100字范文 > 急诊门诊 Outpatient services in emergency room英语短句 例句大全

急诊门诊 Outpatient services in emergency room英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-20 05:56:13


急诊门诊 Outpatient services in emergency room英语短句 例句大全

急诊门诊,Outpatient services in emergency room

1)Outpatient services in emergency room急诊门诊

2)outpatient emergency门诊应急

3)Numbers of outpatient门急诊量

4)outpatient and emergency service门(急)诊


1.Factors for the growing medical fee in emergency department of hospitals医院门(急)诊医疗费用增长因素分析

2.Investigation of Antibiotics Application among Outpatients in A Hospital during -某医院—门(急)诊抗菌药物使用情况

3.The emergency room or "out-patient clinic" of a hospital is staffed and equipped to treat both emergencies and less serious illnesses or injuries.医院的急诊室或门诊诊所是为处理急

4.Air conditioning system design of Out-patient and Emergency Floor in HuiZhou Daya Bay People′s Hospital惠州市大亚湾人民医院门诊、急诊楼空调设计

5.Selection and Implementation of the Emergency Management System for Outpatient Department医院门(急)诊应急系统方案的选择与实施

6.Investigation on prescriptions in outpatient and emergency clinics from year to year in Children"s Hospital儿科医院~门(急)诊处方调查分析

7.Analysis of Prescriptions in the Outpatient and Emergency Departments of Our Hospital in 我院门(急)诊处方调查分析

8.Review of the Prescriptions in the Outpatient and Emergency Departments of Our Hospital in 我院门(急)诊处方调查分析

9.The Design and Implementation of Nursing Quality Control System医院门(急)诊输液信息系统设计与实施

10.An analysis of the current outpatient emergency treatment service in our hospital我院现行门(急)诊服务流程的情景分析

11.Business process reengineering in outpatient department and emergency room of combined with peacetime and wartime平战结合的门(急)诊服务体系流程再造

12.Hospital swage mainly comes from septic tanks of sickroom,clinic . emergency, ward faundry etc.医院污水主要来源于病区化粪池、门诊、急诊、病房、洗衣房等部门。

13.Methods: We selected two regions as study sites, one of which represented a rural area and the other an urban area in northwestern Taiwan.研究对象是急诊部门的病患中须转诊者,不包括门诊及病房的转诊病患。

14.Research and application of software for nursing information management of intravenous injection in the out-patient department and emergency department门(急)诊输液护理管理软件的开发与应用

15.Study on Social Support of Outpatient (Emergency) Service for Staff Far Away from Military Medical Organization;远离军队医疗机构人员门(急)诊社会化保障研究

16.Out patient health education for acute myocardial infraction patients after discharge from hospital急性心肌梗死患者出院后的门诊健康教育

17.MRI Dagnosis of Acute Portal VEIN and Superior Mesenteric Venous Thrombosis急性门静脉和肠系膜上静脉血栓形成的MRI诊断

18.451065 electronic prescriptions in outpatient department in our hospital我院451065张门、急诊电子处方审核的情况分析


outpatient emergency门诊应急

3)Numbers of outpatient门急诊量

4)outpatient and emergency service门(急)诊

5)outpatient and emergency门急诊

1.Discussion on quality management foroutpatient and emergency in new situation;新形势下门急诊质量管理工作的探讨

2.Objective To develop theoutpatient and emergency information system suitable for our hospital.目的研制开发符合医院实际的门急诊信息系统。

6)out-patient/emergency buliding门急诊楼


