100字范文 > 应变贡献部分变形 strain contribution deformation英语短句 例句大全

应变贡献部分变形 strain contribution deformation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-17 03:18:37


应变贡献部分变形 strain contribution deformation英语短句 例句大全

应变贡献部分变形,strain contribution deformation

1)strain contribution deformation应变贡献部分变形

1.We divide the spatial information of the movement of the blocks into rigid movement,strain contribution deformation and irregular deformation.利用GPS时间序列对块体运动的信息进行了分离,发现块体的刚性运动、应变贡献部分变形和非规则变形所占的比重有明显差异,其中第一部分比重最大,其余两部分比重相当。

2)fission contribution裂变贡献

3)rate of target contribution变量贡献率

1.Research and application ofrate of target contribution in raising ability of business beneficial result;变量贡献率在提高企业效益能力中的应用


1.Research and application of rate of target contribution in raising ability of business beneficial result;变量贡献率在提高企业效益能力中的应用

2.The Research on the Measuring of Human Capital Contribution Ratio and Contribution Value in Enterprise;企业人力资本贡献率及贡献价值计量研究

3.Estimation of Technological Progress Contribution to Economic Growth Based on the Structure Change;考虑结构变动的技术进步贡献率测算

4.The Aggregate Production Function and Contribution Rate of Technical Change to Economic Growth in China;我国总量生产函数与技术进步贡献率

5.Analysis on the Contribution Rate of Key Elements of Cocoon Production Increases in Shandong Province;山东省蚕茧产量增长要素贡献率分析

6.Quantificational count of technological advancement contribution rate for resourceful city;资源型城市科技进步贡献率定量测算

7.A new research method for the quantification of productivity contribution in the commingled producing wells一种新的合采井单层贡献率定量方法

8.Air Temperature Change and Contribution Ratio of Urbanization in Zhengzhou City for Recent 50 Years郑州50年来的气温变化及城市化对其贡献率

9.Human Capital Stock Analysis of the Contribution Rate to China s Economic Growth;人力资本存量对中国经济增长的贡献率分析

10.Econometric Analysis on Contribution of Agricultural Technical Change in Chongqing from 1986 to ;1986~重庆市农业技术进步贡献率的计量分析

11.The Measure of Technological Progress’s Contribution of Jiangsu Construction Industry Compared with Shanghai and Zhejiang;沪苏浙建筑业技术进步贡献率的计量与比较

12.Study on the Contribution Rate for Economic Increase of Scientific and Technological Progress in Gansu;甘肃经济增长中科技进步贡献率的计量分析

13.A Comparison between the New Classical Economy Pattern and the Ratio of technical Innovation Contribution;新古典经济模型与科技进步贡献率的度量研究

14.Evaluation on the Contribution Rate of Curing to Leaf Quality of Tobacco by the Means of Minus利用差减法评判烘烤对烟叶质量的贡献率

15.The quantitative analysis of the contribution of the regulation of agricultural structure to the agricultural economic growth;农业结构变化对农业经济增长贡献的计量分析

16.I"ll contribute my mite.我要贡献一份力量。

17.Change of average wind speed is very small, hence it has little contribution to the development of desertification.平均侵蚀风速变化很小,对沙漠化发展的贡献率为零。

18.Analysis of the Industrial Structural Change and Its Contribution Rate: Using Zhejiang Provincial Statistical Data from 1990 to ;基于产业结构演变及其贡献率的分析——运用浙江省1990—统计数据


fission contribution裂变贡献

3)rate of target contribution变量贡献率

1.Research and application ofrate of target contribution in raising ability of business beneficial result;变量贡献率在提高企业效益能力中的应用

4)input variables contribution analysis输入变量贡献分析

5)partial deformation部分形变

6)The contribution rate of DSV结构变动贡献率


