100字范文 > 干部监督管理 Supervision and management of cadres英语短句 例句大全

干部监督管理 Supervision and management of cadres英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-18 05:59:28


干部监督管理 Supervision and management of cadres英语短句 例句大全

干部监督管理,Supervision and management of cadres

1)Supervision and management of cadres干部监督管理


1.On the Further Improvement of the Supervisionand Management of Leadership;进一步加强和完善领导干部监督管理工作的思考

2.More effort should be made to control and supervise cadres.对干部的管理和监督要加强。

3.Some Considerations to the Interior Accounting Supervision for theManagement System in Commercial Bank;对商业银行内部会计监督管理体制的若干思考

4.Enhance to lead the staff management the direct the counterplan research of mechanism developments;加强领导干部管理监督机制建设的对策研究

5.Cadres in Institution of Higher Learning Must be Strictly Demanded,Managed and Supervised;高校干部必须严格要求严格管理严格监督

6.We should focus on tightening supervision over leading cadres and especially principal ones, stepping up supervision over the management and use of human, financial and material resources.重点加强对领导干部特别是主要领导干部的监督,加强对人财物管理和使用的监督。

7.Democratic Supervision of Public Affairs Management--An Essential Guarantee to Leaders Administration in the New Era;公开管理民主监督是做好新时期干部管理工作的重要保证

8.Strict requirement, management, surveillance, rewards and punishment will be pursued.对人民银行干部严格要求、严格管理,严格监督、严格奖惩。

9.Authorization and Supervision--On Incentive and Restraint Mechanism for Village Leaders Management of Rural Economy;放权与监督——浅论村干部在农村经济管理中的激励与制约机制

10.Article5 The pharmaceuticals supervisory and administrative departments under the State Council shall be responsible for the supervision and control of pharmaceuticals throughout the country.第五条国务院药品监督管理部门主管全国药品监督管理工作。

11.Supervision on the Vertical Management Organizations of Local People s Congress;地方人大对行政垂直管理部门的监督

12.On the supervising and guiding function of the college file control department;高校档案管理部门的监督和指导职能

13.Strengthen inner quality management and supervision;强化内部质量管理,搞好工程质量监督

14.Reinforcement of the Supervision of “First Executives" Is the Key Element of Cadre Supervision;加强对“一把手”监督是干部监督的关键

15.Discuss again on the organization of quality supervisor supervising the companies of food producing;再论质监部门对食品生产企业的监督管理

16.On the key points for leading cadres to supervise and to be supervised -- Some reconsiderations of tightening supervision over leading cadres;领导干部 监督与被监督的重点——对领导干部监督问题的思考

17."We will ensure that the people directly exercise their democratic rights according to law, manage grassroots public affairs and programs for public good and exercise democratic supervision over the cadres."保证人民群众依法直接行使民主权利,管理基层公共事务和公益事业,对干部实行民主监督。

18.of or limited to or involving supervision.属于监督、管理的,受监督、管理限制的,或包含监督、管理的。


supervision to the leaders干部管理监督

3)cadre supervision干部监督

1.A Comparison of Theories by the Three Successive Leaders of CPC on Cadre Supervision;关于三代领导人干部监督思想之比较

4)Regulatory authorities(RA )监督管理部门

5)supervision and management监督管理

1.Technical Means in the Supervision and Management of the Coal-mine Safe Production——The application of the image monitor-control system in the coal-mine safe productionsupervision and management;煤矿安全生产监督管理工作中的技术手段——图像监控系统在煤矿安全监管中的应用

2.Approach of qualitysupervision and management for engineering seismic fortify in urban and rural;城乡工程抗震设防质量的监督管理探讨

3.Brief talks on developing course of thesupervision and management of building materials;建设工程用材料监督管理的发展探讨


1.Analysis on Problems and Countermeasures of Food Safety Supervision;我国食品安全监督管理存在的问题及对策探析

2.Strengthening structural supervising management improving ways of projects qualitysupervision;加强结构检测监督管理 完善工程质量监督手段

3.Considerations on qualitysupervision of water product;水利产品质量监督管理工作的探索与思考


