100字范文 > 保持式双语教学 maintenance bilingual teaching英语短句 例句大全

保持式双语教学 maintenance bilingual teaching英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-09 04:50:21


保持式双语教学 maintenance bilingual teaching英语短句 例句大全

保持式双语教学,maintenance bilingual teaching

1)maintenance bilingual teaching保持式双语教学

1.Dilemma and strategies ofmaintenance bilingual teaching in course of cell biology保持式双语教学在医学细胞生物学教学中的困境与对策


1.Dilemma and strategies of maintenance bilingual teaching in course of cell biology保持式双语教学在医学细胞生物学教学中的困境与对策

2.This is sometimes called maintenance bilingual education.这种模式称之为:保持型双语教学模式。

3.On Mixed Bilingual Teaching Model and Teaching Quality Guarantee;混合型双语教学模式及其教学质量保证

4.Preliminary Studies on Bilingual Education for the Soil and Water Conservation and Desertification Combating Major;水土保持与荒漠化防治专业双语教学初探

5.Analysis of Bilingual Teaching Patterns in Higher Educationand Research of its Quality Assurance Strategies;高校双语教学模式分析与质量保障策略研究

6.On Practice and Guarantee Strategies of Bilingual Teaching Mode in Colleges and Universities;高校双语教学模式的实践及保障策略初探

7.Study on the New Teaching Model of "Double People and Bilingual";农村中小学“双人双语”教学模式探究

8.On Maintenance of Minority Language and Culture in Bilingual Education试论双语教育下的民族语言与文化的保持

9.Soakage Model of Bilingual Teaching in Primary Schools;“浸润式”双语教学模式在小学的应用

10.The Problems in Bilingual Education and Evaluation on Teaching Mode;双语教学存在的问题及教学模式评价

11.Constructing Bilingual Teaching Model Based on the Relations of Different Languages;建构不同语言关系下的双语教学模式

12.Develop Bilingual Languages Teaching and Construet College English Teaching Standard in Police Universities;开展“双语教学”构建公安院校大学英语教学模式

13.Discussion on the Pattern of Bilingual Teaching in Medical Cell Biology;《医学细胞生物学》双语教学模式的探讨

14.This is sometimes called transitional bilingual education.这种模式称之为:过渡型双语教学模式。

15.Study of the Laddered Approach of Bilingual Teaching Mode;“阶梯式”双语教学模式的研究与探索

16.Study on the mode of “immersion bilingual education”in colleges and universities;高校“浸润式”英汉双语教学模式探究

17.The Research of Bilingual Teaching Pattern in The Higher Arts Education;高等美术教育专业双语教学模式探索

18.The Dual Nature of Foreign Language Teaching--On the Methodology of Foreign Inguage Teaching;外语教学的双重特性——对外语教学方式的探讨


Late Exit双语保持

3)Bilingual teaching mode双语教学模式

1.Although bilingual teaching method has been adopted in practice in China for more than 10 years,not all agree on the effective- hess of bilingual teaching,because effective bilingual teaching mode still remains uncertain,thus the teaching quality is affacted and dis- counted.双语教学在我国高等院校的开展已有十余年的实践,但教学效果褒贬不一,有效的双语教学模式仍是困扰双语教学质量的一个关键。

2.In general,universities and colleges in China have made great achievements in bilingual teaching mode pilot and actual practice,the prospect for popularize bilingual teaching mode is bright.总体上看,全国各地高校在双语教学模式试点及具体实践中取得了显著的成绩,双语教学模式推广前景良好。

3.In the light of the successful teaching experience in bilingual teaching mode in foreign countries, and on the basis of the theory of input hypothesis in the second language acquisition as well as in line with the stuedent-centered teaching notion, we can structure a student-centered bilingual teaching mode by using such four basic elements as the characte.参照国外的双语教学模式,根据第二语言习得理论的输入假设理论,并本着以学生为中心的教学理念,运用教学设计中关于学习者特征、教学目标、教学策略和评价措施等四个要素,构建以学生为中心的双语教学模式。

4)Bilingual-teaching mode双语教学方式

5)mix style teaching混合式双语教学

1.Because of the characteristic of the higher education of our country, a new pattern namedmix style teaching is introduced in this paper.提出一种将学科式双语教学与单语教学相结合的新的教学模式,即混合式双语教学,并对在双语教学进程中与之匹配的硬件设施,教材和教师的素质要求等问题进行了分析研究。

6)the immersed bilingual teaching渗透式双语教学

1.As an effective form of gradual transition to bilingual teaching,the immersed bilingual teaching arouses more and more attention in the universities.渗透式双语教学,作为逐步向双语教学过渡的有效形式,现已引起越来越多高校的重视。


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