100字范文 > 液压支架用阀 valves for shield support英语短句 例句大全

液压支架用阀 valves for shield support英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-02 12:41:12


液压支架用阀 valves for shield support英语短句 例句大全

液压支架用阀,valves for shield support

1)valves for shield support液压支架用阀

1.Thevalves for shield support are the core control components of shield support, so stricter requirement is needed for their performance.煤矿液压支架的工作可靠性对煤炭的安全生产非常重要,而液压支架用阀是其核心控制元件,因此对其性能有很高的要求。

2.As the key control components of coal mining shield support,valves for shield support are steadily developing to high pressure and mass flow to meet the high yield and efficiency requirements of comprehensive coal mining.液压支架用阀作为煤矿液压支架的关键控制元件,其性能指标不断向高压大流量方向发展,以达到煤矿综采高产高效的要求,而国内缺乏相应试验设备。


1.Development of Test Rig and Its Key Components of Valves for Coal Mining Shield Support;煤矿液压支架用阀试验台及其关键元件的研制

2.Research on Performance Test Rig for Coal Mine Hydraulic Support Valve;煤矿液压支架用阀综合性能试验台的研究

3.Design of Automatic Control System of Valve Test Rig for Coal Mining Hydraulic Support液压支架用阀试验台自动控制系统设计

4.Development of Computer Control Synthesis Test-bed of Valves for Mining Shield Support液压支架用阀微机控制综合试验台的研制

5.Quality Development of Valve for Powered Support and Its Tendency液压支架用阀质量演变进程与技术发展趋势

6.Design and Realization of Measurement and Control System for Test Rig of Valves for Coal Mining Shield Support;煤矿液压支架用阀试验台测控系统的设计与实现

7.The Research of Pilot-operated Check Valve With Slow Impulse for Hydramatic Supports液压支架用缓冲式液控单向阀的研究

8.Application on the Water Safety Valve in the Coal Mine Hydraulic Supporter;纯水安全阀在煤矿液压支架应用的探讨

9.The Performance Analysis and Research of a New Kind of Reversal Valve in Hydramatic Support;新型液压支架换向阀性能分析与研究

10.Performance Analysis and Research of New Kind of Reversal Valve in Hydraulic Support液压支架新型换向阀性能分析与研究

11.The Performance Analysis and Research of a New Kind of Buffer valve in Hydramatic Supports一种液压支架用软起动缓冲阀的性能分析与研究

12.The Dynamical Analysis of Electro-hydraulic Control Valve in Mining Support液压支架中的电液控制阀的动态特性分析

13.The Math Models of a New Kind of Safety Valve in the System of Hydraulic Trestles;一种新型安全阀在液压支架系统中的数学建模

14.Research on Structure and Properties of Pure Water Safety Valve Used in Coal Mine Hydraulic Supporter煤矿液压支架纯水安全阀的结构与性能研究

15.Simulation Study on Bipolar Protection of Relief Valve of Hydraulic Support Based on FLUENT基于FLUENT的液压支架双极保护安全阀的仿真研究

16.Study on Large Flow Rate Valve and Quantitative Advancing Velocity of Hydraulic Powered Support;液压支架控制系统大流量阀与移架速度定量化研究

17.Shearer Localization and Degradation Prediction of Electro-Magnetic Valve for Electro-Hydralic Control System of Hydralic Supports液压支架电液控制煤机定位与电磁阀缓变失效预测研究

18.Application of New-style Concentrated Solution of Powered Support in Colliery新型液压支架浓缩液在煤矿中的应用


mine hydraulic support矿用液压支架

1.The safety monitoring of mine devices, especiallymine hydraulic supports, develops at a low pace which has been unable to adapt to increasingly complex exploitation environment.但长期以来,煤矿安全状况一直是制约煤炭工业发展的重要因素,矿用设备特别是矿用液压支架的安全监测发展十分缓慢,已经无法适应越来越复杂的开采环境。

3)hydraulic support液压支架

1.Study on stability technology ofhydraulic support in fully-mechanized caving working face with large dip angle;大倾角综放工作面液压支架稳定性技术探讨

2.Light type caving coalhydraulic support structural characteristic and discussion on canopy structural design;轻型放顶煤液压支架结构特点和顶梁结构设计的探讨

4)powered support液压支架

1.The research of appropriate original supporting pressure ofpowered support;液压支架合理初撑力的确定

2.Dynamic analysis of cavingpowered support stability in deeply inclined coal seam;大倾角放顶煤液压支架稳定性动态分析

3.Study onpowered support canopy motion track of joints with clearance;含间隙铰液压支架梁端轨迹的仿真研究

5)hydraulic supports液压支架

1.The structure patterns and performance analysis of the double-telescopic props ofhydraulic supports;液压支架双伸缩立柱的结构型式和性能分析

puter aided concept design system forhydraulic supports;液压支架计算机辅助概念设计系统

3.The structure characteristics and principle of the new type relief valve used onhydraulic supports were introduced.介绍新型液压支架用安全阀的结构特点和工作原理,采用功率键合图法对该阀组成的标准实验系统建立数学模型,编制仿真程序。

6)hydraulic supporter液压支架

1.Study on the Structure of the Cartridge valve with on Operating system of the Hydraulic supporter Support-post;用于液压支架立柱控制系统的插装阀结构研究

2.Study on the feasibility of thehydraulic supporter with water medium;水介质液压支架的可行性研究

3.A kind of new style combination linearhydraulic supporter is offered,which possesses the characteristic of light weight,reasonable structure, excellent mobility and low investment ect.提出一种新型组合式直线型液压支架,具有重量轻、结构合理、机动性好、投资小的特点,能够广泛应用于中小煤矿及运输巷道断面狭小、无法正常布置综采工作面的边角煤回收区域。


双阀芯控制在液压多路换向阀的应用传统换向阀的进出油口控制通过一根阀芯来进行,两油口听开口对应关系早在阀芯设计加工时已确定,在使用过程中不可能修改,从而使得通过两油口的流量或压力不能进行独立控制,互不影响。 随着微处理控制器、传感器元件成本的下降,控制技术的不断完善,使得双阀芯控制技术在工程机械领域得以应用。英国Utronics公司利用自己的技术及专利优势研制出双阀芯多路换向阀,已广泛应用于JCB、Deere、DAWOO、CASE等公司的挖掘机、*车、装载机及挖掘装载机等产品上。为适应中国工程机械产品对液压系统功能要求。稳定性以及自动化控制程度的不断提高,Utronics公司产品适时进入中国市场,现已初步完成厦工(5t)装载机、詹阳(8t)挖掘机样机调试并进入试验阶段。 1、传统单阀芯换向阀的缺陷 传统的单阀芯换向阀所组成的液压系统难以合理解决好以下功能和控制之间存在的矛盾: (1)液压系统设计时为提高系统稳定性,减少负载变化对速度的影响,要么牺牲部分我们想实现的功能,要么增加额外的液压元件,如调速阀、压力控制阀等,通过增加阻尼,提高系统速度刚度来提高系统的稳定性。但是这样元件的增加又会降低效率,浪费能源;还会使得整个系统的可*性降低、增加成本。 (2)由于换向结构的特殊性,使得用户在实现某一功能时必须购买相应的液压元件,再加上工程机械厂家会根据不同最终用户要求设计出相应的功能,这样会造成生产厂家采购同类、多规格的液压控制元件来满足不同功能要求的需要,不利于产品通用化及产品管理,同时会大大提高产品成本。 (3)由于执行机构进出液压油通过一根阀芯进行控制,单独控制执行机构两侧压力是不可能的。因此,出油侧背压作用于执行机构运动的反方向,随着出油侧背压升高,为保质执行机构的运动,必须提高进油侧压力。这样会使得液压系统消耗的功能增加,效率低,发热增加。 采用双阀芯技术的液压系统,由于执行机构进出油侧阀口阀芯位置及控制方式各自独立,互不影响,这样通过对两阀芯控制方式的不同组合,利用软件编程能很好解决传统单阀系统不能解决的问题,同时还可以轻易实现传统液压系统中难以实现的功能。 2、双阀芯换向阀的两种基本控制策略 由于双阀芯换向两油口控制的灵活性,两油口可分别采取流量控制、压力控制或流量压力控制。正面介绍两种简单的控制策略。
