100字范文 > 主流意识 mainstream belief英语短句 例句大全

主流意识 mainstream belief英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-07 06:17:46


主流意识 mainstream belief英语短句 例句大全

主流意识,mainstream belief

1)mainstream belief主流意识

1.Amainstream belief of the period officials in Pre-Qin period was actively taking part in the social life to purse fame,benefit and success.先秦时期士的主流意识是积极入世,追求成功,追求名利。

2.From the perspective of new institutional economics,the basic experiences from the reform of China food circulation system show that themainstream belief in the policy decision-making has determined institutional changes.中国粮食流通体制改革的基本经验从新制度经济学的角度看是政策决策层的主流意识决定了政策的演变、反复与震荡,或者说,政策决策层持有的价值观念与思想理论模式的变化引起了政策目标组合偏好序列乃至政策具体安排的变革。


1.The Mainstay Narrative in The People s Literature from 1949 to 1955;主流意识形态阵地——1949-1955年《人民文学》的主流叙事

2.Study on Recreational Mainstream Ideology during Development of Modern Sports;现代体育发展过程中的娱乐主流意识

3.The Expression of Non-artery Ideology----The Style of Canxue in 1986;非主流意识形态表达——“残雪式”风格与1986

4.New Thought of How to Strengthen our Country s Mainstream Ideology Construction;加强我国主流意识形态建设的新思考

5.Study on the Identity of the Mainstream Ideology in Current China当前我国主流意识形态认同问题研究

6.The Discussing on the Intervention of Party Line Ideology to Creation of White-haired Girl论主流意识形态对《白毛女》创作的干预

7.Theory of Marxist Ideology and the Construction of Contemporary Mainstream Ideology;马克思主义意识形态理论与当代主流意识形态构建

8.Talk about the Main Reason for Mainstream Ideology s Desalination of the Partial University Students;论部分大学生主流意识形态淡化的主要原因

9.Impact of Consumptivism on China s Mainstream Ideology;论消费主义对我国主流意识形态的影响与对策

10.The Study on the Constructi on of the Mainstream of Socialist Ideology Presently当前我国社会主义主流意识形态建设研究

11.On the Choice of the Aggrandizement of Ideology of Socialism Main Stream论社会主义主流意识形态价值强化的路径选择

12.Cultivation of Citizen Consciousness--On Mainstream Ideology Leading of the Social Spiritual Life during Social Transformation培育公民意识——谈转型期主流意识形态对社会精神生活的引领

13.The Alternation of Mainstream of Social Ideology in 20~(th) Century and Chinese Language Education;中国20世纪社会主流意识形态更迭与语文教育

14.The Mainstream Ideological Features & Artistic Features Embodied in Huang Hong s Sketches;论黄宏小品的主流意识形态特征及其表现手法

15.On the Successful Experience of Chinese Dominant Ideological Education;试析我国主流意识形态教育的成功经验

16.To Deepen the Study of the Construction of the Mainstream Ideology in the Background of Globalization;深化全球化背景下我国主流意识形态建设研究

17.How to Realize Topping,Characteristic and Quality Consciousness for a Director of Fundamental Laboratory;实验室主任如何实践一流意识、特色意识、精品意识

18.Following the Nature: Main Trend of Aesthetic Standard in the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties;“任自然”:魏晋南北朝审美意识的主流


non-main-current phenomena非主流意识

1.But in the opening up and multivalent society, influenced by its negative side, among the young college students there arenon-main-current phenomena, such as , having a love affair becoming popular, unreasonable consumption,demoralized, self-publicizing, inactive letting out and so on.然而,由于受改革开放和价值多元化的负面影响,青年大学生中存在着恋爱成风、非理性超前消费、意志消沉、自我张扬、消极发泄等非主流意识现象。

3)anti-mainstream ideology反主流意识

4)mainstream ideology主流意识形态

1.Self-evidence ofmainstream ideology——analysis of Dingling s transformation in her later-period creation liberated area novels;主流意识形态的凸出与彰显——析丁玲在后期解放区小说创作的转型

2.Impact of Consumptivism on China s Mainstream Ideology;论消费主义对我国主流意识形态的影响与对策

parison and Research of Mainstream Ideology Education of China and U.S.A.;中美主流意识形态教育比较研究

5)dominant ideology主流意识形态

1.It goes as followes :the excellect intellectuals,popular readers and thedominant ideology.正文分四章,前三章分别阐述《白鹿原》自问世以来在文学批评界、大众读者界和主流意识形态界的接受情况并分析出现这些情况的原因。

6)the main aspect of the dominators ideology意识形态主流


