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排球训练课 volleyball training class英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-05 00:37:10


排球训练课 volleyball training class英语短句 例句大全

排球训练课,volleyball training class

1)volleyball training class排球训练课


1.On the Construction of Assessment System of Volleyball Training排球训练课质量评价指标体系的构建

2.An experimental study of the teaching mode of "Imagination Training Method" in volleyball elective;高校排球课“想象训练法”的教学实验

3.Experimental Research of Lesson Arrangement of Blance Training in Junior Tennis Training关于平衡训练在青少年网球训练课中安排的实验研究

4.Applying Training to in Volleyball Class of Vocational School;训练法在中等职业学校排球课中的应用


6.Analysis of Cultivating the Volleyball Consciousness of Students for the Elective Course and the Training Course in Colleges and Universities;对高校选修、训练课学生排球意识培养的研究

7.The Status Quo Investigation and Its Countermeasures of Middle School Amateur Volleyball Training in Lanzhou兰州市中学排球课余训练现状调查及对策研究

8.Study on Teaching Model of Volleyball Specific Training Course in Sport Colleges体育院校排球专项训练课教学模式的研究

9.The Status of Beijing Middle School Volleyball Training after Class and on the Role of Personnel Training of Volleyball Athetics北京市中学排球课余训练状况及对排球竞技后备人才的作用

10.The Experiment about Attribution Training in the Volleyball Course of P.E. Major of Normal University;归因训练在高师体育教育专业排球普修课中的实验研究

11.Survey and Analysis of sports injuries in university extracurricular volleyball training;普通高校课余排球训练运动损伤状况的调查与分析

12.The Application of Idea Training Method of Woman Volleyball Teaching in Comman Universities & Colleges;表象训练法在普通高校女子排球课教学中的应用

13.The Training of Time and Space Perception and SportPerception of Volleyball in The General Course Teaching;排球普修课教学中的时空知觉与运动知觉的训练

14.Application of the Balanced Development Theory and Unbalanced Compensation Theory in University"s Volleyball Training Course均衡发展与非衡补偿理论在高校排球专项课训练中的应用

15.The Arrangement and Model Establishment of Spring Training for U-19 Football Teams;U-19足球队春训训练安排及模式构建

16.How to Broaden Volleyball Setters" Setting Field.对排球二传拓宽传球‘视野’的训练探讨

17.The Applied Study of the Imagery Training in the Practice and Contest of the Volleyball Sport;表象训练在排球运动训练与竞赛中的应用研究

18.Study on Characteristics and Training Arrangements of the Basketball Home-away Match Season;篮球主客场赛季训练特征与训练安排的研究


volleyball training排球训练

1.The status quo of collegevolleyball training and its development countermeasures in Hainan;我省高校排球训练工作的现状及发展对策

2.This paper has a deep analysis and philosophizing for the character of the physical fitness and the PE factor,and makes a conclusion that PE is not only the material foundation of the modernvolleyball training,but the fundamental of improving the players skills.针对排球运动中的体能特征、体能训练构成要素进行分析、探讨,提出体能训练是现代排球训练的物质基础,是提高现代排球运动员竞技能力的根本保证。

3.This article discusses the formation of the tactical awareness of setter as well as the effective route of cultivating the tactical awareness of setter involleyball training.文章对二传手战术意识的形成及在排球训练中培养二传手战术意识的有效途径进行了初步探讨,提出在学校教学训练和比赛中应加强对二传手战术意识的培养。

3)training session arrangement训练课安排

4)after school basketball training课余篮球训练

1.Theafter school basketball training is the important composition part of school sport work, it is the important measure that raises the level of basketball and reserves future force for the basketball cause of our country.学校课余篮球训练是学校体育工作的重要组成部分,是为我国篮球事业培养后备军,提高篮球水平的重要措施。

5)specific training of volleyball排球专项化训练

6)beach volleyball training沙滩排球训练

1.Study on the influence ofbeach volleyball training on the jumping ability s dynamics indexes of Chinese female volleyball players;沙滩排球训练对女排运动员弹跳肌群等速向心收缩肌力影响的比较研究


第11届世界女子排球锦标赛第11届世界女子排球锦标赛Di 1 1 Jie ShijleN位21 paiq:uJ,nbiaosai第n届世界女子排球锦标赛国际排球联合会主办的世界性排球比赛。1990年8月22日一9月1日在中国北京市举行。共有16个队参加了比赛。苏联队获冠军,中国队获第2名,美国队位居第3名。
