100字范文 > 语义理解 semantic comprehension英语短句 例句大全

语义理解 semantic comprehension英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-06 19:01:14


语义理解 semantic comprehension英语短句 例句大全

语义理解,semantic comprehension

1)semantic comprehension语义理解

1.Research of Opinion Review Mining Based on Semantic Comprehension;基于语义理解的观点评论挖掘研究

2.Correctness in grammar analysis makes a translation accurate while accuracy insemantic comprehension renders a translation coherent.从英译汉的角度 ,用较多的实例论证并得出了如下结论 :英语表示否定的语法手段和汉语有很大的差异 ,只有语法分析无误才能译对 ,语义理解准确才能译通。

3.In linguistic intercommunication, the real meaning of both sides is carried out bysemantic comprehension.语义理解与关联理论密切相关,交际双方都应尽可能利用关联理论的认知原则和交际原则从消除歧义、语境限制、修辞角度、非语言因素等方面入手寻求最佳关联与最大关联,最终达到准确理解语义的目的。


1.A Kind of Segments Dividing Method Based on Model MMT for Discourse Semantic Understanding;MMT模型用于语篇语义理解的语段划分

2.On the Role of Semanteme and Sememe in Semantic Understandings;论义位和义素分析在语义理解中的作用

pound Sentences Semantic Understanding of Chinese Natural Language in Product Design;面向产品设计的汉语自然语言复合句语义理解

4.The Semantic Understanding of Metaphor and the Cross-cultural Differences Between English and Chinese Metaphor隐喻的语义理解及其跨文化差异比较

5.Natural Semantic Metalanguage Approach to Metaphor and Its Semantic Explanatory Power自然语义元语言理论的隐喻观及其语义解释力

6.Influence of Ambiguity Tolerance on Perception of Ambiguity Caused by a Modifier;歧义容忍度对修饰语歧义理解的影响

7.A Review of Idioms and Their Comprehension: A Cognitive Semantic Perspective;《熟语及其理解的认知语义学研究》评介

8.The Strategies for Chinese Sentence Comprehension汉语语句的理解策略——词序和词义在汉语语句理解中的作用

9.Definitions should not be more difficult to understand than the words they define.词语的定义不应比所解释的词语更难理解.

10.Definition should not is more difficult to understand than the word they define词语的定义不应比所解释的词语更难理解

11.Definition shall not is more difficult to understand than the word they define.词语的定义不应比所解释的词语更难理解。

12.Pragmatic Meanings of Discourse Markers and Mode of Listening Comprehension;话语标记语的语用意义与听力理解模式

13.Language Context and Reading Comprehension Probe into the Semantic relation in Micro Language Context;语境与阅读理解——微观语境中的语义关系微探

14.Some Problems Related to the Understanding and Translation of English Proverbs & Idioms;望文生义——英语成语和习语的理解和翻译之大忌

15.Cultural Comprehension of Japanese Connotative Meanings--How to Understand Japanese Correctly;日语伴随意义的文化解读——如何准确理解日语的含义

16.The context in which a word is used can help you understand it.单词的语境会帮助你理解词义。

17.Study on Semantic Network of Mental Verbs in Shuowen Jiezi;《说文解字》心理动词语义网络研究

18."Fortress Besieged":Context of the Human Predicament More than Just Understanding;《围城》人类困境语境下的多义理解


Semantic Understanding语义理解

1.With the development of computer technology, freehand graphics recognition and semantic understanding has been become a hot point in research field of pattern recognition, artificial intelligence (AI) and human computer interaction (HCI).本学位论文对离线状态下的手绘基本图形进行研究,实现了手绘图形的像素描述到几何参数描述过程,并建立了对手绘有限状态转移图进行语义理解的初步框架。

3)semantic interpretation语义理解

1.In this thesis, we will study thesemantic interpretation of railway invasion in railway scenes.2)发展了适用于铁路的视频语义理解的高层处理框架,提出了基于轨迹点的行为建模方法<C,C,P>模型,实现了对铁路入侵行为的自动识别。

2.Action analysis andsemantic interpretation in surveillance video have recently attracted increasing attention in the computer vision community.在机器视觉领域,针对监控视频的行为分析和语义理解技术日益受到关注。

4)Semantic layer comprehension语义层理解

5)graphic semantic understanding图形语义理解

6)print comprehension书面语意义理解


