100字范文 > 货币合作路径 Path of Monetary Cooperation英语短句 例句大全

货币合作路径 Path of Monetary Cooperation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-30 13:58:03


货币合作路径 Path of Monetary Cooperation英语短句 例句大全

货币合作路径,Path of Monetary Cooperation

1)Path of Monetary Cooperation货币合作路径

2)Monetarization Path货币化路径

3)currency cooperation货币合作

1.A Study on Currency Cooperation of Mainland China and HK after the Implementation of CEPA;CEPA背景下中国内地和香港货币合作问题研究

2.Currency Cooperation between the Mainland and Hong Kong with the Framework of CEPA;CEPA框架下大陆与香港货币合作问题研究

3.In the process of economic globalization,a single country is not strong enough to fight against the financial crises but the good regionalcurrency cooperation can be of much help.在经济全球化的进程中,单个国家抵抗金融危机的能力有限,加强区域货币合作有助于解决这一问题。


1.The Comparison of Monetary Competitive Capacity among the Important Moneys in the East Asian Monetary Cooperation;东亚货币合作中主要货币竞争力比较

2.Applying the EMU Experience to East Asian Monetary Cooperation;从欧洲经济货币联盟看东亚货币合作

3.Iceland Crisis,Currency Vulnerability,and East Asian Monetary Cooperation冰岛危机、货币脆弱性与东亚货币合作

4.Yen and RMB: Monetary Co-operation or Monetary Competition in the Region;日元与人民币:区域内货币合作抑或货币竞争

5.Enlightenment of European Currency Integration to East Asian Currency Cooperation;欧洲货币一体化对东亚货币合作的启示

6.To Analyse on the Monetary Cooperation of Eastern Asia Based on"The Theory of Optimum Currency Areas";基于“最优货币区理论”的东亚货币合作探讨

7.The Monetary Cooperation in East Asia:An Analysis based on The Theory of Optimal Currency Areas;东亚货币合作——基于最优货币区理论的分析

8.The Comparison of Monetary Competitive Power between China and Japan in the East Asian Monetary Cooperation;东亚货币合作中的中日货币竞争力比较

9.The Optimal Dynamic Decision of Currency Areas and East Asia Currency Cooperation;货币区的动态最优决策:兼谈东亚货币合作问题

10.The Study On Asian Mechanism Of Monetary Cooperation in Economic Integration;区域货币一体化下的亚洲货币合作机制研究

11.The Core Currency Status of RMB in the East Asian Monetary Cooperation;东亚货币合作中人民币的核心货币地位问题研究

12.The Effect of Asian Monetary Unit upon the Cooperation of East Asia Currencies and upon the Reform of the Exchange Rate of RMB;亚洲货币单位对东亚货币合作和人民币汇率改革的影响

13.The Selection of Leading Currency in East Asia Monetary Cooperation and the Internationalization of the RMB.东亚货币合作中主导货币的选择与人民币的国际化

14.Analysis on the Status and Function of Renminbi in the East Asian Currency Cooperation东亚货币合作中人民币的地位与作用分析

15.Several questions on Monetary Cooperation in East Asia--Consideration on Experience with the European Monetary Cooperation关于东亚货币合作的几个问题——基于欧洲货币合作经验上的思考

16.Study on East Asia Currency Cooperation and RMB Regionalization Problem;东亚货币合作与人民币区域化问题研究

17.On the Regional Monetary Cooperation of China-ASEAN and RMB Regionalization;中国—东盟区域货币合作与人民币区域化研究

18.The core currency in the eastern Asian currency cooperation;东亚区域货币合作与人民币的核心竞争力分析


Monetarization Path货币化路径

3)currency cooperation货币合作

1.A Study on Currency Cooperation of Mainland China and HK after the Implementation of CEPA;CEPA背景下中国内地和香港货币合作问题研究

2.Currency Cooperation between the Mainland and Hong Kong with the Framework of CEPA;CEPA框架下大陆与香港货币合作问题研究

3.In the process of economic globalization,a single country is not strong enough to fight against the financial crises but the good regionalcurrency cooperation can be of much help.在经济全球化的进程中,单个国家抵抗金融危机的能力有限,加强区域货币合作有助于解决这一问题。

4)monetary cooperation货币合作

1.New research on eastern Asiamonetary cooperation in the globalization situation;全球化背景下的东亚货币合作问题探析

2.Analysis on Monetary Cooperation in East Asia and the Role of China;东亚货币合作与中国的角色分析

3.On Movement of Labor Across Borders and Monetary Cooperation in East Asia;劳动力跨境流动和东亚货币合作

5)Cooperative Route合作路径

6)East Asian monetary cooperation东亚货币合作

1.US Dollar in East Asian Monetary Cooperation;东亚货币合作中的美元因素

2.Symmetry of East Asian Economic Shocks and East Asian Monetary Cooperation东亚经济冲击对称性分析与东亚货币合作

3.There exit some characteristics of non-normalization and non-institutionalization in East Asian regional cooperation for a long time,and there is still no normalized mechanism inEast Asian monetary cooperation.东亚区域合作具有非正规化、非制度化等特点,东亚货币合作中的机制规范并非完全以制度的形式确定下来。


