100字范文 > 处罚根据 basis of punishment英语短句 例句大全

处罚根据 basis of punishment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-29 11:25:08


处罚根据 basis of punishment英语短句 例句大全

处罚根据,basis of punishment

1)basis of punishment处罚根据

1.Thebasis of punishment of attempted crimes has a close relation with such factors as the nature and basic characterisitics of crime,.但对犯罪未遂的处罚根据却存在诸多争论。


1.On the Foundation of Heavier Punishment on Cumulative Offense and Prevention in the Vision of Criminal Personality;犯罪人格视野下累犯从重处罚根据及预防

2.The Ground of Punishing Criminal Negligence in English Criminal Law Theory--The Standard of Criminal Negligence;论英国刑法学中犯罪过失的处罚根据——兼论犯罪过失的标准

3.On Necessary Accomplice--Perspective of Punishment Grounds of Accomplice;必要共犯的若干问题检讨——以共犯的处罚根据为视角

4.Doctrine of subjective attempt considers that the basis of bearing criminal responsibility for attempted offense is the realization of the ides of convict or external exhibition of fatalness in his character.主观的未遂论认为未遂犯的处罚根据是实现犯罪的行为者的意思或性格的危险性的外部表现。

5.Doctrine of eclectic attempt considers that the basis of bearing criminal responsibility for attempted offense is the real fatalness of convict"s act and his subjective evil character.折中的未遂论认为未遂犯的处罚根据在于实现犯罪的现实危险性和行为人的主观恶性。

6.Doctrine of objective attempt considers that the basis of bearing criminal responsibility for attempted offense is the objective fatalness that causes the result of important constructive conditions.客观的未遂论认为未遂犯的处罚根据是惹起构成要件结果的客观危险性。

7.In imposing a fine, the amount of the fine shall be determined according to the circumstances of the crime.判处罚金,应当根据犯罪情节决定罚金数额。

8.statutory crime [ offense ]根据成文法可处罚的罪行

9."each is liable, in addition to any penalty towhich he may be liable under subsection (1), to a fine of $20,000 and to imprisonment for 6 months "除可各处根据第(1)款可判处的惩罚外,可各处罚款$20,000及监禁6个月,

10.shall be given administrative or economic penalty in light of the circumstances;应当根据情节给予行政处分和经济处罚

11.Article52. In imposing a fine, the amount of the fine shall be determined according to the circumstances of the crime.第五十二条判处罚金,应当根据犯罪情节决定罚金数额。

12.Is defamation criminally punishable according to Chinese law?根据中国法律,破坏名誉会受到刑事处罚吗?

13.Dispose the offender by the Punish regulations inclusive of certain fine.根据奖惩制度处理当事人,并处以一定的经济惩罚。

14.Be punished according to Party discipline and state laws根据党纪国法予以惩罚

15.Those who commit the crime of graft are to be punished according to the following stipulations depending on the seriousness of their cases:对犯贪污罪的,根据情节轻重,分别依照下列规定处罚

16.On this theory truth is punishment, and you take it like a man.根据这个理论,真理是一种处罚,你必须像男子汉般承受。

17.On Interpretation of the Justification of Penalty--Comment on Professor QIU Xing-long s A Philosophy of Punishment: The Justification of Penalty;关于刑罚根据的解说——评邱兴隆教授《关于惩罚的哲学——刑罚根据论》

18.based on the circumstances, issue a warning, confiscate their illegal earnings and or impose a fine at an amount equivalent to one to five times the amount of their illegal earnings.可以根据情节单处或者并处警告、没收违法所得、处以违法所得一倍以上五倍以下的罚款,


punishing grounds of accomplices共犯的处罚根据

3)foundations of punishment on accomplices共犯处罚的根据

4)foundation of punishment remission减免处罚根据

5)the foundation to leniently punish Voluntary Surrender自首从宽处罚的根据

6)Punishing justification处罚依据


《城市规划法》规定的行政处罚行政处罚构成城市规划行政责任的主要内容。它是城市规划行政主管部门实施城市规划管理,确保城市规划顺利实施的最主要的最常用的法律手段。《城市规划法》第四十条对行政处罚作了具体规定,主要包括:1、责令停止建设责令停止建设是指城市规划行政主管部门在进行规划管理监督检查过程中,发现并经确认是违法建设活动的,就应及时发了违法建设通知书,责令有关当事人立即停止违法福建活动。随后,对违法建设活动的性质和后果作出判断,决定处罚措施。2、限期拆除限期拆除是指经城市规划行政主管部门确认,有关的违法建设如果不进行清除,就会对城市规划管理和城市规划的顺利实施构成构成严格影响的,由城市规划行政主管部门通知有关当事人,在规定的期限内无条件拆除全部的或部分的违法建筑物、构筑物和其他设施。对于拒不服从城市人民政府根据城市规划作出的拆迁安排,给城市建设造成严重影响的,也必须作出限期拆除的决定。3、没收没收是指经城市规划行政主管部门确认,有关的违法建设活动性质严重、影响恶劣,必须给予严厉处罚,但已形成的建筑物、构筑物或其他设施还可以在不影响城市规划的前提下加以利用的,由城市规划行政主管部门决定无偿收取使用权和所有权,没收后产权属城市人民人民政府,由城市人民政府按照城市规划要求另外安排使用。4、责令限期改正 责令限期改正是指经城市规划行政主管部门认定,有关违法建设活动虽然对于城市规划实施构成影响,但还可以采取改正措施进行补救的,由城市规划行政主管部门通知有关当事人,责令其在规定有期限内采取规定的改正措施。5、罚款罚款是从经济上对于违法建设活动进行惩罚的行政处罚手段。具体是由城市规划行政主管部门根据违法建设活动的情节和后果,判罚有关当事人和直接责任人以规定范围内的数额不等和款项。罚款是一种并罚的行政处罚措施,城市规划行政主管部门应当根据违法活动的性质、后果,在作出其他罚款的同时,决定罚款。要注意防止滥用罚款手段,或以罚款代替其他应得处罚的不良倾向发生。另外,《城市规划法》第三十九条还规定:“在城市规划区内,未取得建设用地规划许可证而取得建设用地批准文件、占用土地的、批准文件无效,占用的土地由县级以上人民政府责令退回。”批准文件无效和收回用地也是行政处罚的内容。
