100字范文 > 表情肌 facial muscle英语短句 例句大全

表情肌 facial muscle英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-26 20:44:04


表情肌 facial muscle英语短句 例句大全

表情肌,facial muscle

1)facial muscle表情肌

1.Although domestic and foreign scholars have studied histological changes of denervatedfacial muscles,but there weren\"t reports about ultrastructure observation of continuous denervation and reinnervation by end-to-side anastomosis.尽管国内外学者对表情肌失神经支配后的组织学变化都有研究,但无人对表情肌长时间失神经支配及端侧吻合后的超微结构变化进行观察。

2.Although domestic and foreign scholars have studied histological changes of denervatedfacial muscles,but there weren\" t reports about ultrastructure observation of continuous denervation and reinnervation by end-to-side anastomosis.目的通过建立兔口轮匝肌失神经支配模型,在失神经支配后不同时间进行端侧吻合,观察失神经支配后不同时限及再支配后表情肌的超微结构变化,以期对临床面神经损伤后的动力性修复提供理论依据。


1.The facial nerve-s the muscles of expression.面部神经促使表情肌肉活动。

2.The Study of the Expression of CXCL16 and CXCR6 after the Acute Myocardial Infarction;急性心肌梗死后CXCL16及其受体CXCR6表达情况的研究

3.But the relation of the face"s muscles to facial expressions is not completely understood and some people"s faces are paralyzed and immobile.然而我们尚未完全了解脸部肌肉与表情间的关连,而且有些人的脸部瘫痪且毫无表情。

4.The artist meticulously depicted the facial expression of the figures, their clothes and the texture of different objects.画家仔细地描绘各人物的面部表情、服和各样物件的肌理。

5.Alarmed, Hung-chien began eating for all he was worth, trying to keep his facial muscles from settling into their true expression.鸿渐慌得拚命吃菜,不让脸部肌肉平定下来有正确的表情。

6.Facial expressions depend upon the complex co-ordination of nerves and muscles in the face.脸部表情是藉著神经与肌肉间复杂的协调运作来展现。

7.Method Research on Emotion Recognition of Surface EMG Based on Wavelet Packet and Wavelet Transform;基于小波(包)变换的表面肌电信号情感识别方法研究

8.one"s sympathetic looks [words]同情的表情 [言语]

9.The brow fat pad lies directly posterior to the eyebrow skin and orbicularis oculus muscle and aids in smooth gliding of the eyebrow with animation.后眉部脂肪垫位于眉毛皮肤及眼轮匝肌之后方,可以帮助脸部表情动作时眉毛有顺畅的滑动。

10.When clinically significant, the depressor septi nasi muscle may accentuate drooping of the nasal tip and shortening of the upper lip on animation.在某些较为明显的临床病例中,在做表情时,降鼻中隔肌可加重鼻尖下垂和上唇短缩。

11.Expression of Cardiomyocyte Angiotensin Ⅱ Receptors and Effects of Candesartan in the Rat with Pressure Overload-Induced Left Ventricular Hypertrophy;压力超负荷左室肥厚大鼠心肌组织血管紧Ⅱ受体的表达及坎地沙坦干预后的情况

12.Expression of Cardiotrophin-1 in the Dilated Cardiomyopathy of Rats心肌营养素-1在扩张型心肌病大鼠心肌的表达

13.The Dysferlin Expression in Muscular Dystrophy and Miyoshi Myopathy;肌营养不良与Miyoshi肌病中dysferlin表达分析

14.The Research of Surface Electromyography of Lower Extremity Muscles in Stroke Patients;脑卒中患者下肢肌群表面肌电的研究

15.Lincoln Oseretsky Motor Development Scale林奥二氏肌动发展量表

16.a bovine expression, character, mentality鲁钝的表情、 性情、 头脑

17."Graph" "Poem" "Stroke" "Expression";“图式”、“诗情”、“线条”、“表情”

18.Experimental Study on Evaluation of the Function of Lumbar Paraspinal and Glutenu Maximus by Surface Electromyography;表面肌电图用于竖脊肌和臀大肌功能评价的研究


fleshy exterior肌表


1.Inventing Expression-A Possibility in Campus Architecture;制造表情——学校建筑的一种可能

2.Research and application ofexpression in classical treatises of traditional Chinese medicine;中医经典论著对表情的研究与运用

4)Facial expression表情

1.The two studies examined whether the asymmetry search of facial expression is based on configurational features.考察了表情的非对称搜索现象是否基于表情的整体特征 (群组特征 )。

2.We tried to find some facial expression characters of lying for the blind.本研究旨在探讨视觉经验缺乏的盲人说谎行为以及说谎能力的发展及其影响因素,同时试图寻找盲人说谎时的表情变化特征。

3.The recent years\" research on emotional body language changed the traditional study in cognitive and affective neuroscience which used to explore human emotion from isolated facial expressions during the past two decades.过去20多年,认知和情绪神经科学多采用面部表情研究以期达到对人类情绪的了解,但因视角单一,限制了对其本质的认知,近年情绪躯体语言的研究改变了这一现状。


1.A method was described to simulate eye movements andexpressions.描述了一种人眼运动及表情的仿真方法。

2.Nowadays, no matter whether in domestic or international chorus contests, fully integrate bodyexpressions into the choral concert process is becoming increasingly popular.在合唱比赛的表演过程中充分融入体态表情的做法日趋盛行。

3.Throughexpressions, gestures, and postures, posture language plays an tremendous function in the moral training class, which can not be substitutive by the sound language.特别是在德育课堂中,教师通过表情、手势、姿态等方面显示体态语更能起到有声语言所不能替代的作用。

6)emotional facial expressions情感表情

1.The database contains some uniqueemotional facial expressions not appeared in other facial databases,and is benefit to the world facial expression databases.本数据库具有在其它人脸数据库中未曾出现的情感表情,对世界人脸表情数据库进行了有益的补充。


