100字范文 > 线性离散切换系统 linear discrete-time switched system英语短句 例句大全

线性离散切换系统 linear discrete-time switched system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-24 02:40:16


线性离散切换系统 linear discrete-time switched system英语短句 例句大全

线性离散切换系统,linear discrete-time switched system

1)linear discrete-time switched system线性离散切换系统

1.Fault-tolerant control for a class oflinear discrete-time switched systems;一类线性离散切换系统的容错控制


1.Observer-based exponential stabilization for a class of discrete-time switched nonlinear systems一类非线性离散切换系统基于观测器的指数镇定

2.State feedback control for a class of uncertain linear discrete-time switched systems with multi-indices一类不确定线性离散切换系统的多指标状态反馈控制

3.Robust Stabilization for Non-Linear Discrete-Time Swiched Systems一类离散的非线性切换系统的鲁棒镇定性问题

4.Robust Control of Uncertain Switched Linear Discrete Time Systems with Time Delays不确定时滞线性离散时间切换系统的鲁棒控制

5.The Feedback Stability Problem of a Sort of Linear Uncertain Switched System一类离散的线性不确定切换系统的反馈镇定问题

6.Stability Analysis of Switched Systems with Discrete-time Subsystems;含有离散子系统的切换系统的稳定性分析

7.Study on Stability and Robust Control for Discrete Impulsive Switched System离散脉冲切换系统的稳定性及鲁棒控制研究

8.H_∞ Robustness Analysis for a Class of Uncertain Discrete-Time Switched Systems with Time Delay一类不确定离散时滞切换系统的H_∞鲁棒性分析

9.Robust D-stability and H_∞ control of uncertain discrete switched systems不确定离散切换系统的鲁棒D-稳定性与H_∞控制

10.Analysis and Synthesis for a Class of Discrete-time Switched Systems;一类离散时间切换系统的分析与综合

11.discrete random nonlinear system离散随机非线性系统

12.Stability Analysis and Robust Control for a Class of Switched T-S Fuzzy Discrete-time Systems with Time-Delay离散时滞切换T-S型模糊系统稳定性及鲁棒控制

13.Study on guaranteed cost control problems for a class of discrete impulsive switched system with time delays and parameter uncertainty具有时滞的不确定离散脉冲切换系统的保性能控制问题研究

14.Stability of Switched Linear Systems Under Fuzzy Switching Strategy基于模糊切换策略的线性切换系统的稳定性

15.Robust Control of Discrete Impulsive Switched Systems and Its Application;离散脉冲切换系统的鲁棒控制及其应用

16.Stability Analysis of a class of Periodically Switched Linear Time-varying Systems一类周期线性时变切换系统的稳定性

17.Global Stabilization for Nonlinear Lipschitz Discrete-time Systems;非线性Lipschitz离散系统的全局可镇定性

18.The Modeling and Application of Vertical Handover in Vehicle Area Networks Based on Fuzzy Discrete Event System基于模糊离散事件系统的车域网垂直切换系统建模和应用


Linear discrete-time switched system with time-varying delay线性离散时滞切换系统

3)switched discrete-time systems离散切换系统

1.Robust H_∞ filtering forswitched discrete-time systems with time-delays;时滞离散切换系统的H_∞滤波(英文)

4)switched discrete system切换离散系统

1.Genetic algorithm is used to search the switched instant to mimimize the performance function so that the optimal control problem of theswitched discrete system can be obtain a analytic solution i.为了解决一类切换离散系统最优控制问题,针对系统切换次数固定且性能指标为二次型的情况,基于动态规划原理的思想,将多级决策问题转化为多个单级决策问题。

5)switched linear system切换线性系统

1.In this paper,theswitched linear system model of Buck converter was first built,and then the controllability and reachability definitions and theorems of theswitched linear system with the same systematic matrix and different input matrices were presented according to the characteristics of theswitched linear system model for Buck converters.尝试在Buck变换器的能控性和能达性研究中引入混杂动态系统和切换线性系统的概念 。

2.Stability problem of a class ofswitched linear systems is studied,of which the subsystem matrices are in diagonal canonical or Jordan canonical forms.研究了子系统中系统矩阵为对角标准型或者Jordan标准型的切换线性系统的稳定性。

3.The problem of robust fault detection filter design for a class ofswitched linear systems with unknown input is studied.研究具有未知输入扰动的一类切换线性系统的鲁棒故障诊断滤波器设计问题。

6)switched linear systems线性切换系统

1.The quadratic robust stability for a class ofswitched linear systems with uncertainty;一类不确定线性切换系统的二次鲁棒稳定性

2.Robust stability ofswitched linear systems with switching law uncertainty;切换规则不确定线性切换系统的鲁棒稳定性

3.Quadratic robust stabilization of a class ofswitched linear systems with uncertainties;一类不确定线性切换系统的二次鲁棒镇定


离散时间周期序列的离散傅里叶级数表示 (1)式中χ((n))N为一离散时间周期序列,其周期为N点,即式中r为任意整数。X((k))N为频域周期序列,其周期亦为N点,即X(k)=X(k+lN),式中l为任意整数。从式(1)可导出已知X((k))N求χ((n))N的关系(2)式(1)和式(2)称为离散傅里叶级数对。当离散时间周期序列整体向左移位m时,移位后的序列为χ((n+m))N,如果χ((n))N的离散傅里叶级数(DFS)表示为,则χ((n+m))N的DFS表示为
