100字范文 > 回转支撑轴承 slewing bearing英语短句 例句大全

回转支撑轴承 slewing bearing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-20 16:23:01


回转支撑轴承 slewing bearing英语短句 例句大全

回转支撑轴承,slewing bearing

1)slewing bearing回转支撑轴承

1.Fault diagnosis and repair technique of the large-scaleslewing bearing大型回转支撑轴承故障检测及修复工艺


1.Fault diagnosis and repair technique of the large-scale slewing bearing大型回转支撑轴承故障检测及修复工艺

2.The part of a machine shaft or axle supported by a bearing.轴颈机械的转动轴或轮轴中由轴承所支撑的部分

3.An axis or shaft supporting a rotating part on a lathe.柄轴,心轴支撑车床旋转部件的轴或杠

4.reverse idler gear shaft bearing回动空转齿轮轴轴承

5.Modeling for Rotor System of AC Magnetic Bearing Electric Spindle;交流磁轴承支承电主轴转子系统建模

6.Stop: stop rotating output shaft, cam rollers contact roller cam bearings taper ribbed support of the re-direct.停止:出力轴停止旋转,凸轮滚子接触滚子轴承式凸轮锥度支撑肋的重直部分。

7.Pump shaft is provided with independent supporting point to ensure dependable running of motor bearing.泵轴有独立的支撑点,使电机轴承运行可靠。

8.Most Bearings support rotating shafts against either transverse (radial) or thrust (axial) loads.大多数轴承都支承径向或轴向负荷的转轴。

9."Bearing: In machine construction, a connector (usually a support) that permits the connected members to rotate or to move in a straight line relative to one another."轴承:在机器结构中,允许被连接件彼此相对转动或作直线运动的连接器(通常为支撑物)。

10.Domestic Research on Large-Size TQITSE Bearing Used on Supported Roller of Imported Cold-Rolling Mill;进口冷轧机支撑辊用大型TQITSE轴承国产化研究

11.Structure Design and Experimental Study on Ultrasonic Levitation Bearing Which Support with Concave Cylindrical Surface凹柱面支撑超声波悬浮轴承设计与实验研究

12.Analysis of Deformation of Double-disk Supported Thrust Bearing for Hydrogenerators水轮发电机双托盘支撑推力轴承变形分析

13.Replacement and Treatment of the Main Bearing for the Gripper TBM during Driving支撑式TBM掘进中途的主轴承更换及处理

14.roller slewing ring滚子夹套式回转支承

15.Hysteretic Behavior of Concrete-Filled Steel Tubular Columns Brace under Varible Axial Force;变轴力下钢管混凝土支撑滞回性能的理论研究

16.Design and Dynamic Analysis for Multi-Support Rotor-Bearing System Bearing Load Identification Test-Bed;多支承转子—轴承系统轴承负荷辨识试验台设计及其动力学分析

17.Analysis of an Auto Crane Slewing Bearing Rupture Accident汽车式起重机回转轴承破裂事故分析

18."Rotary fulcrum bearings are large-sized bearings which can be subjected to combined axial, radial loads and tipping moment."回转支承是一种能够承受综合负荷的大型支承,可同时承受较大的轴向负荷,径向负荷和倾翻力矩。


support bearing支撑轴承

1.Simplified calculation for the design of circulation cooling ofsupport bearings of rotary particle dryer;转子式刨花干燥机支撑轴承循环冷却设计的简易计算

3)turning support回转支撑

1.Structural composition of theturning support has been described,different kinds of bearings have been simply compared,and required bearing mode has been selected preliminarily,via the analysis of external load and the calculation at different kinds of operating condition,to confirm the bearing mode which can satisfy the requirements.介绍了回转支撑的结构组成,简单对比了各种轴承并初步选择所需轴承型式,通过外载荷的分析和各种工况下的计算,确定满足要求的轴承型号。

4)bearing support implement轴承支撑器

1.Abearing support implement is of critical importance in the precision processing of bearings.轴承支撑器是轴承精密加工中的关键部件。

5)bearing seating轴承支撑面

6)main bearing support主轴承支撑


