100字范文 > 理财教育 financial literacy education英语短句 例句大全

理财教育 financial literacy education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-06 06:12:53


理财教育 financial literacy education英语短句 例句大全

理财教育,financial literacy education

1)financial literacy education理财教育

1.As important content in curriculum of American primary and secondary schools,financial literacy education has made achievements.理财教育作为美国中小学课程的一项重要内容,纵观其发展历史,可以将其影响因素归纳为学校因素、家庭因素、地域文化因素、个性与能力因素,并由此有其对应的对策。


1.A Study of the four Development Stage of Financial Literacy Education in Primary and Secondary School in America;美国中小学理财教育的四个发展阶段

2.A Research on Financial Decentralization and Financial Administrative System of Compulsory Education;财政分权与义务教育财政管理体制问题探析

3.The Research of National Educational and Financial System Based on Theories of Public Finances基于公共财政理论的民族教育财政体系研究

4.(1) What is the standard of the reasonable structure of public educational finance?(1) 教育财政结构合理的“标准”是什么?

5.On the Cultivation Objectives of Finance Management at Undergraduate Level;财务管理专业本科教育培养目标研究

6.How the Financial Work in Schools of Higher Education Serves Teachers and Students Best;高校财务管理最佳服务于教育教学的思考

7.Probe into the Teaching of Combining Moral Education with Specialty Teaching;寓财务伦理道德教育于专业教学的探索

8.Teaching Reform of the Course Financial Management基于开放教育财务管理教学改革的探索与实践

9.Rationality of Government Financing the Early Childhood Education--An Economic Analysis of Education Coming from Foreign Countries;政府财政投资幼儿教育的合理性——来自国外的教育经济学分析

10.Analysis of Deng Xiaoping s Theory of Equal Education--Choice of China s Higher Education Financial Policy;邓小平教育公平理论剖析——论我国高等教育财政政策的选择

11.The Equity Concept Reflected in Primary and Secondary Educational Financing Policies of UK and Their Implications英国基础教育财政投入政策折射出的教育公平理念及启示

12.Money is one form of power. But what is more powerful is financial education.钱是一种力量,但更有力量的是有关理财的教育。

13.The Research on Agency Problems of Rural Compulsory Education Funding Supply;农村义务教育财政供给的委托代理关系研究

14.Retrospect on the Reform and Development of Chinese Financial Management Education over the 30 Years and Its prospect;中国财务管理教育改革发展30年回顾与展望

15.Financing Higher Education:Lessons from Economic Theory and International Experience;高等教育财政:经济理论与国际经验的启示

16.Analyzing the Mechanism for Combination of Higher Educational Financial Sharing with Macro-policies;高等教育财政分担与宏观政策结合机理探讨

17.The Analyses of Administrative and Financial Reform of Primary and Secondary Education in Selected Countries;国外基础教育管理及财政体制改革分析

18.System Reform of Financial Input on Early Childhood Education Need Rational Planning;幼儿教育的财政投入体制改革亟需理性设计


Financial Management Education财务管理教育

1.Retrospect on the Reform and Development of ChineseFinancial Management Education over the 30 Years and Its prospect;中国财务管理教育改革发展30年回顾与展望

3)educational model of financing理财教育模式

4)personal financial education个人理财教育

1.Thepersonal financial education and consumption guidance of students should be strengthened.关注大学生的消费行为、消费特点,加强大学生的个人理财教育与消费引导,对大学生形成积极向上的消费文化,树立正确的消费观和科学的理财观具有重要意义。

5)financial education and curriculum理财教育及课程

6)education finance教育财政

1.This paper analyzes the characteristics of highereducation finance thoughts,and discusses the changes of financial thoughts.本文以我国改革开放以来高等教育发展历程为主线,根据社会转型期的特点,从经济学、财政学、哲学、政治学和法学等学科角度分析了高等教育财政思想在公共财政、分权、成本分担与多渠道筹资、公平、全面协调发展、法律保障等方面变迁的特点和问题,并提出了今后改进的建议。

2.The input of theeducation finance is the mainChannel of Chinese educational input .教育财政投入是我国教育投资的主要渠道,教育财政是公共财政的重要组成部分。

3.Based on the political model of the direct democracy, this article analyzes the scopeand rules in makingeducation finance policy collectively.本文应用公共选择理论对教育财政的逻辑演进进行分析。


