100字范文 > 闽学 the Fujian Studies英语短句 例句大全

闽学 the Fujian Studies英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-04 19:24:08


闽学 the Fujian Studies英语短句 例句大全

闽学,the Fujian Studies

1)the Fujian Studies闽学

1.Under the policy guidance by using the Fujian studies,Taiwan\"s academy plays an important role in educating the people,revitalizing social order and law and promoting Taiwan\"s economy,culture and education.在以闽学治台的政策导向中,台湾书院起到了振兴纲纪,教化民众,促进台湾经济、文化和教育事业发展的重要作用。

2)Fujian and Taiwan literature闽台文学

3)"Ba Min Xue Zheng"《八闽学政》

1.Based on the precious document"Ba Min Xue Zheng"and other documents, a new conclusion is as below: the local administrator assumed the office of "Ti Diao Guan"and was also concerned with the management of the regional Confucianism; work division and cooperation between "Ti Diao Guan"and "Ti Xue"was key to Regional Education Administration System.考察新发现的《八闽学政》①和其他相关文献可以看到:"提学"的局限性决定了"提调官"不仅限于负责后勤事务,而是负有更多、更重要的职责;"提学"与"提调官"分工合作,共同构成明代地方教育管理体系的领导层,他们之间的分工合作,是地方学政兴废的关键。

4)Ci studies made by scholars speaking Min dialect闽人词学

5)The Students in Fujian and Taiwan Provinces闽台学生


parison Study on Health Level of the Students in Fujian and Taiwan Provinces and Lifelong Physical Exercise;闽台学生健康水平与终身体育教育的比较研究

parative research on training master of physical science in Fujian and Taiwan闽台体育学硕士研究生培养状况比较研究


4.Contrast of School Psychological Health Education on the Youth in Fujian and Taiwan Areas闽台学校青少年心理健康教育的比较

5.Wu Fuwen, the founding member of the International Hakka Association and a young scholar in Western Fujian, came to believe through his textual research that Western Fujian has an important place in the relations between the Hakkas in Fujian and Taiwan.国际客家协会创会会员、闽西青年学者吴福文考证认为,闽西在闽台客家关系中占有重要地位。

6.Analysising the Social Niche,Optimizing and Integrating the Tourism Exploitation in Fujian and Taiwan;分析社会生态位,优化整合闽台旅游开发

7.Proposal for Fujian-Taiwan Experimental Eco-economy Region Co-invested by Both Sides of Taiwan Strait;海峡两岸合作建设闽台生态经济实验区的设想

8.Study on Fujian-Taiwan tourism cooperation mechanism based on symbiosis theory;基于共生理论的闽台旅游合作机制研究

9.An Analysis of the Influence of Making a Living on the Sea on the Customs in the Coastal Areas of Fujian and Taiwan;“以海为生”对闽台濒海地区民风民俗的影响

10.A Study on the Feasibility of Interactive Training to Postgraduates in Fujian and Taiwan闽台体育硕士研究生交互培养可行性研究

11.Thinking on Taiwan Strait(Fujian and Taiwan) Ecological Economic Experimental Area Built by Cross-strait Cooperation;关于两岸合作建设台湾海峡(闽台)生态经济实验区的设想

12.Masterpiece about Research on Fujian-Taiwan relationship,society and culture:a book review;闽台关系、闽台社会与闽南文化研究的力作——评汪毅夫的《闽台缘与闽南风》

13.Immigrants of the Central Plains into Fujian in the Early Tang Dynastyand the formation of Fujian and Taiwan Culture;初唐中原移民入闽与闽台文化之形成

14.Analysis of Minnan Dialect-speaking Students Difficulties in English Pronunciation and Solutions;闽南方言区学生英语语音学习困难分析及对策

15.A Probe into Relationship between Fujian and Taiwan Based on Relic of Taiwan--Case Study of Min-an Village;涉台遗存与闽台关系——以马尾闽安村为个案

16.Viewing the Fujian-Taiwan Clan Culture from the Settlement of the South Fujian Emigration in exploiting Taiwan;从闽南人开发台湾的聚落看闽台宗亲文化

17.On Strengthening Financial Cooperation between Fujian and Taiwan;加强闽台金融合作 改善在闽台资企业融资环境

18.Popular Religion and Regional Society: A Case Study Revolve Around the Bao-sheng-da-di Cult in Fujian and Taiwan;民间信仰与地域社会——以闽台保生大帝信仰为中心的个案研究


Fujian and Taiwan literature闽台文学

3)"Ba Min Xue Zheng"《八闽学政》

1.Based on the precious document"Ba Min Xue Zheng"and other documents, a new conclusion is as below: the local administrator assumed the office of "Ti Diao Guan"and was also concerned with the management of the regional Confucianism; work division and cooperation between "Ti Diao Guan"and "Ti Xue"was key to Regional Education Administration System.考察新发现的《八闽学政》①和其他相关文献可以看到:"提学"的局限性决定了"提调官"不仅限于负责后勤事务,而是负有更多、更重要的职责;"提学"与"提调官"分工合作,共同构成明代地方教育管理体系的领导层,他们之间的分工合作,是地方学政兴废的关键。

4)Ci studies made by scholars speaking Min dialect闽人词学

5)The Students in Fujian and Taiwan Provinces闽台学生

6)Minjiang University闽江学院

1.On Innovative Orientation ofMinjiang University;论闽江学院办学定位的创新


