100字范文 > 强度储备系数法 strength reserve coefficient method英语短句 例句大全

强度储备系数法 strength reserve coefficient method英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-23 01:08:32


强度储备系数法 strength reserve coefficient method英语短句 例句大全

强度储备系数法,strength reserve coefficient method

1)strength reserve coefficient method强度储备系数法

1.Application ofstrength reserve coefficient method of nonlinear finite element in stability analysis of arch dam拱坝稳定分析的非线性有限元强度储备系数法应用研究

2.The authors applystrength reserve coefficient method and APDL technique to analyze the stress stability of CSG in static state.针对CSG坝成层的结构特点,对CSG坝有限元分析的力学模型及本构关系进行了分析探讨,提出了连续等效模型模拟层状CSG结构;应用强度储备系数法和APDL技术,对静力状态下的CSG坝的应力稳定进行分析。

3.Based on hydropower projects in Tingzikou,anti-sliding stability for the complicated foundation of gravity dams is analyzed by using non-linear FEM Computed by thestrength reserve coefficient method,the gradual destruction process of dam foundations is obtained and the most dangerous sliding mode of system is discovered.通过强度储备系数法的计算得到了坝体及坝基系统的渐进破坏过程并搜索出了最危险的滑移模式;同时依据规范规定,采用基于改进等法的刚体极限平衡法核算了坝基最危险滑动面的稳定性;最后做出安全评价,结果表明采取加固措施后的坝基深层抗滑稳定是安全的。


1.Application of strength reserve coefficient method of nonlinear finite element in stability analysis of arch dam拱坝稳定分析的非线性有限元强度储备系数法应用研究

2.Effect on Safety Factors in Different Definitions Based on Strength Margin强度储备安全系数不同定义对稳定系数的影响

3.Stress Deformation and Strength Reserve Coeffecient Analysis on Overflow Section of Madushan Gravity Dam马堵山溢流坝段应力变形及强度储备系数分析

4.Thinking of How to Strengthen and Perfect Local Legislation of Land Bank;加强和完善土地储备制度地方立法的思考

5.Synthesized method of strength reservation ratios for tower structure safety assessment铁塔结构安全性评价的强度储备比汇总法

6.Numerical Simulation of Foundation Pit Based on the Shear Strength Reduction基于强度折减系数法的基坑数值仿真分析

7.Design in Man-machine Interface of Data Monitoring System in the Rese rve Storehouses;储备库数据监控系统人机界面的设计

8.Study of Improving Coefficient of Torque Reservation for a 150 Diesel Engine某150柴油机提高扭矩储备系数研究

9.Solution of Storage and Backup System of Agricultural Film and TV Data农业影视数据备份存储系统解决方案

10.The Repository schema could not be added to the database.无法将储备库架构添加到数据库中。

11.Research of SAN Manager System--Design and Implement of Backup System Based on SAN;存储区域网管理系统的研究——利用存储区域网实现增强的备份系统

12.Soccer Movement Resistance Intensity and Physical Ability Reserve足球运动的对抗强度和体能储备的分析

13.Image processing system for the height of the coal gas storage bottle煤气储备气罐的高度的图像处理系统

14.Research on the Measurement Method of the Moderate Scale of Foreign Exchange Reserves in China;中国外汇储备适度规模测定方法研究

15.Legal System Construction for China s Strategic Oil Reserve;论我国战略石油储备法律制度的构建

16.Land Storage System: Effect, Problem and Its Legal Regulation;土地储备制度:绩效、问题及其法律规制

17.Research of Strengthen the Military and Civilian Reserve System加强军民结合的军用物资储备体系研究

18.Rebound Method System Based WINDOWS to Test Concrete Strength Data;基于WINDOWS的回弹法检测混凝土强度数据处理系统


strength accumulation coefficient method强度储备系数法

1.The anti-sliding stability of the deep and shallow zone of gravity dam foundation in powerhouse section of Jin anqiao gravity dam,under combined effects of dam and powerhouse,was analyzed using the limit equilibrium andstrength accumulation coefficient methods.针对金安桥重力坝厂房坝段的坝基浅深层抗滑稳定问题,分别采用传统刚体极限平衡法和强度储备系数法,对厂坝联合作用的抗滑稳定性进行研究。

2.And thestrength accumulation coefficient method is also adopted for investigation of damage model and safety checking.为此,在对规范建议的结构极限承载能力验算表达式进行改进和探讨的基础上,采用分项系数对材料参数和作用进行配套处理,导出了基于有限元计算结果的极限平衡准安全系数计算表达式,同时采用强度储备系数法揭示坝体建基面破坏模式和稳定安全度。

3.Thestrength accumulation coefficient method based on partial coefficient of reliability theory is applied to Tingzikou hydropower project.同时,采用常规强度储备系数法和刚体极限平衡法对坝基抗滑稳定进行核算,结果表明工程坝基的抗滑稳定是有保证的。

3)strength reservation method强度系数储备法

4)strength reserve coefficient强度储备系数

1.The dam final stability index is defined by thestrength reserve coefficient in its limit equilibrium state.该方法将影响坝基稳定的结构基本变量因素经过分项系数的处理再进入非线性计算,以达到极限承载状态时的强度储备系数来表征大坝安全度。

2.Meanwhile,the influences of elastic modulus ratio of dam to foundation and stress distribution along foundation surface on the failure process andstrength reserve coefficient(SRC) are studied.采用强度储备系数法,对重力坝建基面破坏过程进行非线性有限元模拟,并分析了坝体地基弹性模量比和建基面应力分布状态对破坏过程和强度储备系数的影响。

5)strength reserve method强度储备法

1.Monitoring index of horizontal displacement based onstrength reserve method of Feilaixia dam;飞来峡主土坝基于强度储备法的水平位移安全监控指标研究

2.Application of materialstrength reserve method to the analysis of stability of earth dam of Feilaixia Multipurpose Project;强度储备法在飞来峡土坝稳定性分析中的应用

3.According to the structural character of Shegang Embankment of the Feilaixia Project,this paper analyzes the deformation rule of the dam crest of a typical dam section with the plane finite element method combined withstrength reserve method.针对飞来峡社岗堤的结构特点,采用平面有限元结合强度储备法分析研究了大坝特征点坝顶位移变形规律,得出在多种水位组合情况下大坝坝顶的水平位移,并用一元多次回归方法建立了坝顶水平位移与上游水位的关系模型,拟定了该坝段的水平位移安全监控指标。

6)strength margin safety factor强度储备安全系数

1.Correlation analysis of relationship between Druker-Prager yield criteria andstrength margin safety factor;Druker-Prager型屈服准则与强度储备安全系数的相关分析


稳定极限和静态稳定储备系数稳定极限和静态稳定储备系数stability limit and steady state stability marginwend一ngJ一xlorl heJ一r飞gt。}咖erld一rlgc}〕LJ匕fJ稳定极限和静态稳定储备系数x}S)〕走』limit and steady一state stability margin)力系统德定。(stability 见电
