100字范文 > 供水水质 water supply quality英语短句 例句大全

供水水质 water supply quality英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-31 01:56:54


供水水质 water supply quality英语短句 例句大全

供水水质,water supply quality

1)water supply quality供水水质

1.Discussion on how to improve urbanwater supply quality;浅谈如何提高城市供水水质



2.Problem and Solution to the Secondary Water-supply;二次供水水质存在的问题及解决方法

3.Investigation on Water Quality of Secondary Water Supply in Dezhou City from to ~德州市二次供水水质调查

4.Application of Evaluation System of Water Quality Security of Fine Drinking Water小区直饮水供水水质安全评价体系及应用

5.Application of HACCP to Evaluation of Water Quality Security of Fine Drinking WaterHACCP在评价小区直饮水供水水质安全中的应用

6.Degradation of water quality led to tremendous inconvenience to local inhabitants.供水水质下降给居民的生活带来了极大不便。

7.Drinking Water Quality Analysis of Provide for Oneself Water Supply in Rural Schools,Guangxi from to —广西农村学校自备供水水质现状分析

8.Water quality analysis of secondary water supply in Lucheng district of Wenzhou city,浙江省温州市鹿城区二次供水水质分析

9.Code for hydrogeological investigation of water supply供水水文地质勘察规范

10.The Safety Evaluation on Water Quality of Secondary Water Supply, Pipe Dual Water Supply and Fresh-Purified Drinking Water in Changning District长宁区二次供水、管道分质供水及现制现售水水质安全性评价

11.On practice of water lifting and aeration in improvement of raw water quality in cities扬水曝气技术改善城市供水原水水质的实践

12.Calibration and Monitoring for Water Distribution Quality Modeling供水管网水质模型校正及水质监控研究

13.Specification for operation of hydrographic geological drilling and digging for water-supply供水水文地质钻探与凿井操作规程

14.the temperature and quality of the water and food supply.水温和水质以及食物供应状况。

15.Research on the Methods of Hydraulic Calculation and Water Quality Analyses of Urban Water Supply Network;对城市供水管网水力水质分析方法的研究

16.water quality monitoring and health evaluation about water supply project of peach ditch reservoir in fuling area重庆市桃子沟水库供水工程水质监测结果评价

17.Quality Analysis of Finished Water of Municipal Centralized Water Supply System in Shenzhen深圳市市政供水出厂水水质卫生状况分析

18.Retrieval of water quality parameter in drinking water source areas of Wuhan City武汉市主要供水水源地水质参数反演研究


water quality based on water supply分质供水

1.The paper puts forward the linked pattern of salinity balance by seawater desalinization andwater quality based on water supply so as to accomplish zero discharge of industry wastewater and circular economy based on the inner and outer situation and the operation experience of zero discharge of industry wastewater in Shougang Iron & Steel Corporation.本文根据首钢京唐钢铁公司的内外部条件,并结合首钢实施生产废水零排放的运行经验,提出耦合式盐平衡模式,以海水淡化为基础,以分质供水为手段,从而实现了工业用水的零排放,并从理论上分析了不同条件下耦合式系统的运行工况。

2.It is a developing tend in heightening water quality of water supply,developingwater quality based on water supply and realizing the goal of direct water drinking in the cities by using biological pretreatment technologies.利用生物预处理工艺提高城市供水水质,大力发展城市分质供水,实现城市直饮水,是我国新世纪城市化进程及环保产业发展的趋势。

3)dual water supply分质供水

1.Thinking of the selection method of thedual water supply in our country;我国分质供水选择方法的思考

2.Study on simulation model for water resources system based on macro-scaledual water supply;基于宏观尺度分质供水的水资源系统模拟模型研究

3.Feasibility analysis for pipedual water supply;管道分质供水可行性分析

4)water supply in different quality分质供水

1.Water supply in different quality in China is underway,butwater supply in different quality has not been popularized.分质供水在我国已经起步,但还没有广泛推广。

5)quality-divided water supply分质供水

1.Based on the discussion ofquality-divided water supply and the higher water price for higher quality groundwater resources,the fuzzy pricing model for groundwater resources forquality-divided water supplying is established in this paper.在探讨分质供水必要性的基础上,建立了城市优质地下水资源模糊定价模型。

6)water supply quality供水质量


地下水水质测定(见水质测验)地下水水质测定(见水质测验)dixiashui shulzhi eeding地下水水质测定见水质测验。
