100字范文 > 华南汉族 Han nationality of South China英语短句 例句大全

华南汉族 Han nationality of South China英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-24 15:21:59


华南汉族 Han nationality of South China英语短句 例句大全

华南汉族,Han nationality of South China

1)Han nationality of South China华南汉族


1.The Fulao People of South Fujian:Their Formation and Humanistic Characteristics;闽南福佬人的形成及人文特征——华南汉族族群研究之五

2.Association of coagulation factor VII gene polymorphisms with myocardial infarction patients of Han nationality in south of China华南汉族心肌梗死患者凝血因子VII R353Q基因型的检测

3.The Relativity of Plasma Fibrinogen and Coronary Heart Disease of Young and Middle Age in South of China华南汉族中青年冠心病患者血浆纤维蛋白原的改变

4.The Ethnic Characteristic:The Local Voice of South-East-Asia Chinese literature;南洋本土的汉语书写:东南亚华文文学的族性言说

5.A Survey of the Historical Development:Great Merger of Chinese Nationalities from Huaxia to Han;融合与演变:华夏族·汉族·中华民族

6.Genetic Polymorphisms of 15 STR Loci for a Chinese Population in South China Using PowerPlexTM16 kits华南地区汉族群体15个STR基因座的遗传多态性调查

7.A Survey of the Historical Development: Great Merger of Chinese Nationalities from Huaxia to Han从华夏族到汉族的历史演变看中华民族大融合

8.Marriage Modes and New Fertility Culture Construction--Case Analysis in Yao Autonomous County, Hunan Province;瑶、汉族婚嫁模式与新型生育文化建设——湖南省江华瑶族自治县的实证分析

9.Case of Han Nationality:Unified Diversity of the Chinese Nation;汉族案例:中华民族从多元走向一体

10.A Study on the Musical Makings of the Students of the Buyi,Miao,Shui,and Han Nationalities in Qiannan Prefecture;黔南布依族、苗族、水族、汉族大学生音乐素质研究

11.The Chinese nation includes more than 50 national minorities besides the Hans.中华民族除汉族外,还有五十多种少数民族。

12.The National Rights of Chinese Vietnamese and Educational Problem of Chinese People;越南华人的民族权利与华人教育问题

13.Ethnic Differences of CYP1A2*1F(C734A) Genetic Polymorphisms between Han Nationality and Dai Nationality at Yunnan Province in China;云南省傣族与汉族CYP1A2*1F多态性研究

14.RHCE Genotyping in Chinese Han from north and Li from South;中国北方汉族和南方黎族RHCE基因分型

15.Exchange of Minority Nationalities Music and the Han Dynasty s Music;“边声”与“华音”:民族碰撞中的汉代乐章

16.Dependability Search of Human CLC-2 Chloride Channel Gene Associated with Idiopathic Generalized Tonic-clonic Seizures in Lahu People, Bulang People, Wa People, Jinuo People and Han People from Yunnan Province;云南佤族、拉祜族、布朗族、基诺族及汉族IGTCS与CLCN2基因相关性研究

17.A Comprehensive Analysis of Chinese Character Errors by Overseas Chinese Students from Southeast Asia;东南亚华裔留学生汉字偏误综合考察

18.A Comprehensive Study of Chinese-Character Errors by Foreign Students of Chinese Origin from Southeast Asia;东南亚华裔留学生汉字偏误考察报告


South China华南宗族

1.Dynamics ofSouth China Lineage in Urbanization: the Case of the Village of Nanching;都市化进程中华南宗族的演变动态:以南景村为例

3)Han nationality in Hunan Province湖南汉族

1.Method Eighty-one samples randomly selected from healthy individuals ofHan nationality in Hunan Province and the MICA*008/A(5.目的调查湖南汉族群体MICA008/A5。

4)Yunnan Hans云南汉族

1.Relationship between Alleles of HLA -DQA1 and essential hypertension inYunnan Hans;云南汉族原发性高血压与HLA-DQA1等位基因的相关性研究

2.Methods The alleles and frequencies of exons 4 and 5 of MICA gene were determined in 70 cases of SLE and 152 controls ofYunnan Hans by STR genotyping, polymerase chain reaction, single strand conformation polymorphism and bidirection DNA sequencing.目的明确云南汉族群体中主要组织相容性复合物 类链相关基因 A(majorhistocompatibility complex class I chian- related gene,MICA )基因与系统性红斑狼疮 (systemic lupuserythematosus,SL E)的关系。

5)Lingnan Han people岭南汉族

6)Han people in Nanzhong area南中汉族

1.In the period of Cuan culture,theHan people in Nanzhong area experienced a kind of assimilation to the minority nationalities and "Bai group of West Cuan" and "Wu group of East Cuan" were new ethnic groups formed by the fusion between the Han people and the minority nationalities.爨文化时期南中汉族移民的"夷化"和随之出现的"西爨白蛮"、"东爨乌蛮",是由夷汉民族融合形成的新型民族群体。


