100字范文 > 刑法典 criminal code英语短句 例句大全

刑法典 criminal code英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-04 19:45:33


刑法典 criminal code英语短句 例句大全

刑法典,criminal code

1)criminal code刑法典

1.There have been ten years since the creation of Russiancriminal code.俄罗斯联邦刑法典至今走过了十年的历程,由于俄罗斯正处社会转型期,社会生活和经济制度变化巨大,导致刑法典修改和补充频繁,争议很多。


1.American California penal code and our country penal code comparison美国加州刑法典与我国刑法典的比较

2.There was a clearing up of the penal code;它对刑法典进行了清理;

3.On the Distinctive Criminal Law System of Finland;独具特色的芬兰刑法制度——《芬兰刑法典》代译序

4.International Criminal Justice is Coming Home:The New German Code of Crimes Against International Law国际刑事司法正在回归:德国新国际刑法典

mentary on the Regulations of Qualification Penalty in Russian Federal Criminal Code《俄罗斯联邦刑法典》中的资格刑规定述评

6.The Historical Evolvement and Latest Development of Bulgarian Penal Code保加利亚刑法典历史演进与晚近发展

7.California penal code with the strict structure is the important representative of American state criminal law.加利弗尼亚州刑法典结构严密,是美国州刑法的重要代表。

8.Brief Introduction to Sexual Crime of Wyoming Code in U.S.A.--the Reference Significance to Our Country’s Criminal Legislation;美国怀俄明州刑法典性犯罪概述——兼论对我国刑事立法的借鉴意义

9.The Development of Criminal Law Terminologies in Modern China;近代中国刑法语词的塑造——以外国刑法典的翻译为研究对象

10.Study on Improvement Article 356 of Penal Code;刑法典第三百五十六条立法完善之探析

11.On Individual Liability--Comparison between Rome Statute and Queensland Criminal Code论个人刑事责任——《罗马规约》与《昆士兰刑法典》的比较

12.After legal principle of crime and punishment was decided in crminal code,how to compensate for loophole of criminal law has become an important issue.在我国的刑法典确定了罪刑法定原则之后 ,怎样弥补刑法的漏洞又成了一个重要的话题。

13.The internal academic circle pays less attention to the penal law of Norway, the country of north Europe whose criminal legislation is a paragon.作为北欧国家刑事立法之典范的挪威刑法典,国内学界较少给予关注。

14.Environmental Crime was firstly stipulated in Penal Code of our country systematically.我国刑法典首次对环境犯罪作了系统、体的规定。

15.Codigo de Procedimientos en lo Crimina刑事诉讼法(法典)

16.Code of Military Investigation军事刑事诉讼法(法典)

17.Codigo Federal de Procedimientos Penales联邦刑事诉讼法(法典)

18.Code of Penal Procedure for the Federal District联邦地区刑事诉讼法(法典)


penal code刑法典

1.Subsidiary penal provision,which mainly supplements and modifiespenal code,is prescribed in non-criminal laws.附属刑法是规定在非刑事法律中的刑法规范,它与刑法典之间的关系主要是补充与被补充、修改与被修改的关系,但它与刑法修正案、单行刑法等修改、补充刑法典的形式相比,具有较好衔接刑事责任与民事责任、行政责任以及节约立法成本的作用。

3)penal code; criminal code刑法法典

4)the new criminal code新刑法典

5)a penal code刑事法典

6)Model Penal Code《模范刑法典》

1.Model Penal Code, edited by American Law Institute in 1962 has been playing a leading role in codification of American criminal law.美国法学会1962年通过的《模范刑法典》在美国刑法法典化的历史中发挥了最重要的作用。


