100字范文 > 渡江战役 Crossing river campaigns英语短句 例句大全

渡江战役 Crossing river campaigns英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-23 01:53:48


渡江战役 Crossing river campaigns英语短句 例句大全

渡江战役,Crossing river campaigns

1)Crossing river campaigns渡江战役


1.On Strategic Guidance and Operational Direction of the CPLA in the Campaign of Crossing the Changjiang River论渡江战役中人民解放军的战略战役指导

2.I drew up the plan for that campaign too, which was also known as the Nanjing-Shanghai-Hangzhou Campaign.渡江战役也就是京沪杭战役的实施纲要是我起草的。

3.5. Deployment for the first stage of the campaign--crossing the Yangtze River:戊、战役第一阶段——渡江作战的部署:

4.1) Cross the Yangtze during the first stage of the campaign and, depending on the requirements of the next stage, deploy troops for the coming campaign;(一)战役第一阶段,达成渡江任务,并依据下一阶段之要求,实行战役的展开;

5.Mao Zedong"s Tactics against US Interference in the Campaign of Yijiangshan Island and Artillery Bombardment of Jinmen乱云飞渡仍从容——一江山岛战役和炮击金门中毛泽东反对美国干涉的斗争策略

6.Isandhlwana and Rorke"s Drift, Battles of伊散德尔瓦纳和罗克渡口战役

7.Underground Party members and guerrilla fighters south of the Yangtze also helped us in the battle.江南地下党、游击队配合了渡江作战。

8.A Probe into the Grievous Losses of Central Red Army in Xiangjiang River Campaign;中央红军湘江战役重大损失原因探析

9.Taiping s Prince Li Shi-xian s Contribution to the Battle of Taiping s Second Attacking Jiangnan Camp;李世贤在二破江南大营战役中的贡献

10.Taiping Heavenly Kingdom"s Wannan Battlefield in Two Breakthrough Campaigns of Jiangnan Headquarters太平天国二破江南大营战役中的皖南战场

11.On the Tactical Achievements in the Second Successful Campaign by Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Troops Against Jiangnan Camp;论太平天国二破江南大营战役的战术成就

12.Impact of Xiangjiang Battle on Strategical Shifts of Red Army"s Long March论湘江战役对红军长征战略转变的影响

13.The campaign to cross the river was launched on the night of April 20.渡江作战是从四月二十日夜里发起的。

14.On Li Shixian"s Military Achievement in the Second Battle of Smashing the Jiangnan Camp during the Taiping Revolution李世贤二破江南大营战役军事业绩评述

15.On the Loss of the Central Red Army around the Xiangjiang Battle and its Reasons;湘江战役前后中央红军兵力损失及其原因浅探

ment on the Military Strategy Applied by "Taiping Kingdom" in the two Battles of Eliminating Southern Changjiang Camp;太平天国二破江南大营战役军事艺术评述

17.Bouvines, Battle of布汶战役(1214.7.27)

18.It could be said that we met with little resistance during the battle to cross the river.我们发起渡江作战后遇到的抵抗可以说很校


Xiangjiang River Campaign湘江战役

1.A Probe into the Grievous Losses of Central Red Army inXiangjiang River Campaign;中央红军湘江战役重大损失原因探析

3)operations in the Yangtze River扬子江战役

4)Sino-France War at Majiang中法马江战役

1.Modern International Law andSino-France War at Majiang;近代国际法与中法马江战役

5)operation in reverine area江河地区战役

6)the two Battles of Eliminating Southern Changjiang Camp二破江南大营战役

ment on the Military Strategy Applied by "Taiping Kingdom" inthe two Battles of Eliminating Southern Changjiang Camp;太平天国二破江南大营战役军事艺术评述


