100字范文 > 文献保障 Literature guarantee英语短句 例句大全

文献保障 Literature guarantee英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-31 03:01:36


文献保障 Literature guarantee英语短句 例句大全

文献保障,Literature guarantee

1)Literature guarantee文献保障

1.Through analyzing on the literature guarantee services of Shanghai Library and British Library,this paper points out the superiorities of Shanghai Library and British Library and the differences between Shanghai Library and British Library,and advances some suggestions on improving the literature guarantee service of domestic libraries.通过分析上海图书馆和英国国家图书馆的文献保障服务,指出了各自的优势所在及我国的差距,提出了改善国内图书馆界文献保障服务的建议。


1.The thought on subject construction and the service of document ensuring in University;高校学科建设与文献保障服务的思考

2.Guarantee Efficiency of College Library Literature Under the Environment of Network;网络环境下的高校图书馆文献保障率

3.Security measures for higher educational documentsunder IT circumstance;IT环境下高等教育文献保障的具体措施

4.Analysis on the Barriers to the Documentary Security System in College Library;高校图书馆在实现文献保障体系中的障碍探析

5.Evaluation of foreign full text medical databases by available papers from MEDLINE用MEDLINE的文献保障率评价国外医学全文数据库

6.Study on Strategies to Enhance Guarantee Capability of Foreign Periodicals in Research Libraries提高科研图书馆外文文献保障能力的对策研究

7.An analysis on the service of the documental information in the guaranteeing system of the public security documents in Hubei under the network circumstances;试析网络环境下湖北公安文献保障体系的文献信息服务

8.Under recent information environment literature safeguard system pattern innovation and development;新信息环境下文献保障体系模式创新与发展

9.Reference Platform Construction for Academic Degrees & Graduate Education in Jiangsu Province;江苏省学位与研究生教育文献保障平台构建

10.Practices and Countermeasures of Key Domain Documentation Security in the Nanjing Agricultural University;南京农业大学重点学科文献保障实践及对策

11.Thoughts on the Maintenance of Literature Information on Key Disciplines in Libraries of Higher Colleges and Universities;关于高校图书馆对重点学科文献保障的思考

12.On the Necessity and Feasibility of Building a Province-Wide Information Guarantee System;高校文献保障体系建立的必要性和可行性

13.Study about the Safeguard System of the Science and Technology Literature Information Resource;科技文献信息资源建设保障体系研究

14.On the Supply Models of Document Resources of Social Science in China;论我国社会科学文献资源的保障模式

15.Discussion on Tactics of Sharing Document Resourceand Establishing Secure System;试论文献资源保障体系的建立与共享

16.On Construction of the Document and Information AssuranceSystem in the Merged Colleges and Universities;论合并高校的文献信息保障系统建设

17.A Literature Review on the Conference of Floating Population Social Security流动人口的社会保障:一个文献综述

18.On the Establishment of a Sound Regional Provincial Information Resources Protection System in China省级文献信息资源保障体系构建研究


document guarantee文献保障

1.Discussion on the Rate of Document guarantee of Electronic-journals Full-text Database;从检索角度谈外文医学期刊全文数据库的文献保障率

3)literature security文献保障

1.This paper summarizes the generation and main expressions of information redundancy, expounds the conflict between the information redundancy and the insufficiency ofliterature security, and probes into the construction ofliterature security service system of the library.概述了信息冗余的产生和主要表现,阐述了信息冗余与文献保障不足的矛盾,探讨了图书馆文献保障服务体系的构建。

4)literature guaranteeing文献保障

1.This paper introduces the difficulties of theliterature guaranteeing in university library, analyzes on the present situation of the utilization of the free network information resources, and taking the library of Wuhan University of Science & Technology as an example, probes into some porblems about utilize the free network information resources.介绍了高校图书馆文献保障所处的困境,分析了免费网络信息资源利用的现状,以武汉科技大学图书馆为例,探讨了利用免费网络信息资源的有关问题。

2.Strengthening the service position of university library in the scientific research must lift the corresponding levels in theliterature guaranteeing, technique supporting, retrieval serving, librarians quality improving, and information consciousness establishing, etc.强化高校图书馆在科研中的服务地位,必须从文献保障、技术支持、查新服务、增强馆员素质及情报意识等方面相应提高层次,以便全方位地为科研人员在科研课题的各个阶段提供情报服务。

5)guarantee of required document文献保障

1.In a model of document delivering service,the delivering centre with its supporting network will provide us efficiently with aguarantee of required documents and improve the utility of the record holdings in the system.文献传递服务模型 ,其传递中心与支持网络可以提供高效完备的文献保障 ,提高系统内的文献利用率 ,达到文献资源共建共享的目的。

6)available papers文献保障率

1.Evaluation of foreign full text medical databases byavailable papers from MEDLINE用MEDLINE的文献保障率评价国外医学全文数据库


跨地区文献保障体系德意志联邦共和国为保障全国研究与决策对文献的需求而建立的一个文献采集、收藏和利用体系。1949年由25个州立图书馆和大学图书馆自愿组成,目的是合理使用各馆资金,迅速补充在第二次世界大战中遭受严重破坏的馆藏文献资源。到80年代末,已有36个成员馆参加了该体系,包括4个中央专业图书馆(见联邦德国中央专业图书馆)、15个州立和大学图书馆、8个研究所图书馆和 9个专门图书馆。这些图书馆比较均匀地分布在全国20个重要城市中。该体系的组织者和资助者是德国研究协会 (协会的绝大部分资金来自联邦政府和各州政府的拨款,只有极少部分来自企业部门)。该体系的指导性文件是1983年该协会发布的《学科专藏计划》,该计划将所有文献按照学科内容 (部分按照国家、地区和语种,还有一部分按照文献类型) 分为31个大类和 111个小类,然后根据各成员馆的具体情况,分别委托各馆负责收藏。计划要求各馆考虑当前和未来的需求 (特别是馆际互借中的拒借文献),利用各种渠道尽可能将本专藏领域的文献收集完备,并严格避免与其他图书馆重复,使全国的文献收藏既不致出现学科领域或文献类型方面的空白,又不致发生不合理的交叉重复。为保证学科专藏计划的顺利执行,德国研究协会为各成员馆采集学科专藏文献提供经费支持。该计划对各种情况下的经费分担办法作了详细的规定,凡是采集在学科内容、文献类型、语种、出版年代等各方面符合所承担任务的文献,可补助所需经费的75~80%,在特殊情况下甚至可补助必要的文献整理加工费用。各成员馆如采集专藏范围以外的文献,经费则自行支付。国际图书馆协会和机构联合会的一些专家认为,该体系是国家文献收集系统中的一个比较成功的模式。
