100字范文 > 负载惯量 load inertia英语短句 例句大全

负载惯量 load inertia英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-24 20:22:34


负载惯量 load inertia英语短句 例句大全

负载惯量,load inertia

1)load inertia负载惯量

1.According to calculating load torque,load inertia and acceleration torque,considering the related parameters of all series servo motor of FANUC,the paper explains the particular process of AC servo motor selection with a true case.通过计算负载力矩、负载惯量和加速力矩等要素,结合FANUC各伺服电机的相关参数,并以实例说明进给轴应选择的伺服电机型号。

2)drive for high-inertia load大惯量负载驱动

3)load moment of inertia负载的转动惯量

4)load moment of inertia负载转动惯量

5)Load inertia calculation负载惯量计算

6)inertial load惯性负载

1.To study theinertial load and the thermal efficiency of hydraulic free piston engine,this paper analyzes the influence ofinertial load on the burning performance of internal combustion engines and points out that theinertial load is important for the cylinder to be heated with a constant volume in a fast burning period.为研究液压自由活塞发动机的惯性负载与热效率,分析了惯性负载对发动机燃烧进程的影响,指出惯性负载对速燃期气缸等容加热起着重要作用,缸内峰值压力通常可达6~9MPa,热能得到充分利用,发动机具有较高的热效率。


1.Research on the Bi-direction Electro-hydraulic Proportional Tension Control System with High Inertia Loads;大惯性负载双向电液比例张力控制系统研究

2.Theoretical and Experimental Research on Energy Recovery of Secondary Regulated Inertia Load System二次调节惯性负载系统节能特性的理论与实验研究

3.Research on Position Control Strategy of High Inertia Load on Switched Reluctance Motor;基于开关磁阻电机的大惯性负载的位置控制策略的研究

4.Study on Collaborative Simulation Technique of Electro-Hydraulic Traction System with Large Inertia Flexibility Load大惯性柔性负载电液牵引系统联合仿真研究

5.Analysis and Research on the Characteristic of Electro-Hydraulic Speed Servo System Affected By Load with Large Inertia and Elasticity;大惯性柔性负载对电液速度伺服系统特性影响的分析与研究

6.Study on the Characteristics of the Traction System with Large Inertia Flexibility Load in the Secondary Adjusting Hydrostatic Technology应用二次调节技术的大惯性柔性负载牵引系统特性研究

7.Nonlinear Load A nonlinear load is a load for which the relationship between voltage and current is not a linear function.非线性负载电压和电流之间是非线性关系的负载称为非性形负载。

8.periodic rating周期性负载工作能力

9.linear load field effect transistor线性负载场效应晶体管

10.If the error occurs when accelerating/ decelerating: Please examine the inertia.加速、速时发生错误:请检查惯性负荷。

11.If the error occurs when accelerating/decelerating: Please examine the inertia.加速、减速时发生错误:请检查惯性负荷。

12.Reliability Analysis of Loading Fly Wheel on Inertia Test Bed for Brake制动器惯性试验台加载飞轮的可靠性分析

13.Effects of Basic Support on Catalytic Performance over Supported CoO Catalysts碱性载体对负载型CoO催化剂催化性能的影响

14.Research on the DC/AC Inverter Supplies Powering Nonlinear Loads;非线性负载条件下的逆变器特性研究

15.Removal Characteristics of Vapour-Phase Elemental Mercury Through Active Carbon-Supported CuO/Cl负载CuO/Cl活性炭的气态汞脱除特性

16.Application of shunt active power filter in capacitive nonlinear load并联型APF在容性非线性负载中应用

17.Technological Study on Production Test of Airbone Missile IGS机载导弹惯性制导装置生产测试工艺研究

18.Study on Key Technology of High Precision Vehicle Inertial Navigation System;高精度车载惯性导航系统关键技术研究


drive for high-inertia load大惯量负载驱动

3)load moment of inertia负载的转动惯量

4)load moment of inertia负载转动惯量

5)Load inertia calculation负载惯量计算

6)inertial load惯性负载

1.To study theinertial load and the thermal efficiency of hydraulic free piston engine,this paper analyzes the influence ofinertial load on the burning performance of internal combustion engines and points out that theinertial load is important for the cylinder to be heated with a constant volume in a fast burning period.为研究液压自由活塞发动机的惯性负载与热效率,分析了惯性负载对发动机燃烧进程的影响,指出惯性负载对速燃期气缸等容加热起着重要作用,缸内峰值压力通常可达6~9MPa,热能得到充分利用,发动机具有较高的热效率。


低惯量电动机低惯量电动机low-inertia electrical machine筒形转子电动机电枢的结构示意图。这种电动机由套筒形笼型转子和装在套筒内的内定子铁芯两部分组成。套筒形转子有一个用电工钢制成的空心套筒和嵌在套筒上的一些铝质笼型导条,套筒两端由法兰盘固定在输出轴上。内定子铁芯用硅钢片叠成,两端用滚珠轴承支撑在输出轴上。它和输出轴之间只有轴承中产生的摩擦阻力,因此,由图1低惯t套筒形转子电动机电枢结构示意图1一铝导条;2一套筒;3一内定子铁芯内定子铁芯所增加的转动惯量很小,电机的转动惯量主要取决于套筒形转子。这种转子比杯形转子机械强度高,功率可大为增加。但这种转子结构复杂,制造困难。低惯t无槽直流电动机这种电动机尽量选用较小的电枢直径和较长的电枢长度,采用无槽电枢结构,如图2所示。无槽电枢的铁芯先用绝缘带缠绕一层,然后用环氧树脂将绕组固定在电枢表面上,再缠绕一层绝缘带,其机械强度与有槽电枢相近。 图2低惯t无槽 直流电动机电枢结构示意图1一绕组.2一环氧树脂; 3一绝缘带,4一铁芯由于电枢无槽,不必考虑气隙磁密因齿磁密过高而受到限制,设计电动机时可选取较高的气隙磁密,使无槽电枢铁芯减小,一般比有槽电枢大约可减少一半;又由于电枢绕组固定在无槽电枢表面上,冷却效果较好,设计时可选取较高的电流密度、截面较小的导线,这使电枢重量减轻,转动惯量降低;此外,还由于电枢绕组固定在电枢铁芯表面上,绕组的电感较小,使电抗电动势减小,从而改善了电动机的换向,减小了电动机的机电时间常数,快速响应好。d一guonl.ong dIQndongjl低惯t电动机(IOw一inertia eleetriealma-chine)采用专门的措施减小转子转动惯量的拉制电机。其工作原理与同类型的伺服电动机相似。由于低惯量,使电动机灵敏度高,机械过波过程短,控制系统准确性好。常用的低惯量电动机有低惯量套筒形转子电动机和低惯量无植直流电动机两种。低惯t套筒形转子电动机图1所示为低惯量套
