and Countermeasures of Domestic Sports Training Psychology;心理学在我国运动训练中的现状与对策研究


regulation and training调整与训练

3)psychology education and drills心理教育与训练

4)xinli yu yundong xunliɑn心理与运动训练

5)adjusting training调整训练

6)training adjust训练调整


