100字范文 > 单位圆盘 unit disk英语短句 例句大全

单位圆盘 unit disk英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-28 16:16:05


单位圆盘 unit disk英语短句 例句大全

单位圆盘,unit disk

1)unit disk单位圆盘

1.The third part of this paper proved space ap,q,αψ is also self-conjugate on Cn,and then prove it in the same way as to prove it on theunit disk.Axler猜想当0单位圆盘D及有界对称域Cn下加权空间也为自共轭空间ap,q,α也为自共轭空间。

2.We establish some new properties on theunit disk by the definition of two reproducing kernel fuctions.在再生核理论的基础上,针对特殊的再生核——解析Bergman核与调和Bergman核,分别借助两种再生核的定义讨论它们在单位圆盘上所具有的一些性质,为进一步研究这两种再生核在单位球上的性质提供理论基础。

3.In this paper, the theoretical properties of some function spaces in theunit disk are studied.本文主要研究了单位圆盘上一些函数空间的分析性质,主要是以下两个方面,这些结果均推广了已知的结论。


1.The Properties of Bergman Metric Disk on Unit Disk单位圆盘上Bergman圆的性质

2.On the growth of the solution of two-order differential equations in the unit disc单位圆盘上二阶微分方程解的增长性

3.The Theoretical Properties of Some Function Spaces in the Unit Disk;单位圆盘上一些函数空间的分析性质

4.The Lipschitz Condition of a Hilbert-valued Function on the Unit Ball;单位圆盘上的一类Hilbert值函数的Lipschitz条件

5.The Extremal Functions of Analytic Hilbert Spaces over the Unit Disk单位圆盘上解析Hilbert空间的极值函数

6.Eigenvalue Estimates of Biharmonic Operate on Unit Disk and Multi Cylinder单位圆盘与多圆柱上重调和算子的特征值估计

7.The Convergence of l~2-valued D_(μ,q) Functions on the Unit Ball;单位圆盘上的l~2值D_(μ,q)函数的收敛性

8.Some Properties of Analysis Function In The Unit Disc一类在单位圆盘内解析函数的若干性质

pact Operators on Weighted Bergman Spaces of the Unit Polydiscs;单位多圆盘上加权Bergman空间上的紧算子

pactness of Toeplitz Operators on Weighted Bergman Spaces of the Unit Polydisk;单位多圆盘上加权Bergman空间上的Toeplitz算子的紧性

11.The Measure and Analysis of Seed Bounce and Rolling Displacement after Touching Soil on Furrow Opener of Single Disk;单圆盘开沟器作用下种子触土后弹跳滚动位移的测定与分析

12.double-action disc harrow(双列圆盘靶) 双功圆盘靶

13.ground-working disk blade切土圆盘刀,耕耘圆盘

14.Kinematics and Simulation of Single Disc Basecutter of Sugarcane Harvester甘蔗收割机单圆盘切割器切割运动分析与仿真

15.Calculation of the acoustic field directivity pattern of flexural vibrating single stepped concentric plate单台阶同心圆盘辐射声场的指向性计算

16.Design and experiment on the driving disc of anti-blocking unit for no-tillage planter免耕播种机驱动圆盘防堵单元体的设计与试验

17.A CD-ROM is a separate disk that contains lots of information.一个光盘只读存储器是一个可以容纳大量信息的单独的圆盘。

18.The Muetiple Values of K-Quasimeromorphic Mapping of the Unit Disk in the Its Filling Disks;单位圆内K-拟亚纯映射在其充满圆内的重值


the unit ball单位圆盘

1.In this paper,we study the convergence of Hilbert-valued Dμ,q function onthe unit ball by Rademacher function system and get the Lipschitz condition of Hilbert-valued Dμ,q function,iff(z)=sum from n=1 to ∞ xnzn ∈ Dμ,q,q > (2n)/μ ,we get φ(z)=sum from α≥0 to ∞ ⅡxαⅡzα ∈Lipγ,where 0<μ<1 if n=1 or 0<μ<2 if n>1.主要研究了单位圆盘上Hilbert值Dμ,q函数,得到了Hilbert值Dμ,q函数的Lipschitz条件,若f(z)=sum from n=1 to ∞ xnzn∈Dμ,q,0<μ<1,q>(2n)/μ,则有φ(z)=sum from n=1 to ∞ⅡxnⅡzn∈Lipγ。

2.In this paper,we study the convergence of l~2-valued D_(μ,q) function onthe unit ball by Rademacher function system and get the convergence of l~2-valued D_(μ,q) function,if f(z)=sum from∞to n=1 x_nz~n∈D_(μ,q) q>(2n)/μ,we get f_ω(z)∈H~∞for almost every {ε_α},where 0<μ<1.主要研究了单位圆盘上l~2值D_(μ,q)函数,得到了l~2值D_(μ,q)函数的收敛性,若f(z)=sum from n=1 to∞x_nz~n∈D_(μ,q),0<μ<1,q>(2n)/μ,则对几乎所有的{ε_α}有f_ω(z)∈H~∞。

3)Unit disk graphs单位圆盘图

4)Disk position圆盘位置

5)single disk rotor单圆盘转子

1.The instability onset threshold ofsingle disk rotor,supported by hydrodynamic lubrication bearing,immerged in large gap annular flow is studied.分析了大间隙环流中弹支单圆盘转子系统的失稳阈 。

2.Described in this paper is a calculation formula for asingle disk rotor system vibration response.本文介绍了单圆盘转子体系振动响应的计算公式。

6)single-row disc-harrow单列圆盘耙


多圆盘多圆盘polydisc多圆盘t州y此c;no月,即yr」,多圆柱(polycy如der)复空问C月(n)l)中的一区域 △二△(a=(a,,…,a。),厂二(r,,…,r。))=={:=(:,,…,:。)〔C”:!:一“,】<;,,,=l,…,n},它是,;个圆盘的拓扑积 △二△lx…x△。,△,={:,苦C“}“,一a,J0,V二1,…,。,是它的多半径(polyradius).当a二0,r=(l,一,1)时可得单位多圆盘(画t卯bdjsc).△的特异边界(distj奥卿shedbouJld盯y)是集合 T=T(“,:)==毛:任C”:}:,一a,】=r,,,=l,二,n},它是完全拓扑边界刁△的一部分.多圆盘是一完全R凶曲翻rd七区域(Reinhardt doln姐n).多圆盘概念的一个自然拓广是一多区域(polyre-脚n)(多圆型区域(polvcirc吐场r regon),广义多圆柱(general止ed加lycyl角der))D=D,x…x刀。,它是(一般为多连通的)区域D、.CC(v二1,二,n)的拓扑积.多区域D的边界r二刁D由n个Zn一I维的集合组成二r、一{:‘C”::,‘口D,,:,“D,,拜笋v},v=1,…,n.它的公共部分是D的。维特异边界(distin助shedboux〕dary):T=日D一x·‘’x刁D。二 二{:〔C”::,任刁D,,?二1,…,n}. E.八.C叨咖eHuea撰[补注]
