100字范文 > 过渡连接头 transition connector英语短句 例句大全

过渡连接头 transition connector英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-27 15:19:34


过渡连接头 transition connector英语短句 例句大全

过渡连接头,transition connector

1)transition connector过渡连接头

1.Thetransition connector of GTEM transmission cell is closely related with the performance of the transmission cell.GTEM传输室过渡连接头对GTEM传输室性能的影响较大。

2)transit connexion过渡连接


1.A passage connecting two themes.过渡连接两个主题的过渡段落

2.It is suitable for transitional connection of electric apparatus with wire and cable in indoor distribuition equipment, made of brass ty die cast and coates nickle.适用于户内配电装置中电气设备与各种电线电缆的过渡连接,采用锻铸铜制造,表面镀镍。

3.connecting curve耦合[过渡,连接]曲线

4.to shift from direct transition to indirect transition;由“直接过渡”到“迂回过渡”;

5.The Research on the Transition and Linking of the Whole Set Actions on Aerobic Gymnastics;竞技健美操成套动作中过渡与连接动作的研究

6.connective remarks between chapters; connective tissue in animals; conjunctive tissue in plants.章节之间的过渡性评论;动物体内的结缔组织;植物体内的连接组织。

7.Syntheses, Structures and Properties of Some Novel Polyoxometalates Linked by Coordinated Transition Metal;一些配位过渡金属连接的多金属氧酸盐的合成、结构及性能研究

8.The Function and Design Requirements of Transition andConnection Movements of the Whole-set Movement in competitive calisthenics;竞技健美操成套动作中过渡与连接动作的功能与设计要求

9.Using Intermediate Transition Layer to Bond Al Alloy and Stainless Steel by Diffusion Welding with Two-step Temperature采用中间过渡层双温扩散焊连接铝合金和不锈钢

10.Optimization of MoSi_2/Stainless Steel Joining with Graded Joint基于MoSi_2/316L不锈钢连接的烧结工艺及其梯度过渡层优化

11.The transition or mode of transition from one sound to another in speech.音渡,连音说话时一个音向另一个音的过渡或过渡形式

12.The lower part of its cotyledon node zone is cotyledon node zone-root transition region, and its upper part is cotyledon node zone-stem connection region.在子叶节区下部存在子叶节区—根过渡区;子叶节区上部存在子叶节区—茎连接区。

13.Analysis of the receiving coil"s transitional process in TEM瞬变电磁法中接收线圈过渡过程分析

14.Crossing bars occur between successive bends.过渡段浅滩发生在连续河湾之间。

15.unite by a scarf joint.通过嵌接的方式而连接。

16.openings through welded joints通过焊接连接处的开孔

17.The Assur Groups Method of Analyzing Transition Process of Planar Linkage with Pair Clearances用杆组法分析含间隙平面连杆机构的过渡过程

18.transitional grant [Direct Subsidy Scheme]过渡性津贴〔直接资助计划〕


transit connexion过渡连接

3)Transition joints过渡接头

4)transition interfacing过渡连接法

5)connecting transition连接过渡段

1.From the statistics datum of traffic accidents on the freeway,the article analyzes the problems existing in se- mi-rigid and rigid railsconnecting transition,carries on the simulation testing the high-speed crash milsconnecting transition with the finite element,and proposes brand new rails transition designs.文章从高速公路交通事故的统计资料分析了现有半刚性与刚性护栏连接过渡段存在的问题。

6)transition piece过渡连接件


